Taxonomic revision of Clinacanthus (Acanthaceae) in Thailand Author Bongcheewin, Bhanubong Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand Author Darbyshire, Iain Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 AE, United Kingdom Author Satitpatipan, Veena Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand Author Kongsawadworakul, Panida Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand text Phytotaxa 2019 2019-02-08 391 4 253 263 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.391.4.2 1179-3163 Clinacanthus robinsoni (Benoist) Bongch. & I.Darbysh. stat. nov. Basionym: C. burmanni var. robinsoni Benoist (1936: 130) . Type:— VIETNAM . Annam, Nha-trang, 11–26 March 1911 , Robinson 1298 ( holotype P* [P03585114]). Distribution and habitat: Clinacanthus robinsoni is known only from east-central Vietnam , where it is recorded in forest and open forest on sandy or rocky soils at 5–400 m elevation. It is a robust shrub or liana up to 4 m tall. Taxonomic notes:Benoist (1935) cited the four specimens listed in the present study but also recorded “Hainan, Malacca , Java, Borneo” next to the Distribution for C. burmanni var. robinsoni . However, this is believed to be in error and should have been placed next to the distribution for C. burmanni . Specimens examined: VIETNAM . Annam: Nha-trang, dans la montagnes de Dông Bô , 5 March 1922 , Poilane 2699 (P* 3 sheets) ; Ba Rau près Phan Rang, 19 February 1924 , Poilane 9646 (P* 3 sheets); Dalat and vicinity, March– April 1932 , Squires 843 ( K , P*) .