Lesteva (s. str.) amica sp. n., a new species from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae: Anthophagini) Author Shavrin, Alexey V. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-10-12 5195 3 293 295 journal article 163169 10.11646/zootaxa.5195.3.8 24e4748f-2044-4d51-95de-06684817a189 1175-5326 7187901 E5B364B1-F002-4955-ADE7-26DCD21E2FB7 Lesteva (s.str.) amica Shavrin , sp. n. ( Figs. 1–4 ) Type material examined. Holotype , (a plastic plate with the aedeagus and apical abdominal segments in Canada balsam is pinned under the card with the specimen): ‘ YUNNAN 2900-3500m | 27.01N 100.12E 1993 | YULONGSHAN mts. 24- | Vít Kubán le. -26/5.’ <printed>, ‘HOLOTYPE | Lesteva (s.str.) | amica sp. n. | Shavrin A.V. des. 2022’ <red, printed> ( NHMB ). Description. Measurements: maximum width of head including eyes: 0.72; length of head (from base of labrum to neck constriction along head midline): 0.47; length of antenna: 2.24; ocular length (longitudinal): 0.22; length of temples: 0.11; length of pronotum: 0.73; maximum width of pronotum: 0.87; sutural length of elytra (length of elytra from the apex of scutellum to the posterior margin of sutural angle): 1.55; maximum width of elytra: 1.50; maximum width of abdomen: 1.32; length of metatibia ( holotype ): 0.80; length of metatarsus ( holotype ): 0.52 (combined length of metatarsomeres 1–4: 0.35; length of metatarsomere 5: 0.17); length of aedeagus: 0.79; total body length (from anterior margin of clypeus to apex of abdomen): 3.95. Habitus as in Fig. 1 . Body dark-brown; mouthparts, antennomeres 1–2 and tarsi yellow-brown (maxillary palpi and metatarsomeres paler); antennomeres 3–11 and legs brownish (tibiae slightly darker). Body glossy; forebody without microsculpture; abdominal tergites with very fine transverse microreticulation, indistinct on abdominal tergites VII-VIII. Pubescence of forebody yellow, moderately long and semierect; abdominal tergites with dense, very fine, decumbent pubescence. Head 1.5 times as broad as long, distinctly convex in middle, slightly and transversely depressed at level of posterior third of eyes, with deep, long and moderately wide depressions between middle and infraorbital portions; temples twice shorter than longitudinal length of eyes, gradually narrowed toward neck. Eyes large and convex. Ocelli small, distance between ocelli slightly shorter than distance between ocellus and posterior margin of eye. Punctation very dense, moderately large and deep, slightly sparser in middle, denser and coarser on infraorbital portions, with small transverse impunctate area between ocelli. Antenna moderately long, exceeding apical third of elytra when reclined; basal antennomere about three times as long as broad, antennomere 2 distinctly shorter and narrower than basal antennomere, 3 slightly narrower and longer than 2, 4–8 slightly shorter than 3, 9–10 slightly broader and shorter than 8, apical antennomere 1.3 times as long as 10, from apical third gradually narrowed toward subacute apex. Pronotum convex, slightly broader than long, from widest anterior third widely rounded toward anterior and sharply narrowed toward subacute hind angles; laterobasal margins elongate and somewhat subparallel; anterior margin widely rounded, about as long as straight posterior margin. Punctation about as that on head, but distinctly denser, interspaces between punctures in middle about as long as diameters of one-two nearest punctures, sparser and finer in mediobasal portion. Scutellum large, with a few very fine and sparse punctation. Elytra convex, slightly longer than broad, slightly broadened posteriad, 1.3 times as long as pronotum; hind margins widely rounded. Punctation about as that on pronotum, but distinctly sparser and finer in parascutellar and apical portions and along suture. Metatarsus 1.5 times as long as metatibia; apical metatarsomere about as long as three preceding segments. Abdomen distinctly narrower than elytra, with two transverse spots in middle of abdominal tergite V and very narrow palisade fringe on apical margin of abdominal tergite VII. FIGURES 1–4. Habitus (Fig. 1), aedeagus (Figs. 2–3) and male abdominal sternite VIII (Fig. 4) of Lesteva parafluviata : 1—dorsal view, 2—parameral view, 3—lateral view, 4—ventral view. Scale bars (Fig. 1: 1.0 mm, Figs. 2–4: 0.1 mm). Male. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VIII concave. Apical margin of abdominal sternite VIII widely concave, with rounded protrusion in middle ( Fig. 4 ). Aedeagus with moderately wide basal part, gradually narrowed toward wide median lobe, and from apical third gradually narrowed toward subacute apex; parameres slightly broadened toward apical portion, reaching apex of median lobe, with four moderately short apical setae; internal sac moderately wide and long, with a narrow field of slightly elongate thorns in middle portion ( Fig. 2 ). Lateral aspect of aedeagus as in Fig. 3 . Female unknown. Comparative notes. Based on the shape and length of the body and punctation of the forebody, G . (s.str.) amica sp. n. is similar to dark specimens of Chinese L . (s.str.) dabashanensis Rougemont, 2000 , widely distributed in south-western China ( Rougemont 2000 , Shavrin 2017 , Cheng et al . 2019 ) and the Himalayan L . (s.str.) fluviata Champion, 1920 , known from North India and Nepal ( Champion 1920 , Shavrin 2012 ). It can be distinguished from L . (s.str.) dabashanensis by the narrower shape of the apical portion of the median lobe and longer parameres with different shape of the apical portion ( L . dabashanensis sometimes with truncate apical margins of parameres ( Shavrin 2017 : figs. 6–7)), and from L . (s.str.) fluviata by the broader and shorter apex of the median lobe (distinctly narrower and protruded in L . (s.str.) fluviata : fig. 1 in Shavrin (2012)) . From both species it can be distinguished by the shape of the apical margin of male abdominal sternite VIII, and details of the internal morphology of the aedeagus. Distribution. The new species is at present known only from the type locality in Yulongshan Mts., Yunnan , China . Bionomics. The detailed bionomical data are unknown. Etymology. The specific epithet is the Latin adjective amica , - us , - um (friendly, lovely). It alludes to the similar external and internal morphology with related species. Remarks. The similar shape of the apical margin of the male abdominal sternite VIII were observed in the Middle Asian L . (s.str.) nova Bernhauer, 1902 ( Shavrin 2015a ) and the Himalayan L . (s.str.) jaegeri Shavrin, 2012 ( Shavrin 2015b ) .