A new putative natural hybrid of Cyrtopodium (Orchidaceae) from the south coast of Brazil Author Batista, João A. N. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, 31270 - 910, Minas Gerais, Brazil Author Medeiros, Alexandre Da Silva Unicesumar, Avenida Guedner, 1610, Jardim Aclimacão, Maringá, PR, Brazil text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-02-28 536 3 279 286 journal article 20309 10.11646/phytotaxa.536.3.8 44447229-5207-4471-a2fb-c7b0b84aa841 1179-3163 6331933 Key to the Species of Cyrtopodium from the Atlantic Forest domain with fusiform, epigeous pseudobulbs, more than 20 cm in length 1. Plant epiphytic ....................................................................................................................................................................................2 - Plant terrestrial or rupicolous .............................................................................................................................................................3 2. Distance between the expanded lateral lobes of the lip (8–)11–12 mm; width of the median lobe of the lip (4–)5–7 mm................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ C. palmifrons - Distance between the expanded lateral lobes of the lip 20–24 mm compr.; width of the median lobe of the lip 12–16 mm .............. ................................................................................................................................................................................................ C. gigas 3. Flowers completely yellow, petals and sepals occasionally yellow-green or brownish, usually without spots or blemishes ............. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................4 - Flowers with red or brown spots or blemishes on a yellowish or greenish background....................................................................5 4. Width of the median lobe of the lip 8–13 mm ...................................................................................................................... C. flavum - Width of the median lobe of the lip 16–25 mm ........................................................................................................... C. glutiniferum 5. Distance between the expanded lateral lobes of the lip (25–) 29–30 mm ; width of the median lobe of the lip (16–) 21–22 mm ........ ................................................................................................................................................................................. C. × intermedium - Distance between the expanded lateral lobes of the lip 16–23 mm ; width of the median lobe of the lip 11–14 mm ........................6 6. Sepals elliptical to narrowly elliptical, (16–) 18–24 mm long, profusely spotted throughout, margins strongly undulate; distance between the expanded lateral lobes of the lip 19–23 mm ; lip midlobe margins verrucose; widely distributed in the phytogeographic domains of Caatinga, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, but absent on the south coast and most of the southern coast............................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... C. holstii - Sepals obovate or broadly elliptical, 15–16 mm long, spots concentrated at the base, margins slightly undulate; distance between the expanded lateral lobes of the lip ca. 16 mm ; lip midlobe margins slightly verrucose; distribution restricted to the south coast in the state of Santa Catarina ................................................................................................................................... C. × flavopunctatum