Revision of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae): the species with sessile inflorescences Author Louzada, Rafael Batista Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Cx. Postal 11461, 05422 - 970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; email: rafael _ louzada @ hotmail. com Instituto de Botânica, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, Cx. Postal 3005, 01061 - 970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; email: gracaw @ terra. com. br Author Wanderley, Maria Das Graças Lapa text Phytotaxa 2010 2010-12-06 13 1 26 journal article 5356 10.11646/phytotaxa.13.1.1 4c61138f-c521-4710-9429-ba232d0bef4a 1179-3163 4778606 Orthophytum vagans Foster (1960: 59) . Type:— BRAZIL . Espírito Santo : R.G. Wilson 578 ( holotype US !) . Plants rupicolous, stems elongate, ca 19 cm long. Leaves slightly arching. Leaf sheaths ovate, 1.5–2 × 1.7–2.5 cm , margins serrate, prickles 0.5–3 mm long. Leaf blades subcoriaceous, canaliculate, green, internal one reddish white, narrowly triangular, attenuate, sparsely lepidote, margins serrate, prickles antrorse, apices mucronate. Inflorescences sessile, simple, few-flowered. Floral bracts subcoriaceous, narrowly triangular, margins serrate, apices acuminate. Sepals white, narrowly triangular, lanate, margins entire, apices acuminate. Petals green with white margins, linear-spatulate, apices obtuse-cucullate. Petals appendages cupuliform, lacerate. Stamens with antepetalous filaments ca 10 mm long and adnate to the petals,the antesepalous ones free 18 mm long. Ovaries trigonous. Fruits and seeds not seen. Distribuition and habitat: —unknown IUCN conservation status: —DD. Orthophytum vagans was described from cultivated material found in a garden in Rio de Janeiro . It has not yet been found in the wild. Comments: Orthophytum vagans is similar to O. zanonii as both are having an elongated stem and obtuse-cucullate petals. It differs from O. zanonii mainly by having a simple inflorescence (vs. compound). Herbarium collections of Orthophytum vagans other than the type material are not known. Live material was brought to the United States by R.G. Wilson, and initially, the author of this species thought it was Cryptanthus glazioui Mez (1891–94: 202), due to the elongated stems. However, after observing the fertile plants in cultivation, Foster (1960) concluded that this plant was a new species of Orthophytum , easily recognized by the elongated stems. The presence of elongated stems forming a clump, inspired the name vagans , meaning 'wandering'.