A new combination and a new species in Phlegmariurus (Herter) Holub (Lycopodiaceae) from Southern Vietnam Author Tran Thai Vinh Author Hoang Nghia Author Tien Chinh Vu Author Le Ngoc Trieu Author Hoang Viet Hau Author Van Tien Tran text Adansonia 2016 2016-12-30 38 2 151 157 journal article 10.5252/a2016n2a1 59be1e21-830e-4ab7-b010-282783f7d04b 1639-4798 439841 Phlegmariurus lancifolius V.T. Tran & N.V. Duy, sp. nov. ( Fig. 3 ) A Phlegmariuro obovaliFolio (Bonap.) V.T. Tran & N.V. Duy, comb. nov., lanceolatis foliis paulo majoribus, apice acuminato apiculato; sporangiis reniformibus non orbiculatis praecipue differt. Typus. — Vietnam . Lam Dong Province , Lac Duong District , Lang Bian mountain , elevation 2014 m , 12°02’6.54’’N , 108°26’02.78’’E , 20.VIII.2013 , Duy N.V. & V.T. Tran 0 0 0 11 ( holo- , Da Lat UniversityDLU !); iso-, Tay Nguyen Institute For Scientific Research – VTN!). FiG. 1. — Holotype of Phlegmariurus obovalifolius (Bonap.) V.T. Tran & N.V. Duy , comb. nov. (P00522994). FiG. 2. — Isotype of Phlegmariurus obovalifolius (Bonap.) V.T. Tran & N.V. Duy , comb. nov. (P00522995). FiG. 3. — Phlegmariurus lancifolius V.T. Tran & N.V. Duy , sp. nov. : A , habit; B , segment of leafy branch; C , strobili; D , segment of strobili; E - F , ventral and dorsal views of sporophyll; G , sporangium. Duy N.V. & V.T. Tran 0 0 0 11 (holo-, DLU!). Drawn by Tran Van Tien. Scale bars: A, 4 mm; B, 5 mm; C, 2 cm; E, 1 mm. paraTypes. — Vietnam . Annam, Ba Na, elevation 1500 m a.s.l., 15.VII.1923, Poilane 7205 (P[P01228678]!); Annam, Dent du Tigre, Quảng Trị Province, elevation 1200 m asl, 27.XI.1924, Poilane 10302 (P[P01228677!, P01228685]); Annam, MassiF du Lang Bian, elevation 2000-2500 m asl, 16.X.1919, Chevalier 30878 (P[P01228674]!); Annam, MassiF du Braian, près de Dfiring, du Haut Donai Prov., Poilane 23942 (P[P01228681!, P01293442]); Dalat, 6.VI.1921, Hayata 127 (P[P01228679]!); Quangnam-Danang Province, Ngoc Linh Mountain, elevation 1800 m asl, 24.III.1995, VH 914 (P[P01216719]!). DisTribuTion, habiTaT. — Epiphytic on tree trunks in broad leaves and cloud Forests, high mountain, 1000-2400 m. Lang Bian, Braian, Lam Đong Province; Ba Na, Đa Nang City; Quang Tri Province. And the species easily recognized by lanceolate-acuminate with apex acuminate. eTymology. — The species epithet reFers to the lanceolate leaves shaped. DescripTion Lycophytes. Plants terrestrial, erect when young and ascending when mature, Forming small clumps, 1-4 times dichotomously branched, 30-40 cm long.Shoots almost homophyllous or slightly smaller in terminal division, and equally thick throughout, main stems together with leaves c. 4 mm in diam., cordlike. Stems excl. leaves 1-2.5 mm at the base, almost completely concealed by leaF bases. Leaves densely crowded at the base and slightly spaced near terminal divisions. Sterile leaves lanceolate, spiral spreading, leathery, 1.1-1.5 × 0.4-0.6 cm, firmly coriaceous, green, apex acuminate, base narrow, sessile, abaxially flat, with slightly prominent vein abaxially and adaxially, at least in the basal halF with a distinct, margin entire. Strobili terminal on branches, linear, 0-2 times dichotomously branched, 4-8 × 0.2- 0.5 cm. Sporophylls coriaceous, sparsely arranged, cuneiForm or broadly ovate, c. 2 × 2 mm, midrib distinct, margin entire, apex acuminate with tip apiculate, c. 2 mm, base sessile. Sporangia in axils oF sporophylls oF upper portion oF stem or branchlets, yellowish, reniForm shaped, slightly flat, c. 2 × 2 mm, vertically bisected. Spores with convex lateral margins. remarks This remarkable species is distinguished From the closely related P. obovalifolius by its leaves lanceolate, apex acuminate with tip apiculate, 1.1-1.5 × 0.4-0.6 cm, apex acuminate, sporophyll cuneiForm or broadly ovate, c. 2 × 2 mm, apex acuminate with apiculate tip, c. 2 mm, sporangia reniForm.