Catalogue of the type specimens of Diptera deposited in the Department of Entomology, National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic * Author Tkoč, Michal Author Pecharová, Martina Author Ježek, Jan text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2014 2014-12-15 54 2 789 837 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5300543 0374-1036 5300543 DCBFD7C4-1EB0-4A35-A36E-68F94DCDF96C Telmatoscopus tetraspiculatus Ježek & Goutner, 1993 ( Telmatoscopus tetraspiculatus Ježek & Goutner, 1993b: 68 , Figs 1 –14. The holotype and 6 paratypes are deposited in NMPC: HOLOTYPE (J): ‘ Greece / Peloponnese , / Taygetos Mts., the / Motel Taygetos / (Sparta–Kalamata / highway), 15.– / 16.7.1986 , Ježek leg., / 3842 / stream 100-200 m / below a saddle, 1600 / m a.s.l., / with Platanus, Juglans , / Hedera, Urtica , / Pteropsida [p] // Telmatoscopus / tetraspiculatus Ježek / et Goutner, 1993 / male / holotype / Cat. No. 33561 / 1993 [p, red label]’. PARATYPES (6 JJ, Fig. 3 ): ‘ Greece / Peloponnese , / Taygetos Mts., the / Motel Taygetos / (Sparta–Kalamata / highway), 15.– / 16.7.1986 , Ježek leg., / 3843 [3843–3848] / stream 100-200 m / below a saddle, 1600 / m a.s.l., / with Platanus, Juglans , / Hedera, Urtica , / Pteropsida [p] Telmatoscopus / tetraspiculatus Ježek / et Goutner, 1993 / male / paratype / Cat. No. 33562 [33562–33567] / 1993 [p, red label]’. Current status. Valid species, Seoda tetraspiculata (Ježek & Goutner, 1993) ; see KVIFTE (2014) .