New records of suctorians (Ciliophora: Suctoria) as epibionts of aquatic true bugs (Hemiptera: Prosorrhyncha: Nepomorpha) from two regions: Mexico and Eastern Europe Author Mariño-Pérez, Ricardo Author Dovgal, Igor Author Mayén-Estrada, Rosaura text Zootaxa 2011 2798 48 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.277026 7a56a707-d858-4f9a-9925-8b299760cae4 1175-5326 277026 Periacineta buckei (Kent, 1882) Figs. 1 g–i. Polymorphic suctorian with trapeziform, flattened, loricate body. Lorica smooth, without transversal ribbons, and with slit-like aperture, the stalk is short. Macronucleus spheroidal or elongate. Tentacles are clavate, and capable to contract into body, and are arranged in two apical fascicles. Actinophores absent. There are from 1 to 4 contractile vacuoles. Reproduction by inversogemmic budding. Dimensions: body length 16–120; width 19–59; macronucleus 13–38 x 4–7; contractile vacuoles diameter 2–4; length of the tentacles 8–75; stalk length 6–24; stalk diameter 3–10. Previous measurements: body length 24–450; body width 13–121; length of tentacles until 88. Material examined. Found as epibiont of: Belostoma sp. 1. Mexico . Tecocomulco lake. State of Hidalgo. 2530 m .a.s.l. ( 19° 52’ 30.5” N ; 98° 23’ 41.2” W ). 15.09.2007 . Belostoma sp. 2. Mexico . Near Santo Domingo de Morelos. State of Oaxaca. 309 m . a.s.l. ( 15° 52’ 24.7” N ; 96° 37’ 49.6” W ). 16.01.2009 . Belostoma sp. 3. Mexico . Near Grutas de la Estrella, Ixtapan de la Sal. State of Mexico . 1550 m .a.s.l. ( 18° 43’ 30.7” N ; 99° 35’ 59.1 W ). 18.09.2005 . Lethocerus sp. Mexico . Near Grutas de la Estrella, Ixtapan de la Sal. State of Mexico . 1550 m .a.s.l. ( 18° 43’ 30.7” N ; 99° 35’ 59.1 W ). 18.09.2005 . Ranatra sp. 1. Mexico . Tecocomulco lake. State of Hidalgo. 2530 m .a.s.l. ( 19° 52’ 30.5” N ; 98° 23’ 41.2” W ). 15.09.2007 . Ranatra sp. 2. Mexico . Near Grutas de la Estrella, Ixtapan de la Sal. State of Mexico . 1550 m .a.s.l. ( 18° 43’ 30.7” N ; 99° 35’ 59.1 W ). 18.09.2005 . Ranatra linearis . Ukraine . Lake Lyubyaz’ near village Lyubyaz’ (high-water bed of Pripyat’ river), Volyn’ region. 0 8.06.1986. Small lake in high-water bed of Snov river near Sednev, Chernigov region. 15.06.1991 . Small lake in high-water bed of river Goryn’ near village Zbuzh, Rovno region. 0 6.07.1985. River Goryn’ near village Stepan’, 0 8.07.1985. Former river-bed of Desna river near sity Oster, Chernigov region. 21.09.1985 . Small lake in high-water bed of Dnieper river (left bank) near Kiev, Ukraine . 0 8.01.1986. Belarus . Small lake in high-water bed of river Pripyat’ near village Khojno, 14.06.1986 . Nepa cinerea . Ukraine . River Snov near Village Gorsk, Chernigov region. 14.06.1991 . River Zamglaj near village Kiselevka, Chernigov region. 10.07.1990 . River Severskj Donetc near village Chervonaya Gorka, Kharkov region. 11.08.1989 . Turya river near village Khoteshov, Volyn’ region, 31.05.1986 . Lake Svyatoe near village Zalukhov, Volyn’ region. 0 4.06.1986. Ambrysus sp. 1. Mexico . Near Santo Domingo de Morelos. State of Oaxaca. 309 m . a.s.l. ( 15° 52’ 24.7” N ; 96° 37’ 49.6” W ). 16.01.2009 . Naucoris cimicoides . Ukraine . Small lake in high-water bed of Psel river near village Staronovo. 12.07.1988 . Additional records. On artificial substrate ( Jones, 1974 ; Coats & Clamp, 2009 ). On Nepa , Ranatra , Naucoris , Hydrous , Helophorus Fabricius , Hydraena Kugelann , Argyoneta aquatica Clerck , and Planorbis ( Matthes et al. 1988 ) .