A systematic revision of the scale mite genus Pterygosoma Peters, 1849 (Acariformes: Pterygosomatidae) Author Fajfer, Monika text Zootaxa 2020 2020-06-30 4805 1 1 147 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4805.1.1 1175-5326 3927100 FC40DD5D-0408-4299-9B96-6E318D10035F Pterygosoma bibronii Jack, 1962 ( Figs 89 and 90 ) Pterygosoma bibronii Jack, 1962: 582 , fig. 3 Type host: Agama impalearis (Sauria: Agamidae ). Type locality: Morocco (Oolad Lasara). Redescription . FEMALE (based on 1 lectotype and 3 paralectotypes from Agama impalearis ). Gnathosoma . Chelicerae 225–255 long (195–240 long in 6 non-type specimens from type host species, Agama impalearis ); swollen cheliceral part 90–105 (75–90) long, slender distal part 135–150 (120–135) long. Fixed cheliceral digit 15 (15) long, with several tines. Setae dF and dG 50–55 (50–65) and 60–65 (60–70) long, respectively. Seta dF always 1.1 times longer than seta dG . Palpal tibia with short claw; palpal tarsi with 3 setae. Subcapitulum with filiform setae n , 20–25 (25) long. Peritremes 110–145 (165–185) long. Hypostome about 120 (165) long, with smooth rounded apex. Idiosoma 515–770 (545–570) long and 1100–1300 ( 1155–1165 ) wide. Dorsum with 4 groups of setae: 110–128 (75–103) pairs of antero-lateral serrate setae, 30–50 (30–45) long; 8–11 (6–9) pairs of slightly serrate postero-lateral setae 100–190 (110–185) long; 2 pairs of dorso-median serrate setae: dm1 60–65 (55–65) long and dm2 70–75 (60–75) long; and 25–30 (27–35) pairs of peripheral setae of 2 types : smooth and fine-pointed setae, 300–350 (275–300) long, situated laterally and slightly apically expanded setae, 165–180 (190–215) long, located medially. Eyes absent. Venter. Setae vm1 filiform, vm2 and vm3 serrate. Genital series represented by 3 pairs of conspicuous spine-like setae g1–g3 , 40–60 (35–45), 20–25 (25–30) and 30–35 (30–45) long, respectively. Pseudanal series represented by 5 (5–7) pairs of apically expanded setae, 110–150 (110–135) long. Legs as in persicum group i. e. setae of trochanters I–IV (1–1–1–1), femora I–IV (3–1–1–1), genua I–IV (3–1–1–1), tibiae I–IV (5–3–3–3). All setae on each podomere filiform, except for slightly serrate setae d’FI–IV. Setation of tarsi as in group A: I 13 setae ( ft , tc’ , tc” , p’ , p” , a’ , a” , it’ , it” , u’ , u” , vs’ , vs” ) and solenidion ω1 ; II 8 setae ( tc’ , p’ , p” , a’ , a” , u’ , u” , vs’ ) and ω1 ; III and IV with 8 setae each ( tc’ , p’ , p” , a’ , a” , u’ , u” , vs’ ). Setae tc’ of legs II–IV, a’ , a” , u’ , u” of legs I–IV and vs’ and vs” of legs I–IV slightly serrate. MALE (based on description presented in Jack 1962a , amended). Gnathosoma as in female. Chelicerae about 70 long; swollen cheliceral part and slender distal part subequal in length, about 35 long. Idiosoma 230 long and 500 wide. Dorsum with serrate setae: about 20 pairs of short serrate setae, 30–40 long, situated antero-laterally; 5 pairs of longer setae, 50–90 long, situated postero-laterally; 2 pairs of setae dm : setae dm1 45 long, (only alveolae of setae dm2 visible) situated dorso-medially; and 8–10 pairs of smooth fine-pointed setae, 190–245 long, situated peripherally. Eyes present. Aedeagus about 105 long, directed forward. Genito-anal opening with 4 pairs of filiform setae. Venter as in female. Legs I–IV as in female. DEUTONYMPH (based on description presented in Jack 1962a ). Gnathosoma as in female. Idiosoma 485 long and 740 wide. Setation pattern as in female. Anterior, peripheral and pseudanal setae fewer in number. Type material (examined). One lectotype and 1 paralectotype ( NHM no. 1966.2.22.818–827) from Agama impalearis (Boettger) (Sauria: Agamidae ) ( NHM no. 1913.5.9.5–8), MAURITANIA : Trarza region , 9 May 1913 , coll. M. H. Donckier de Donceel; 1 paralectotype ( NHM no. 1966.2.22.804–813) from same host species ( NHM no. 1887.6.30.1–2), MOROCCO : Tangier, 30 June 1887 , coll. M. Henry Vaucher; 1 paralectotype ( NHM no. 1966.2.22.793–802) from same host species ( NHM no. 1902.1.4.1–4), MOROCCO : Oolad Lasara, 4 January 1902 , coll. E. G. B. Meade-Waldo. Type material deposition. All material deposited in the NHM . FIGURE 89. Pterygosoma bibronii Jack 1962 , female. A, ventral view; B, gnathosoma in dorsal view. FIGURE 90. Pterygosoma bibronii Jack 1962 , female. A, ventral view; B, tarsus I in ventro-lateral view; C, tarsus II in dorsal view. Non-type material (examined). Six females (AMU-PTE24.1) from Agama impalearis ( ZMUC no. V1665 ) [lateral surface], MOROCCO , 23 April 1980 , coll. unknown . Hosts and distribution. This species was recorded from Agama impalearis from Morocco [Oolad Lasara; Marrakesh-Safi, Essaouira province; Essaouria; Tangier province, Tangier ], Mauritania [ Trarza region ], Libya [Fezzan], Algeria [ Oran ] and Stellagama stellio (locality unknown) ( Jack 1962a ). Remarks. In the descriptions of this species ( Jack 1962a , 1964 ) some errors were made. Setae vs” on tarsi I are present in the types from Morocco (vs. lack of setae vs” in the description of leg chaetotaxy made by Jack in 1964) and five pseudanal setae may be present (vs. seven or rarely eight to nine setae according to Jack (1962)). Addition- ally, examinations of six non-type female specimens confirms that setae vs” on tarsi I are always present and 5–7 pairs of the pseudanal setae occur.