Description Of Six New Species Of Spiders Of The Genera Lathys (Family: Dictynidae), Marpissa (Family: Salticidae), Misumenoides (Family: Thomisidae), Agroeca (Family: Clubionidae), Gnaphosa (Family: Gnaphosidae) And Flanona (Family: Lycosidae) - From India Author Biswas, Bijan Author Roy, Rakhi text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2008 108 1 43 57 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.556084 369787f4-96b4-48e0-90e2-3d1f44785c64 556084 4. Agroeca gangotrae sp. novo ( Figs. 10-12 ) General: Cephalothorax deep brown; abdomen and legs are light brown in colour. Total length 12.00 mm. Carapace 6.50 mm . long, 4.50 mm . wide; abdomen 7.50 mm . long, 5.00 mm. wide. Cephalothorax : Longer than wide, cephalic region high. Eyes are in two rows. Both rows are slightly recurved. Both laterals are very close to each others. Posterior median eyes comparatively larger in size and pearly white in colour. Markings along the radial furrows are very faint. Sternum heart-shaped, pointed behind. Maxillae longer than wide, stout and with pubescence. Labium moderate size with hair. Chelicerae covered with dense hair and with eleventh teeth on outer margin and nine teeth on inner margin. Legs are long, stout and covered with hair and spines. Figs. 10-12. : ( Agroeca gangotrae ) sp. novo ~ 10. Dorsal view (legs are omitted) I!. Epigyne 12. Internal genitalia Abdomen: Oval in shape, covered with spine-like hair, light brown in colour. Dorsum of the abdomen covered with broad and small white patches. Two pairs of sigiIIa present. Lateral side of the dorsum with deep brown longitudinal patches. Epigyne with characteristic features. Type species: Holotype female , paratype five females preserved in rectified spirit (70%). Registration numbers are 5588-89/18 . Type-locality : Forest area ca 3 K.M. from Sandar on Chaubata Road, Dist. Pitoragarh , Uttaranchal , India , 19.xii.1989 ( 1900 Mtrs .), coll. S . C . Verma. Distribution: India: Uttaranchal, Pittorogarh, Elsewhere: New England. Remarks: Agroeca gangotrae Sp. novo is closely related to Agroeca ornata Bank due to their morphological characters but differs of the two such as (1) Size, length, colour and abdominal ornamentation of two varied. (2) Presence of eleventh teeth on outer and nine teeth on inner margin of chelicerae in Agroeca gangotrae Sp. novo but no such in Agroeca ornata Bank. (30 Epigyne and internal genitalia are also structurally different.