Taxonomic review of Trans-Andean species of Pimelodus (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), with the descriptions of two new species Author Villa-Navarro, Francisco Antonio Author Acero, Arturo Author Cala, Plutarco Cala text Zootaxa 2017 4299 3 337 360 journal article 32401 10.11646/zootaxa.4299.3.2 3169a7bc-1a16-427d-9696-ae9c89da1dc9 1175-5326 843239 7838D461-3D2E-4034-8CA1-ECFE7BD58736 Pimelodus coprophagus Schultz, 1944 Pimelodus coprophagus Schultz, 1944 : 203 , fig. 2. Type locality: Agua Caliente River Pimelodus clarias coprophagus Schultz [L. P.] 1944 : 203, Fig. 2 . Type Locality: Río Agua Caliente , 2–3 km above southwestern corner of Lake Maracaibo , Venezuela , depth 15 feet . Holotype : USNM 121150 . Paratypes: FMNH 84585 [ex USNM 121147 ] (3), 95495 (1, c&s); MCZ 36212 [ex USNM 121148 ] (5); UMMZ 142494 [ex USNM 121147 ] (2); USNM 121145 -46 (6, 1), 121147 (25, now 19), 121148 -49 (31, 5), 121151 (11, now 9, 2 to G. Dahl), 121152 -53 (1, 6), 121154 (10, now 8), 121155 (7), 121156 (9, not 15), 121157 -59 (5, 2, 2); ZMA 102124 (2). Diagnosis. Pimelodus coprophagus differs from P. navarroi in having more gill rakers (28–37, mode 31 vs. 24–28, mode 27). Pimelodus coprophagus differs from P. blochii and P. navarroi by having a narrower mouth (31.3– 36.9% HL vs. 36.5–44.7% HL) ( Fig. 3 ); it differs from P. crypticus and P. grosskopfii by having a shorter adipose fin (14.1–19.4% SL vs. 23.4–28.8% SL); it differs from P. grosskopfii , P. punctatus , and P. yuma in having a longer predorsal distance (39.0–42.7% SL vs. 33.0–38.9% SL); it differs from P. grosskopfii and P. punctatus by having a larger head (27.1–30.7% SL vs. 22.8–26.5% SL). Additionally, it differs from P. blochii , P. crypticus n. sp. , and P. yuma n. sp. in having dark spots on the body (vs. body without dark spots or stripes). Description. N=50. Morphometric data presented in Table 1. Body deeper than wide, roof of cranium ornamented with small granules, smooth but visible. Eye diameter less than interorbital width. Snout slightly convex, projecting beyond mandibular symphysis. Mouth subterminal, when closed half of premaxillary tooth patch exposed, those teeth conical, small and narrow. Fontanel open from mesethmoids to frontals, ending at vertical through posterior third of eye. Maxillary barbels reach caudal-fin base; inner mental barbels reach pectoralfin bases, outer reach pelvic-fin bases. Dorsal fin lepidotrichia II,6; the pirst a spinelet narrow and angular, spine strong, straight and sharp. Adipose fin short, its margin rectangular, anterior apex at vertical through middle of anal-fin base. Pectoral fin I,8–10; spine strong, sharp, pointed and forming slight arc. Pelvic fin i,5; first branched ray longest, inserted at vertical through base on penultimate or last dorsal-fin ray. Anal fin iv–v,8–10; first branched ray longest. Caudal fin i,15,i; forked, lobes pointed, dorsal lobe equal to or slightly longer than ventral. Lateral line complete, extending beyond caudal-fin base for half-length of middle caudal-fin rays. Cleithral process extensive, strong, triangular, with posterodorsal margin straight, ventral margin convex. Apparently without sexual dimorphism. Color in alcohol. ( Fig. 2 ) Body light tan or gray, with four rows of dark spots distributed uniformly along the sides, the spots diminishing in size towards caudal peduncle, the fourth row of spots begins at posterior margin of cleithral process and disappears at pelvic fins. Lateral line and ventral region whitish. Base of dorsal spine dark. All fins yellow, turning hyaline distally; adipose fin with small dark spots; ventral caudal-fin lobe without diffuse dark band; dorsal surface of maxillary barbels tan. Distribution. Maracaibo Lake Basin in Colombia and Venezuela ( Fig. 4 ).