New genera and new species of remarkably large-sized or uniquely-shaped mirine plant bugs from Taiwan (Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae) Author Yasunaga, Tomohide Research Associate, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, c / o Nameshi 2 - 33, Nagasaki 852 - 8061, Japan Author Yamada, Kazutaka 0000-0002-4210-6693 Institute of Natural and Environmental Sciences, University of Hyogo / Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Yayoigaoka 6 - chome, Sanda-shi, Hyogo 669 - 1546, Japan. yamada. kaz @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4210 - 6693 Author Tsai, Jing-Fu Department of Biology, National Museum of Natural Science, 1 Guancian Rd., Taichung, Taiwan. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-05 5278 2 264 288 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5278.2.3 1175-5326 7906118 ADF37ECB-50E5-4A45-AAA4-ECD1C60F45DB Eurystylus yixuanae n. sp. ( Figs. 1A–B , 2 E−F, 5A−H, 10A−G, 14A−D) Diagnosis: Recognized readily by its yellow-green basic coloration; wide, tumid body shape; uniformly pale head that lacks black, velvety macula on frons; and yellowish pronotum with a pair of dark ocellate spots. These unique characters enable this new species to be distinguished from any known congeners. Description. Male : Body ovoid, boxlike, stout; general coloration yellow green, partly pale olive green ( Fig. 1A–B ); dorsum more or less shining, with uniformly distributed, sericeous, reclining setae and sparsely distributed, simple, semierect setae ( Fig. 10B ). Head pale olive green, shining, lacking fuscous, clustered micro-pilosity on frons; eye small; vertex wide. Antenna dark brown, partly tinged with red, generally thick; segment I pale olive brown, except for darkened apex; basal 2/3 of segment II pale reddish brown; extreme bases of segments III and IV pale. Labium pale reddish brown, reaching but not exceeding apex of mesocoxa; apical half of segment IV darkened. Pronotum shining, with a pair of dark, circular spots on disk and smoky brown posterior margin; mesoscutum reddish brown; scutellum yellowish brown, usually widely brownish medially; thoracic pleura yellowish brown; scent efferent system as in Fig.10C . Hemelytron dark brown, strongly declivous at cuneal fracture; exocorium (embolium) and basal half of cuneus yellowish brown; membrane pale smoky brown, semitransparent, with dark brown veins. All coxae and legs yellowish brown; apical half of each tarsomere III darkened; pretarsal structure as in Fig. 10F . Abdomen uniformly yellowish brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 5A–C ): Left paramere C-shaped, with inflated hypophysis ( Fig. 5A ); right paramere straight, with small hypophysis ( Fig. 5B ); vesica with four lobal-sclerites as in Fig. 5C (terminology of the sclerites sensu Yasunaga et al. , 2017). Female: Almost similar to male in overall appearance and biometrics; body slightly larger and stouter; scutellum not widely darkened, with three brown stripes ( Fig. 1A ). Female genitalia ( Figs. 5D–H , 14A–D ): sclerotized rings small, thick-rimmed, situated near lateral margins of genital chamber ( Fig. 5D–F ); posterior wall with small, rounded dorsal structure ( Fig. 5H ); interramal sclerite semi-circularly widened, densely covered with spinules ( Fig. 14B–C ). Measurements. See Table 1 . Etymology. Named after Ms. Yi-Xuan Hsieh who kindly provided a specimen as well as some images of live individuals of this new species for this study; a noun in genitive case. Distribution. Taiwan ( Kaohsiung , Pingtung ). Biology. Unknown. Type material. Holotype (♁), TAIWAN : Pingdung ( Pingtung ) Co., Siangjao Bay , 21°55'42.7''N , 120°49'40.2''E , UV lighting, Y.-C. Lan & Y.-H. Peng , 27 May 2011 ( AMNH _ PBI 00380763 ) ( NMNS ) . Paratypes . TAIWAN : 1♁ 1♀ , same data as for holotype ( NMNS ) ; 1♀ , Kaohsiung , Mt. Zhongliao-shan , 22°49'48"N 120°25'57"E , 30 May 2013 , Y. X. Hsieh ( TYCN ) .