Two new species of Bucculatrix Zeller (Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae) from China Author Liao, Cheng-Qing Author Yagi, Sadahisa Author Kobayashi, Shigeki Author Huang, Guo-Hua text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-01 4624 3 322 336 journal article 26343 10.11646/zootaxa.4624.3.2 2ec81c3c-e799-4c40-87ae-e62e7d91e292 1175-5326 3264532 4FECFF70-4F8F-4C81-93CE-A09994A736AF Bucculatrix yingjingensis Liao, Yagi & Huang , sp. nov. Figs. 1–3, 5 , 7–10 Diagnosis. Bucculatrix yingjingensis is very similar to B. liubaensis in forewing color and pattern, but it can be distinguished by the following characters: head, vertex, and tuft yellow, and abdomen brown (head and vertex cream white, tuft reddish brown, and abdomen black in B. liubaensis ), forewing spots distinctly larger than in B. liubaensis , and one additional small white spot at the forewing apex in the female (absent in B. liubaensis ). The male genitalia are similar to those of B. noltei Petry, 1912 , a European Artemisia -feeding species, but in B. noltei the apical part of the valva is narrower and the basal part is much wider ( Bengtsson & Johansson 2011: 63 ). Description. Male ( Figs. 1–3, 5 ). Wing expanse 8.8 mm . Head. Face smooth, densely covered with appressed yellow scales. Vertex with slender, hair-like, yellow scales, projected in all directions medially, and some broad brown scales laterally. Antennae filiform, about 3/4 of forewing length; scape stout, forming eye-cap, covered with broad yellow scales dorsally and some slender, hair-like scales ventrally; pedicel short, yellowish; flagellum brownish mixed with some black scales, first flagellomere distinctly with dorsal notch ( Fig. 3 ). Proboscis without scales, short, smooth. Labial palpus very short. Thorax. Thoracic tergites covered with brown scales anteriorly and with pale brown scales posteriorly. Foreleg covered with brown scales; midleg brown mixed with black scales on outer surface of tarsi; hindleg black with slen- der yellow to brown scales on tibiae. Forewing length about 4.2 mm , lanceolate, ground color consisting of yellow and creamy white mixed basally and brown to dark brown apically, separated by an indistinct creamy white line near basal 1/3, 2/3 of apex with two small creamy white spots at anterior and posterior margins, upper one more or less ill defined; fringes and ventral surface dark grey to brown. Venation with Sc broadened basally, ending basal to 1/3 of wing margin; R with five branches, R 5 stalked with M 1 ; M 2 , CuA and CuP poorly differentiated, CuP as a fold; 1A+2A well developed, reaching near midpoint of posterior margin ( Fig. 5 ). Hindwing with dorsal and ventral surfaces and fringes dark grey to brown, with a single long frenular bristle ( Figs. 1, 5 ). Venation with Sc broadened basally, extending to nearly 4/5 of hindwing; Rs not reaching wing apex; M 1 and M 2 weakly developed and well separated; CuA well developed, ending near midpoint of wing margin; A as a fold ( Fig. 5 ). Abdomen. Dorsally black and ventrally dark brown except abdominal apex with two clusters of elongated, yellow scales. Male genitalia ( Figs. 7–10 ) with uncus and gnathos absent; tegumen broad, extended; socii as short lobes, rolled down inside, with slender setae from basal 1/4 to apical 1/8, and apex covered with stout setae; tuba analis moderately sclerotized, longer than tegumen but not exceeding socii, connected with tegumen and vinculum basally; subscaphium weakly sclerotized, densely covered with very minute setae; valva broad, apex gradually narrowed and blunt circle, densely covered with slender setae on distal half of outer surface and stout setae along dorsal margin of apex; transtilla a pair of straight process, base somewhat wider than apex; vinculum moderately sclerotized, ventral surface broad, lateral sides gradually narrow; phallus elongate, basal half gradually broad to the base, apical half almost equal width, apex distinctly curved and hook-shaped; cornuti absent ( Fig. 9 ); juxta weekly sclerotized, curved, almost as long as valva, broader basally, apex bilobate at connecting position. Female. Head and Thorax: Essentially as described for male, but white spots of forewing larger, and a distinct transverse white line present at basal 1/3 ( Fig. 2 ). Abdomen: Lost. Holotype : , China : Longcanggou National Forest Park , Ya’an City , Sichuan Province , N29.631 , E102.886 , 17.VII.2017 , light trapping, G.H. Huang , M. Wang , T. Hirowatari & S. Yagi leg. (specimen no. HAUHL 024226 , deposited in HUNAU ). Paratype : , same data as holotype (specimen no. HAUHL 0225424 , DNA no. LCQ070 deposited in HU- NAU ) . Host plant. Unknown. Distribution. China ( Sichuan ). Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality - Longcanggou National Forest Park in Yingjing County.