New polychaete species collected during the expeditions ANDEEP I, II, and III to the deep Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in the austral summers 2002 and 2005 — Ampharetidae, Opheliidae, and Scalibregmatidae Author Schüller, Myriam text Zootaxa 2008 1705 51 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.180892 bc980743-b15b-4c3f-853f-a3abc2ce9af7 1175-5326 180892 Pseudoscalibregma papilia sp. nov. ( Fig. 5 A–E) Holotype . ANDEEP I – II, South Sandwich Islands , Sta. 141-10, 23 March 2002 , 58°25.08’S , 25°0.77’W , 2258–2313 m , EBS , ZMH P- 24761. Paratypes . ANDEEP I – II, South Sandwich Islands , Sta. 141-10, 23 March 2002 , 58°25.08’S , 25°0.77’W , 2258–2313 m , EBS , 2 specimens , ZMH P- 24762. Additional material. 42-2 (3), 46-7 (2), 121-11 (1), 142-5 (1), 150-6 (5), 153-7 (1). Etymology. The species is named after the shape of the posterior parapodia which resemble butterfly wings. Diagnosis. The species can be recognized by prominent, almost foliose dorsal and ventral cirri in its posterior parapodia, distinctly rounded prostomial lobes and a rather smooth to irregularly wrinkled body surface. Description. Holotype . complete, 6 mm long and 1 mm wide for 33 chaetigers. A moderately large species of 5–12 mm length and 0.5–1 mm width. Number of chaetigers 26–33 ( Fig. 5 A). Color in alcohol white to a light tan. Body sometimes expanded in anterior region to about chaetiger 12. TABLE 3. Distribution of scalibregmatid species known for the Southern Ocean, (?) depth record uncertain (after Blake 1981; Schüller & Hilbig 2007).
Species Distribution Depth (m)
Ascleirocheilus ashworthi Blake, 1981 off Elephant Island west of Antipodes Island 223–2892 384–397
Hyboscolex equatorialis Blake, 1981 Ecuador, Peru South Sandwich Trench intertidal 2258–2313
Axiokebuita millsi Pocklington & Fournier, 1987 South Sandwich Trench 773–752
Axiokebuita minuta Hartman, 1967 South Shetland Islands South Orkney Islands Antarctic Peninsula Ross Sea Weddell Sea off Elephant Island South Sandwich Trench 300 593–598 412 589–608 1122–4069 2889–2892 2258–2313
Oligobregma blakei Schüller & Hilbig, 2007 off Elephant Island 2889–2892
Oligobregma collare (Levenstein, 1975) Drake Passage Ross Sea Weddell Sea Bellinghausen Sea 2889–3806 6070 (?) 1622–4575 2562
Oligobregma hartmanae Blake, 1981 Weddell Sea 585
Oligobregma notiale Blake, 1981 Antarctic Peninsula Drake Passage Weddell Sea Budd and Knox Coasts, East Antarctica Ross Sea 18–97 3683–3690 28 909–923
Oligobregma pseudocollare Schüller & Hilbig, 2007 South Sandwich Trench off Elephant Island Weddell Sea 773–752 2889–2892 3049–3050
Oligobregma quadrispinosa Schüller & Hilbig, 2007 Drake Passage Weddell Sea South Sandwich Trench 3683–3690 3049–4069 2258–2313
Pseudosaclibregma bransfieldium (Hartman, 1967) Antarctic Peninsula Bransfield Strait Weddell Sea off Elephant Island Drake Passage South Sandwich Trench Ross Sea 335 769 412–2086 2889–2892 3683–3690 773–752 916
Pseudoscalibregma papilia sp. nov. Ona Basin off Elephant Island South Sandwich Trench 3683–3690 2889–2892 2258–2313
Pseudoscalibregma ursapium Blake, 1981 Ross Sea Drake Passage off Elephant Island Weddell Sea 2143–2154 3683–3690 2889–2892 3049–3050
Scalibregma inflatum Rathke, 1843 cosmopolitan intertidal-abyssal
Sclerocheilus antarcticus Ashworth, 1915 Antarctic Peninsula Bransfield Strait 45–90 210–426
FIGURE 5. Pseudoscalibregma papilia sp. nov. A. entire animal, B. anterior segments, C. posterior parapodium, D. furcate chaetae, E. pygidium. Prostomium with two spherical lobes anterolaterally; no eyes, nuchal organs not apparent. Peristomium a single achaetous ring, well developed ( Fig. 5 B). Body surface almost smooth, sometimes irregularly wrinkled, a scheme in annulation not apparent. Anterior parapodia with reduced parapodial lobes, dorsal and ventral cirri, these rapidly increasing in size in median region; posterior dorsal and ventral cirri of large size, almost foliose, ventral cirri larger than dorsal ones; interramal sense organs missing ( Fig. 5 C). All parapodia with simple chaetae; furcate chaetae with unequal tynes covered by fine hairs, present from chaetiger 2 ( Fig. 5 D). Pygidium terminal, formed by a ring of large tubercles carrying cirri of different lengths ( Fig. 5 E).
Remarks. The species is most similar to Pseudoscalibregma bransfieldium ( Hartman, 1967 ) which is also very common in the Southern Ocean ( Blake 1981 ). The two species have in common the moderately large size and the lack of a schematic annulation (unlike P. ursapium e.g. which is covered by prominent tubercles). Pseudoscalibregma papilia sp. nov. can easily be distinguished from P. bransfieldium by the lack of a prominent nuchal organ dorsally on the prostomium, the distinctly spherical form of the anterolateral prostomial lobes, and the exceptionally large size of the posterior dorsal and ventral cirri. Distribution. Weddell Sea, Antarctic Peninsula, Drake Passage and South Sandwich Trench, 1970–3690 m