Revision of the enigmatic Southeast Asian spider genus Savarna (Araneae, Pholcidae) Author Huber, Bernhard A. Author Petcharad, Booppa Author Bumrungsri, Sara text European Journal of Taxonomy 2015 2015-12-10 160 1 23 journal article 65a5e6d8-d655-4949-8f4f-f5fc7930f5f4 830786 AFC4DF73-9767-4929-86F7-328ED9B65FDB Savarna thaleban Huber, 2005 Figs 8–10 , 30–31 , 42–43 , 55–62 Savarna thaleban Huber, 2005: 77 , Fgs 124–126, 131–134 ( Ƌ ). Diagnosis Easily distinguished from known congeners by morphology of male palp (shape of bulbal apophysis; tip of procursus; Fgs 131–132 in Huber 2005 ), and by female external and internal genitalia (epigynal plate without median or lateral processes, posterior margin evenly curved; pore plates oval, not contiguous; Figs 30–31 , 42–43 ); from S. tessellata and S. miser also distinguished by black marks laterally on carapace ( Fig. 9 ). Material examined Holotype THAILAND : Ƌ , Satun Province , Thale Ban National Park ( 6°42.5’N , 100°10’E ), 270 m a.s.l., 15–18 Oct. 2003 , ATOL Expedition 2003 leg., MACN , examined ( Huber 2005 ) . Other material THAILAND : 8 ♀♀ , 6 juvs , same data as holotype ( MACN ; see Huber 2005 ) ; 6 ƋƋ , 9 ♀♀ , 3 juvs , Thale Ban National Park ( 6°43.58’ N , 100°09.74’ E ), forest and cave entrance , near ground among rocks , 100 m a.s.l., 5 Mar. 2015 , B.A. Huber & B. Petcharad leg., ZFMK ( Ar 12993, 12994 ) ; 3 ƋƋ , 3 ♀♀ , same data ( PSUZC ) ; 1 Ƌ , 1 ♀ , 2 juvs , in pure ethanol, same data, ZFMK ( Mal 326 ) . Amendments to original description Male clypeus with pair of small lateral processes at rim ( Fig. 55 ). Male gonopore without epiandrous spigots. Male and female ALS with only two spigots each ( Fig. 61 ). In the palp illustrated in the original description ( Huber 2005: Fgs 131–132 ), the bulb is rotated about 180° from its natural position. In the natural position, the long bulbal process is directed in the opposite direction and the proximal bulbal sclerite is visible in prolateral view. All males seen without leg spines; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1, present on other tibiae; male and female tarsus 4 with single row of ventral comb-hairs ( Fig. 62 ). Tibia 1 in 8 males : 4.5–5.4 (mean: 5.0); in 9 females : 4.2–4.9 (mean 4.5). Natural history All specimens were found in the forest outside a small cave, in domed webs among rocks close to the ground. Spiders were abundant but Fed very rapidly, dropping from the web to the ground and becoming essentially invisible. Distribution Known only from the type locality ( Fig. 1 ).