New species of Steleops (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Psocidae) from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru Author Obando, Ranulfo González Author García, Alfonso N. Author Carrejo, Nancy Soraya text Zootaxa 2011 3139 28 54 journal article 45731 10.5281/zenodo.207655 d7445aa6-4e28-4706-bbd1-936f407b547e 1175-5326 207655 Steleops mendivili n. sp. ( Figs. 44−54 ) Male. Color (in 80% alcohol). Head with genae creamy white; compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, surrounded by a thick, ochre rim, the lower one separated from the two upper ones by thin, creamy, convergent lines. Head with dark brown pattern as illustrated ( Fig. 46 ): two dark brown, diagonal bands from each compound eye, directed towards epistomal sulcus, forming a V, continuing to postclypeus and labrum; a creamy white area between the bands from the compound eyes and in vertex. Postclypeus with ochre, almost vertical striae. Genae creamy white. Antennae: Scape and pedicel cream, pedicel with small, apical, dark brown band; flagellum creamy white; maxillary palpomeres creamy white, Mx4 distally pale brown. Prothorax creamy white, meso- and metathorax dark brown, with some small creamy areas; prothoracic coxae and trochanter creamy white, prothoracic femur, tibia and tarsi pale brown, femur with a dark ring medially; meso and metathoracic coxae dark brown, with apex creamy white; meso- and metathoracic trochanter, femur, tibia and t1 creamy, distally brown, t2 brown; meso- and metathoracic femora with dark brown ring medially. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown. Abdomen creamy white, with irregular dark, subcuticular rings, less pigmented ventrally; genital segments dark brown; epiproct and paraprocts yellowish cream. Fore wings and hind wings hyaline, veins brown. Morphology. Head deeply concave at vertex, compound eyes elongate, pedunculate ( Fig. 46 ), sides almost parallel in front view, MxW/MnW: 1.42, H/MxW: 1.20; C: 425 microns. Fore wings ( Fig. 44 ): L/W: 2.85; pterostigma widest in the middle, Rs-M joined by a short crossvein; Rs curved and shorter than R 2+3-R 4+5; cell M almost rectangular; areola postica trapeziform. Hind wing Rs-M fused, Rs about four times the length of the fused length; R 4+5 about three times as long as Rs. Hypandrium symmetric ( Fig. 49 ); central strap strongly sclerotized, curved posteriorly ( Fig. 45 ), with a row of denticles along the sides; two basal, short, acuminate projections. Phallosome broadly pentagonal ( Fig. 48 ). Clunium with two long, strongly sclerotized projections, with small denticles, distally rounded, curved inwards ( Figs. 45, 47 ). Paraprocts ( Fig. 47 ) round, setose, sensory fields with 20−22 trichobothria in basal rosettes; mesal prong short, slender, acuminate. Epiproct ( Fig. 47 ) broad, scutiform, concave laterally, with antero-lateral corners round, slightly protruding. Measurements. FW: 4175, HW: 3075, F: 925, T: 1800, t1: 800, t2: 175, ctt1: 40, Mx4: 220, f1: 1140, f2: 1160, f3: 930, f4: 810, IO: 350, D: 460, d: 350, IO/d: 1.31. Female . Color (in 80% alcohol). Body creamy white, with dark areas as indicated below. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, as in the male. Head pattern as illustrated ( Fig. 52 ): two ochre bands from each compound eye, directed towards epistomal sulcus, meeting a slender ochre band radiating on each side of ocellar group, then continuing to epistomal sulcus; a cream area between the bands from the compound eyes, and a large pigmented area between ocellar group and epistomal sulcus, as illustrated. Postclypeus with ochre diagonal striae. Antennae: Scape pale brown, pedicel and flagellum creamy white; maxillary palpomeres 1−3 white, Mx4 pale brown. Prothoracic coxae pale brown; meso- and metathoracic coxae dark brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown. Abdomen creamy, with well defined subcuticular dark rings. Fore wings ( Fig. 50 ) almost hyaline, Sc brown, R1 creamy-yellowish, bordering the pterostigma, nodus brown. M+CuA, CuA, Cu 1b, proximal part of Cu 1a, distal part of R 2+3 and basal part of M2 y M3 yellowish green; other veins brown. Brown spots on Rs, M and near nodulus (junction CuP-A), as illustrated. Hind wings hyaline, veins Rs, M, and CuA brown. FIGURES 44−49 . Steleops mendivili n. sp. Male. 44. Fore wing and hind wing. 45. Side view of genitalia: Clunium, paraprocts-epiproct and hypandrium. 46. Front view of head. 47. Paraprocts and epiproct. 48. Phallosome. 49. Hypandrium. Scales in mm. FIGURES 50−54 . Steleops mendivili n. sp. Female. 50. Fore wing and hind wing. 51. Left gonapophyses and spermapore. 52. Front view of head. 53. Paraprocts and epiproct. 54. Subgenital plate. Scales in mm. Morphology. Head deeply concave at vertex, sides almost parallel, compound eyes oval, pedunculate ( Fig. 52 ), H/MxW: 1.25; MxW/MnW: 1.30, C: 380 microns. Fore wings ( Fig. 50 ): L/W: 2.97; pterostigma as in the males, lp/wp: 3.46; Rs-M joined by a short crossvein; Rs curved and shorter than R 2+3; cell M almost rectangular; areola postica trapeziform. Hind wing as in the males; vein R 4+5 almost 3 times as long as Rs. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 54 ) broad, triangular, setose, with posterior projection short, rounded, distally narrow and with two pairs of macrosetae and one pair of short setae: apex with a field of fine setae. Ninth sternum broad, membranous; spermapore circular, surrounded by a little pigmented, elongate area, spermapore sclerite broad, triangular ( Fig. 51 ). Gonapophyses ( Fig. 51 ): V1 long, slender, distally pointed, with a field of spines distally on inner margin; V2 almost as long as V1 , stout, distally rounded, with scattered microsetae; V3 trianguliform, as long as V2 , setose as illustrated. Paraprocts ( Fig. 53 ) broadly triangular, with apex rounded, with macrosetae in outer margin; sensory fields with 24 trichobothria issuing from basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 53 ), basally wide, almost trapeziform; posterior border widely rounded, with field of setae mesally, and a row of setae along postero-lateral border. Measurements. FW: 4525, HW: 3300, F: 950, T: 1900, t1: 788, t2: 175, ctt1: 46, Mx4: 270, f1: 1120, f2: 1250, f3: 965, f4: 830, IO: 550, D: 330, d: 410, IO/d: 1.34. Specimens studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA , Valle del Cauca, Dagua, Km 30. ( 3° 34' 19,8'' N : 76° 39' 46,5'' W ), 1344 m , 24.iv.2011 . MUSENUV slide cod. 23540. J. Mendívil. Paratypes : 1 female , 13.iii.2011 , MUSENUV slide cod. 23541, 3 females and 2 males , 29.iv. 2011 , MUSENUV cod. 23542. J. Mendívil & R. González. On trunk and branches of Psidium guajava . Etymology. This species is dedicated to its collector, Julián Alexander Mendívil, a student of the Biology Department, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, Colombia .