Description of a new species of Lauromacromia Geijskes, 1970 (Odonata: Corduliidae) from Southeastern Brazil
Carvalho, Alcimar L.
Salgado, Luiz Gustavo V.
Werneck-De-Carvalho, Pedro C.
journal article
Lauromacromia picinguaba
sp. nov.
Figures 1–7
. —
, Ubatuba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo
, A.L. Carvalho & L.G.V. Salgado leg. (emerged in
); —
4 females
, same locality:
2 females
01– 04.VI.2000
, A.L. Carvalho / Equipe Lab. Entomologia,
leg. (emerged in
17– 18.X.2000
2 females
, A.L. Carvalho & L.G.V. Salgado leg. (emerged in
. — The species epithet, “
”, refers to the typelocality. It is a latinized word from the TupiGuarani (a Brazilian indigenous language) that means “refuge of fishes”.
Lauromacromia picinguaba
sp. nov.
, living male holotype, lateral view.
Lauromacromia picinguaba
sp. nov.
, living female paratype, dorsal view.
). — Head (
Fig. 1
). Labrum uniformly ochraceous, with long setae sparsely distributed. Clypeus oliveochraceous; anteclypeus with two dark triangular spots linked basally near the limit with postclypeus; central area between spots distinctly lighter, without setae. Frons dark oliveochraceous, twolobed, with irregular surface; central ocellus in frontal view totally exposed in a depression between dorsal conical lobes; setae regularly distributed, more numerous than in labrum and clypeus. Vertex brown; twolobed dorsally; apex of lobes rounded; setae regularly distributed, more concentrated than on other areas of head. Occiput brown; triangular, heartshaped; with borders higher than the eyes; setae similar to those of vertex; posterior region of head black. Eyes greyishbrown; lateral profile of eyes with a central lobe; posterior limit with a yellow lateral stripe, ventrally enlarged, diffuse and including ommatidia. Base of prementum and labial palpi yellow with darkened borders.
Thorax (
Fig. 1
). Pronotum yellowish, with lateral extremities black; posterior lobe poorly developed, with enlarged base, bearing on superior border a row of short setae and some long setae directed upwards. Pterothorax brown with iridescent metallic green, presenting blue and purple reflexes, covered regularly with brown and golden yellow setae; stripe of metepisternum whitishyellow, long, wider than half of this area, inferior section limited by interpleural suture, including metathoracic spiracle; mesokatepisternum, close to mesoepisternum and mesoepimeron, palebrown; posterior border of prealar region and adjacent membranes whitishyellow; ventrolateral border, corresponding to metepimeron and metaposternum, with whitishyellow stripe extended ventrally, almost touching the corresponding stripe from the other side. Legs black, basally lighter, specially in first and second pairs; coxae and trochanters ochraceous; trochanter of first pair with a whitishyellow ventral spot; claws brown; tibiae with a prominent ventral keel, covering almost the apical half in first and second pairs and almost the entire article in third pair; apex of the keels projected, but not exceeding the dorsal limit of respective tibiae. Wings almost hyaline, yellowish in mediancostal region; base of wings darkened, at maximum 1/4 of space to first antenodal in FW and 1/
2 in
HW; venation black; pterostigma lightbrown, with sides not parallel; membranula enlarged, greyish, lighter basally.
Venation (left / right). Antenodals in FW
10 1/2
(two not aligned) / 12; in HW 7 / 7. Postnodals in FW 6 / 6; in HW 8 / 8. Arculus between first and second antenodals, closer to second. Sectors of arculus not stalked, originating at the same point of basal third of arculus. Triangles, supratriangles and subtriangles in FW free. Cubitoanal crossvein one in FW, two in HW. Discoidal field in FW slightly narrowed from base to level of costal nodus, with one cell row, widening posteriorly, [with four rows at maximum]. Mspl indistinct. R4+5 distinctly undulate in FW. Rspl weakly distinct, with one cell row between it and IR3. Anal loop saclike, not surpassing level of distal angle of triangle, with 8 cells, without central cell. Anal triangle with 2 cells. Space between anal loop and anal triangle with one cell at base. Space between posterior border and anal loop with 2 cell rows.
Abdomen (
Figs 1
). Cylindrical; segments 7–10 enlarged. Ground colour brown, lighter on basal segments; apex of tergites and intersegmental membranes darker; ventral border of tergites 1–7 yellowish. Abdominal colour pattern: segment 1 with a small yellow spot on posterolateral border; segment 2 with four pairs of yellow spots — the most dorsal disposed on second half, elongate transversally and narrowed on both ends, reaching superior limit of auricle; a lateral one disposed just above auricle, elongated upwards (parallel to dorsal spot) and downwards (bordering auricle); a larger and wider triangular spot between auricle and border of genital fossa; the fourth, rounded, on posterior limit of tergite, close to base of genital lobe. Segment 3 with an elongate yellow spot extending lateroventrally on basal third of segment, narrowed on both ends. Tergites 3–6 with yellow semicircular lateral spots, anterior to transversal carina; tergite 7 with a semicircular dorsolateral spot posterior to transversal carina; tergite 8 with a small dorsolateral yellow spot, close to anterior limit. Ventral yellow spots (tergites) on segments 7 and 8, on second half; intersegmental membrane of segments 9 and 10 almost white ventrally. Sternum of segment 1 with a prominent transversal fold, with setae directed backwards. Segment 2 with anterior ventral angles projected, with a tuft of setae directed inwards. Auricles ca. 1/3 of segment’s height in lateral view, enlarged basally, more inflated in their upper portion; with dozens of denticles on internal face, but with only ca. 12 visible in lateral view, directed inwards. Anterior laminae furrowed longitudinally, with inflate lateral portions bearing scattered setae. Hamular processes simple, represented by inflate portions projected posteriorly. Hamule globose, with internal and external lobes poorly defined; apically with a ventral keel elevating in direction to nipplelike apex; apexes of pair converging in ventral view; internal portion and apex with numerous setae. Penis complex in structure, as shown in
Fig. 5
. Genital lobe well developed, directed downwards, reaching half of adjacent intersegmental membrane in lateral view; apex obtuse, nipplelike, converging in ventral view to the apex of the other lobe. Tergites with scattered setae on segments 1–3; numerous setae between transversal carina of segment 7 and posterior limit of 9, specially concentrated ventrally, outlining glabrous areas. Segment 8 with a sternal projection, keelshaped, posteriorly truncate, with 1/3 of segment’s length. Dorsal keel of segment 10 enlarged at base, specially projected on anterior limit of segment. Cerci conical, hornshaped, slightly longer than segments 9 +
10 in
lateral view, covered with elongate scattered setae, longer ventrally; apexes of pair pointed, directed backwards and weakly convergent in dorsal view; laterobasal expansion poorly developed; an oblique granulose crest, positioned ventrally on the second fourth of appendage, resembling a tubercle in lateral view. Epiproct inflate, with obtuse apex curved upwards; lateral borders flattened close to base; length inferior to 2/3 of cerci.
Measurements (mm): — Total length (incl. anal appendages) 50.56; maximum width of head 6.94; length of metepisternal stripe 4.82; width of superior end of metepisternal stripe 1.20; width of inferior end of metepisternal stripe 0.39; length of left HW 32.36; maximum width of left HW 10.38; length of left HW pterostigma 2.06; length of hind femur 6.47; length of hind tibia 6.16; total length of abdomen (without anal appendages) 34.61; ventral projection of genital lobe 1.40; width of base of genital lobe 1.49; length of cerci 3.20; length of epiproct 1.93.
). — Very similar to male
, differing only in the following features: Ground colour lighter; yellow spots and stripes of head, thorax and abdomen paler.
Head and thorax. (
Fig. 2
) — Posterior limit of eyes without a lateral stripe. Tibiae without a ventral keel. Wings yellowish, specially in costal region and apex.
Lauromacromia picinguaba
sp. nov.
, male holotype (3–6): 3 abdomen, segments 1–2, ventral view; 4 abdomen, segment 2, lateral view; 5 penis: (a) ventral view, (b) lateral view; 6 abdomen, segments 9–10 and anal appendages, lateral view; female paratype (7): abdomen, segments 8–10 and anal appendages, ventral view.
Venation (
Fig. 2
). (left / right). Antenodals in FW 10–
1/2 (two not aligned) / 11; in HW 7–8 / 7–8. Postnodals in FW 6–8 / 6–9; in HW 7–8 / 8–9. Discoidal field in FW widening posteriorly to 5–6 cells. Anal loop with 9–10 cells, with central cell (only one female has one HW without central cell). Space between anal loop and internal border with 2–3 cells at base. Space between posterior border and anal loop with 3 cell rows.
Abdomen. (
Figs 2
) — Laterally compressed; ventral border of tergites 1–3 yellowish; segment 2 with three pairs of yellow spots, similar in position to those of male
, the spot correspondent to that located around auricle in the male absent. Ventral spots (tergites) on segments 7 and 8 absent; intersegmental membrane of segments 9 and 10 ventrally indistinct. Ventral plate of segment 8 reaching distal limit of segment; posteriorly rounded, with a medial cleft, bordered by a depressed, almost circular, area, with long setae, directed backwards, on posterior border; numerous short setae between transversal carina of segment 7 and posterior limit of 9. Dorsal keel of segment 10 absent. Cerci conical, simple, very short, not passing in length the segment
10 in
lateral view, obliquely pointed downwards. Cerci, paraprocts and ventral region of segment 10 covered with many setae.
Measurements (mm): — Total length (incl. anal appendages) 49.43–51.11; maximum width of head 7.15–7.34; length of metepisternal stripe 4.64–5.17; width of superior end of metepisternal stripe 1.03–1.15; width of inferior end of metepisternal stripe 0.36 – 0.54; length of left HW 33.95–34.93; maximum width of left HW 11.00–12.16; length of left HW pterostigma 2.13–2.38; length of hind femur 6.73 – 6.93; length of hind tibia 6.36 – 6.88; total length of abdomen (without anal appendages) 36.32–37.29; length of cerci 0.76–0.87.