Systematic revision of Gonaphodiellus taxa, with description of two new genera and fourteen new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) Author Dellacasa, Marco Museo di Storia Naturale e del Territorio Università di Pisa Via Roma, 79 I- 56011 Calci (Pisa), Italy Author Dellacasa, Giovanni Via Talamone 31 / 19 I- 16127 Genova, Italy Author Gordon, Robert D. Northern Plains Entomology P. O. Box 65 Willow City, ND 58384 USA text Insecta Mundi 2012 2012-04-06 2012 230 1 41 journal article 55533 10.5281/zenodo.5174222 b0a0b4e7-7c0d-4b51-9a59-156975677df7 1942-1354 5174222 Gonaphodiopsis deloyai new species ( Fig. 104-108 ) Type locality. Cueva de Tasalolpan, 20°01’N097°31’W , m 1495, Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla , Mexico . Type repository. Dellacasa Collection, Genoa, Italy . Description. Length 4.0-4.5 mm; oblong elongate, convex, shiny, glabrous. Reddish brown; pronotum and elytra shadowy darker on disc; legs dark brown; antennal club testaceous. Head with epistome feebly convex, densely, evenly, moderately coarsely punctured; clypeus feebly sinuate at middle, round at sides, rather finely bordered, edge glabrous; genae broadly round, not ciliate, faintly protruding from the eyes; frontal suture feebly raised, not tuberculate; front evenly, moderately coarsely punctured. Pronotum transverse, moderately convex, dually punctured; punctation dense and almost uniformly scattered throughout; large punctures, five to six times larger than small ones, somewhat denser on sides, sparser medially; small, very fine punctures evenly scattered throughout; lateral margins nearly straight, very finely bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles truncate, truncation not inwardly sinuate; base almost regularly arcuate. Scutellum elongate, somewhat depressed laterally, finely punctured on basal half. Elytra convex, elongate, feebly broadened posteriorly, moderately denticulate at shoulder, deeply striate; striae rather fine, distinctly punctured, subcrenulate; interstriae slightly convex on disc, somewhat more convex on preapical declivity, very finely sparsely punctured. Hind tibiae upper spur somewhat shorter than first tarsal segment; first tarsal segment distinctly longer than following three segments combined. Male: pronotum relatively more transverse and less convex; fore tibiae spur stouter and shorter; aedeagus Fig. 107-108 . Female: pronotum relatively less transverse and more convex; fore tibiae spur slender and longer. Type material. MEXICO : Oaxaca : rd Mexico 135- San Gabriel Mixtepec env., 16°13’13.8’’ N-097 °08’55.7’’W, m 2600, 17.VI.2002 , leg. Dellacasa M. & Martínez I. ( 1 paratype , DCGI ) ; 26 Km E Valle Nacional Km 71, 25.VI-02.VIII.1983 , leg. Peck S. & J., mountain tropical forest, FIT ( 2 paratypes , DCGI , CNCI ) ; Puebla : 2.7 Km S Apulco , nr. Zacapoaxtla , m 1401, 22.VII.1987 , leg. Anderson R. S. , cloud forest ( 1 paratype , CNCI ) ; Cueva de Tasalolpan , Cuetzalan del Progreso , 20°01’N97°31’W , m 1495, 18.VIII.1987 , leg. Deloya A. C. , salchicha de nidificación de Haplogeotrupes reddelli (Howden) ( male holotype , DCGI ; allotype , FSCA ; 2 paratypes , DCGI ) ; Nuevo Necaxa , m 1200, 25-28.VII.1969 , leg. Peck S. & J., carrion baited trap , Sycamore forest ( 1 paratype , CNCI ) ; San Luis Potosí : 20 Km W Xilitla , m 1600, 12.VI-06.VIII.1983 , leg. Peck S. & J., FIT, cloud forest ( 2 paratypes , CNCI ) ; Tamaulipas : nr. Gomez Farias , Rancho del Cielo , m 1000, 06.VI. -07.VIII.1983, leg. Pack S. & J., FIT, cloud forest ( 3 paratypes , DCGI , CNCI ) ; Wet Cave , 06.II.1964 , leg. Reddell , McKenzie & Manire ( 1 paratype , USNM ) ; Veracruz : El Duraznal , m 1600, 15.VII.1994 , leg. Arellano L. & Sanchez R. , bosque encino, trampa copro vaca ( 1 paratype , DCGI ) . Distribution. Mexico ( Oaxaca , Puebla , San Luis Potosí , Tamaulipas , Veracruz ). Etymology. Named in honor of the Mexican scarabaeidologist Aristeo Cuauhtémoc Deloya, researcher at Instituto de Ecologia in Xalapa ( Veracruz ). Bionomics. Some of the specimens of the type series were collected in “salchicha de nidificación” of Haplogeotrupes reddelli (Howden) .