Taxonomic revision of Hemirrhagus Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Theraphosidae, Theraphosinae), with description of five new species from Mexico Author Mendoza Marroquín, Jorge I. text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2014 Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 2014-03-28 170 4 634 689 journal article 10.1111/zoj.12112 0024-4082 10273730 7BA11142-CBC1-4026-A578-EBAB6D2B6C0C HEMIRRHAGUS OCELLATUS PÉREZ- MILES & LOCHT, 2003 ( FIGS 1D, E , 17A–J , 18A–D , 19A–D , 49 ) Hemirrhagus ocellatus Pérez-Miles & Locht, 2003: 371 , figs 31–34 (D ). Type material: Holotype LAAH , MEXICO : Cueva Peña Blanca , Valle de Bravo , Estado de México 6.xi.1976 , col. S. Ibarra. Examined. Additional material examined: 3 ♂ CNAN 4457 , Cueva de la Peña Blanca , Valle de Bravo , Estado de México 27.viii.2011 , col. J. Mendoza , A. Valdez, D . Barrales, R . Monjaraz, E . Miranda . Emended diagnosis: The following character combination is diagnostic for H. ocellatus . Male palpal bulb with slender embolus similar in length to tegulum, SA ends at embolus retrolateral face ( Fig. 18A, D ); VG shallow ( Fig. 18B ). Embolus strongly curved retrolaterally on distal half ( Fig. 18C, D ). Metatarsus I straight ( Fig. 17H ). Ocular tubercle slightly reduced and eyes normally developed; periocular pigmentation complete ( Figs 17E , 19C ). Tarsi IIIV with scopulae divided. Six to ten labial cuspules ( Fig. 17F ). Males with rounded sternum ( Fig. 17B, G ). Urticating setae arranged in two dorsal paramedian patches; ovalshaped, yellowish-orange in colour, and well-defined margins ( Figs 17C , 19B ). Spermathecae paired, slightly fused; receptacles slender throughout their length; strongly curved outwards from the middle ( Fig. 19D ). Hemirrhagus ocellatus differs from most Hemirrhagus species by the urticating setae being arranged in two dorsal paramedian patches and from H. gertschi by the periocular pigmentation being complete. Description: Male: body length (not including chelicerae and spinnerets) 16.70, carapace: 6.58 long, 5.59 wide. Caput not markedly elevated; fovea recurved, 0.88 wide ( Fig. 17A ). Eyes: anterior eye row procurved, posterior eye row recurved. Periocular pigmentation complete. All eyes normally developed. Eye sizes and interocular distances: AME 0.28; ALE 0.30; PME 0.15; PLE 0.25; AME–AME 0.020; AME–ALE 0.025; PME–PME 0.48; PME–PLE 0.038; ALE–PLP 0.10. Ocular tubercle slightly reduced, width 1.15; length 0.73; clypeus lacking ( Fig. 17E ). Labium: length 0.83; width 1.33; with 10 cuspules. Maxilla inner corner with approximately 82 cuspules ( Fig. 17F ). Cheliceral promargin with 11 teeth (proximal to distal: first small, secondthird large, fourth small, fifth-sixth medium, seventhninth large, tenth medium, eleventh small). Sternum length 2.97. Sigillae semicircular, second, third, and fourth pairs hardly visible; fourth pair once its length from the margin ( Fig. 17B, G ). Leg formula: IV , I, III , II . Length of legs and palpal segments (femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus, total): I: 6.41, 3.38, 5.50, 5.14, 4.05, 24.48. II : 5.53, 3.09, 4.99, 4.82, 3.91, 22.34. III : 5.70, 2.57, 4.61, 5.64, 3.98, 22.50. IV : 7.28, 3.01, 6.18, 7.68, 4.60, 28.75. Palp: 4.65, 2.42, 3.66, -, 1.95, 12.68. Spinnerets: PMS , 0.7 long, 0.4 apart; PLS, 1.0 basal, 0.7 middle, 1.1 distal. Scopulae: tarsi I– IV densely scopulate, II , divided by a row of soft setae, III and IV divided by a row of hard setae. Metatarsi I– II scopulate on distal twothirds; III scopulate on distal third, and IV scopulate on distal fifth. Tibia I with two apophyses, which do not originate from a common base, Pap reduced with one large spinose seta on ventral face, spinose seta bent apically and exceeds the apex of Pap; Rap narrow with one large spinose seta on dorsal face, the spinose seta exceeds the apex of Rap ( Fig. 17I, J ). Metatarsus I straight ( Fig. 17H ). Stridulatory setae: lacking. Legs and palpi LSC in: palp trochanter retrolateral face, femur prolateral and retrolateral faces; leg I coxa retrolateral face, trochanter prolateral face, femur prolateral face; leg II trochanter prolateral face and femur prolateral face proximally. Chaetotaxy (left side): femora I 1p; II 1p; III 2p, 2r; IV 1p, 2r; palp 1p; patellae none; tibiae I 2p, 7v, 3r; II 2p, 8v; III 2p, 12v, 2r; IV 2p, 12v, 6r; palp 1p, 7v; metatarsi I 6v; II 1p, 6v; III 4p, 14v, 3r; IV 1d, 5p, 16v, 5r. Palp: embolus slender, similar in length to tegulum, SA ends at embolus retrolateral face; ventral groove shallow. Embolus strongly curved retrolaterally on distal half. Apex of embolus strongly curved ventrally ( Fig. 18A–D ). Urticating setae: type VI arranged in two dorsolateral patches, oval-shaped, yellowish-orange in colour and well-defined margins ( Fig. 17C ) . Colour pattern: in ethanol specimen colour is yellowish. Live specimens are black, with urticating setae patches yellowish-orange. Distribution and natural history: Known only from Cueva de la Peña Blanca, Valle de Bravo, Estado de México ( Figs 2D , 49 ). The specimens were found under rocks and walking on the cave walls at a depth of 30 m .