Taxonomic review of the plant bug genera Amapacylapus and Cylapus with descriptions of two new species and a key to the genera of Cylapini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) Author Wolski, Andrzej text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2017-12-31 57 2 399 455 journal article 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0084 0374-1036 5315312 03305E03-AF44-4C6D-9E2B-9A3EE979C5AF Amapacylapus amapariensis Carvalho & Fontes, 1968 ( Figs 1, 2, 6 , 8–16 , 23 ) Amapacylapus amapariensis Carvalho & Fontes, 1968: 280 , Figs 9–10 (new species); CARVALHO (1982) : 814 , Figs 8–11 (description of male, male genitalia); CARVALHO & FROESCHNER (1987) : 139 (list); SCHUH (1995) : 19 (catalog); GORCZYCA (2006b) : 12 (catalog); SCHUH (2013) (online catalog); CHÉROT & CARPINTERO (2016) : 84 (record). Type material (not examined). HOLOTYPE : , “Rio Amapari, T. Amapá , III–64, J.M.C.col.” (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil ). Additional specimens examined. ECUADOR : ORELLANA : J, “ Napo , Res.Ethnica Waorani, 1 km S., Onkone Gare Camp , Trans. Ent., 4 Oct. 1996 , 220 m, 00°39′10″S , 76°26′00″W , T.L. Erwin , et. al.; Insecticidal fogging of mostly bare green leaves, some with covering of lichenous or bryophytic plants in terre firme forest, Lot 1737, Trans. T–8” ( USNM ) ( Fig. 1 ) . GUYANA : POTARO- SIPARUNI: , “Tumatumari, B.G. 1913” ( AMNH ) ( Fig. 2 ) . Diagnosis. Recognized by the following set of characters: pronotum with irregular, longitudinal yellow patches laterally and medially ( Figs 1, 2 ); yellow pattern on corium fully developed, without a patch on inner apical angle of endocorium, situated near apex of clavus (p7) ( Fig. 23 ); male genitalia as described below and depicted in Figs 12–22 . Most similar to A. englemani in sharing pronotum with irregular, longitudinal yellow patches laterally and medially, and corium with fully developed yellow pattern ( Figs 23, 24 , arrows). It can be distinguished by the round corial patches (broad and elongate in A. englemani ) and the lack of the yellow patch on inner apical angle of endocorium (p7) ( Figs 23, 24 ). Redescription. Female . (Composite description based on CARVALHO & FONTES (1968) and the specimens mentioned below). Coloration ( Figs 1–2, 6 , 23 ). Dorsum dark brown with yellow and reddish areas. Head . Vertex blackish posteriorly, rest of vertex yellow, sometimes with brown or blackish, longitudinal tinge along medial sulcus; frons brown, tinged with yellow basally, medially and laterally; mandibular plate yellow red; maxillary plate blackish; buccula and clypeus yellow, tinged with brown; antennal segment I yellow; segment II brown with yellow annulation basally and sometimes also with yellow annulation near apex; segments III and IV dark brown; segments III with narrow, yellow annulation basally; labium dark brown black; segment I tinged with yellow medially. Thorax. Pronotum dark brown, broadly tinged with yellow laterally; posterior margin with two, relatively large, patches apically; collar dirty yellow. Thoracic pleura brown to dark brown with large, yellow areas; proepisternum yellow ventrally; proepimeron tinged with yellow; mesepimeron yellow ventrally and posteriorly; metepisternum with large, yellow patch on dorsal angle; metathoracic scent gland evaporative area and peritreme entirely white to pale yellow. Mesoscutum and scutellum dark brown; mesoscutum with large, yellow patch laterally; scutellum with three yellow patches: two basolaterally and one apically, medial portion of mesoscutum with yellow, longitudinal stripe along entire length. Hemelytron dark brown; corial yellow pattern fully developed except for patch situated on inner, apical angle of endocorium situated near apex of clavus (p7); yellow patches on apex of corium and embolium and on inner margin of cuneus tinged with red. Legs . Coxae dark castaneous; pro- and mesocoxae weakly tinged with yellow basally; remaining segments dark brown to black; femora and tibiae with yellow annulations. Male . Similar to female in coloration, structure, texture, and vestiture. Male genitalia ( Figs 12–16 ). Aedeagus ( Fig. 12 ). Endosoma membranous, with serrate lobes laterally and apically; endosomal sclerite cylindrical, weakly tapering toward apex; secondary gonopore clearly present, cuplike, with dentate aperture. Left paramere ( Figs 13–15 ). Apical process thin, paramere body with inner margin arcuate and outer margin sinuate; sensory lobe well developed. Right paramere ( Fig. 16 ). Apical process sharply pointed; paramere body curved. Measurements (in mm). J / (*: holotype measurements). Body . Length: 5.50–6.20 / 6.20–6.60*, width 2.20–2.60 / 2.60*–3.00. Head . Length: 0.40–0.60 / 0.40*–0.63, width: 1.40–1.50 / 1.40*–1.48, interocular distance 0.45–0.48 / 0.50–0.52*. Antenna . Length of segment I: 0.50 / 0.40*–0.52, II: 1.60–1.70 / 1.60*–1.75, III: 2.50–2.60 / 2.80*, IV: 2.80* / 3.50–3.60. Length of segment I: 1.13, II: 1.10, III: – / 0.85, IV: – / 0.88. Pronotum . Length: 0.80–0.85 / 0.80*–0.85, width of anterior margin: 1.10 / 1.20, length of lateral margin: 0.85 / 0.85, width of posterior margin: 1.90–2.20 / 2.10*–2.30. Figs 8–11. Scanning electron micrographs of Amapacylapus amapariensis Carvalho & Fontes, 1968: 8 – dorsal habitus; 9 – lateral view; 10 – thoracic pleura; 11 – protarsus.Abbreviations: ea = evaporative areas; msp = metathoracic spiracle; pc = posterior carina; per = peritreme. Biology. Collected using insecticidal fogging of mostly bare green leaves, some with covering of lichenous or bryophytic plants in terre firme forest. Distribution. Brazil ( Amapá , Amazonas) ( CARVALHO & FONTES 1968 ), Ecuador (this paper), French Guyana ( CHÉROT & CARPINTERO 2016 ), Guyana ( Potaro-Siparuni ) (this paper).