Notes on the bee genus Alloscirtetica Holmberg, 1909 in northern Chile with the description of two new altiplanic species and a key for the Chilean species of Eucerini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Author Vivallo, Felipe text Zootaxa 2009 2010 16 30 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.185792 e3f619a9-30b0-4314-97c4-4b022723cd38 1175-5326 185792 Svastrides orellanae (Spinola) The female of this species has the body almost completely covered by dark brown pilosity. Anterior third of the mesoscutum, propodeum, T1, T2 and lateral area of T4 with white pilosity. The male differs from S . melanura in the clypeus almost completely yellow and white hairs on the head. It also has a tuft of white pilosity on each side of T4 and T5. Illustrations of the male genitalia and other structures of both sexes were provided by Urban (1972) . Svastrides orellanae is distributed exclusively in Chile . There are records of this species only from the Region of Coquimbo: Coquimbo ( Toro 1986 ), La Serena, Río Cochiguaz, Carrizal and El Pangue ( Urban 1972 ). This species visits Melissa officinalis L., Psoralea glandulosa L. ( Fabaceae ) ( Ruíz 1935 ; Wagenknecht 1970 ); Prosopis chilensis , Geoffroea decorticans Burk. (Fabaceae) , Malesherbia humilis Poepp. (Malesherbiaceae) , Robinia pseudoacacia L. ( Papilionaceae ) and Madia sativa (Compositae) ( Wagenknecht 1970 ) .