A new genus of Hoplojassini from French Guiana (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Iassinae) and identification key for species of tribe Author Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa Laboratório de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Author Dietrich, Christopher H. Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Author Takiya, Daniela Maeda Laboratório de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro text Zootaxa 2020 2020-02-20 4742 2 351 358 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4742.2.8 e3007cbb-7ff6-4cd6-9c1c-a7c37c2274cf 1175-5334 3754871 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9DB92638-55DD-48AF-9C75-06840354038D Carinojassus guianensis sp. nov. ( Figs 1−30 ) Diagnosis. Male sternite VIII ( Fig. 5 ) with ventral surface covered by robust setae and posterior margin broadly rounded. Style ( Figs 9, 10 ) sinuate; with ventral digitiform process at middle third. Aedeagus ( Figs 11−13 ) short; with shaft compressed laterally and tapered; apex rounded. Male anal tube ( Figs 14, 15 ) with pair of linear and separate dorsal connectives. Female sternite VII ( Fig. 21 ) with posterior margin deeply excavated medially. Type locality. Montagne des Chevaux, French Guiana . Measurements. (mm). Total length, 7.0−7.4 (males), 8.5 (female). Color. Dark reddish-brown, female darker than males ( Figs 27−30 ). Forewing of male ( Fig. 4 ) brown with red veins; apical region and appendix smoky. Forewing of female ( Fig. 19 ) dark brown with dark brown veins at basal half and red at apical half; with five light yellow spots, two smaller at proximal portion of R and M veins and three larger at distal portions of R, M, and Cu veins; apical portion and appendix smoky. Hind wing ( Fig. 20 ) dark brown, except by light brown costal region; veins dark brown, except by light brown R vein and pale crossvein m-cu. Description. External morphological characters as in generic description. Male terminalia. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 5 ), in ventral view, approximately as long as wide; ventral surface covered by robust setae; lateral margins slightly sinuous; posterior margin broadly rounded. Pygofer ( Fig. 6 ), in lateral view, short, height approximately 1.7 times of the length; posterior margin truncated; macrosetae distributed only near posterior margin. Valve ( Fig. 7 ), in ventral view, 1.2 times wider than long; posterior margin deeply excavated medially. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 6 ), in lateral view, not surpassing the apex of pygofer; in ventral view ( Fig. 8 ), ligulate; about 3 times longer than wide; ventral surface covered by robust macrosetae; external margin approximately rectilinear, internal margin broadly convex; apex acutely rounded. Connective ( Fig. 9 ) approximately one-third of length of style. Style ( Fig. 9 ), in dorsal view, with outer lobe well-developed and rounded; in lateral view ( Fig. 10 ); enlarged medially, with a ventral digitiform process at median third; apex rounded, slightly curved dorsally. Aedeagus ( Figs 11−13 ) short, with shaft compressed laterally and tapered, directed posterodorsad; apex rounded. Dorsal connective ( Figs 14, 15 ) paired connecting base of aedeagus to segment X of anal tube; each linear, short and narrow, ventral portion slightly curved anteriorly. Female terminalia. Sternite VII ( Fig. 21 ), in ventral view, subrectangular; 1.5 times wider than long; lateral margins approximately rectilinear and converging posteriorly; posterior margin deeply excavated medially. Internal sternite VIII membranous. Pygofer ( Fig. 22 ), in lateral view, short; about 2.5 times higher than long; apex slightly concave; posterior margin broadly rounded. First valvula ( Fig. 23 ) curved dorsally; about 13.5 times longer than high; with approximately same height along its entire length; apex ( Fig. 24 ) acutely rounded. Second valvula ( Fig. 23 ) similar to first valvula in length and curvature; apical portion ( Fig. 25 ) dorsal margin with very small preapical denticles; apex rounded with margin crenulate. Second valvifer ( Fig. 26 ) higher than long. Third valvula ( Fig. 26 ) 3.5 times longer than high; with sparse setae near ventral margin; apex rounded. FIGURES 16–26. Carinojassus guianensis sp. nov. , female paratype. 16, head and thorax, dorsal view. 17, head, ventral view. 18, head and thorax, lateral view. 19, forewing. 20, hind wing. 21, sternite VII, ventral view. 22, pygofer and anal tube, lateral view. 23, first and second valvulae, lateral view. 24, apex of first valvula, lateral view. 25, apex of second valvula, lateral view. 26, second valvifer and third valvula, lateral view. FIGURES 27–32. Habitus, 27–30, Carinojassus guianensis sp. nov. . 27, male holotype, dorsal view. 28, male holotype, lateral view. 29, female paratype, dorsal view. 30, female paratype, lateral view. 31–32, Hoplojassus brasiliensis , male specimen. 31, dorsal view. 32, lateral view. Etymology. The species name is in reference to the country where specimens were collected. Material examined. Holotype male : 26.08.2017 , PVB [like window trap with blue LED light]\ Montagne des\ Chevaux , GF\ SEAG leg.” ( DZRJ ). Paratypes : 1f : same data as holotype, ( DZRJ ); 1m : same data as holotype, except “ 30.12.2017 ” ( INHS ); 1m : same data as holotype, except “ 01.09.2018 ” ( NMNH ); 1m : Guyane Française \ Nouragues—Inselberg \ 9.x.2012 \ P.L., S.E.A.G.” ( DZUP ). Additional material examined Hoplojassus brasiliensis Dietrich, 1993: 1 m:Brasil , Paraná , São José \ dos Pinhais , 25°36’05”S \ 49°11’37”W , 04.x.2011 ,\ A.C. Domahovski ” “DNA voucher\ Entomologia DZRJ\ ENT 2416 ” (DZUP).