Revision of the genus Monotes (Dipterocarpaceae) in D. R. Congo, with implications for Angola and its distinction from Marquesia Author Meerts, Pierre Herbarium et bibliothèque de botanique africaine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Avenue F. D. Roosevelt 50, CP 244, B- 1050 Brussels, Belgium Author Rougelot, Quentin Herbarium et bibliothèque de botanique africaine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Avenue F. D. Roosevelt 50, CP 244, B- 1050 Brussels, Belgium Author Sosef, Marc Botanic Garden Meise, Nieuwelaan 38, B- 1860 Meise, Belgium text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-06-07 308 2 151 205 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.308.2.1 1179-3163 13701270 10. Monotes katangensis (De Wild.) De Wildeman (1913b: 110) Vatica katangensis De Wildeman (1903: 92) . Lectotype (designated here): —D.R CONGO , Upper Katanga , Lukafu , July 1900 , Verdick 548 (BR! [barcode BR0000008891945]). Tree up to 13–14 m high; branchlets tomentellous. Leaf: petiole 10–20 mm long, 2.5–3 mm in diameter; blade elliptic to oblong or obovate-oblong, 6–12(–14) × 2.7–7(–9) cm, rounded to slightly cordate at the base, obtuse to slightly emarginate and sometimes acute or apiculate at the apex; lateral nerves in 10–15 pairs, nearly straight, some of them furcate near the apex, nerves and bifurcations reaching the margin of the leaf; upper surface minutely tuberculatesubreticulate, scaberulous with straight or nearly straight simple hairs 0.2–0.5(–0.6) mm long, developed on minute, white tubercles, glabrescent, becoming yellowish brown to livid with age; lower surface beige to pale fulvous-pubescent with straight or curled hairs on the nerves, veins and reticulation, and with interreticular areoles covered with minute stellate hairs; midrib very thick and prominent beneath, with fasciculate hairs; reticulation very prominent below and forming deep cavities (depth ≥ 2 mm ). Inflorescences of subsessile condensed multiflorous cymes forming large terminal thyrses up to 15 cm long, pale fulvous- or rufous-tomentose, often with a few reduced leaved; inflorescence leaves with upper surface indumentum comprising stellate hairs and simple straight hairs. Flower: pedicel 1–3 mm long; sepals 3–4 mm long, densely sericeous-tomentose, often with a few very reduced leaves; petals 8–10 mm × 2.7–4 mm , densely sericeous-tomentose; stamens with anthers not produced at the apex. Fruits densely crowded at the ends of the branches, subglobose, 7–9 mm in diameter, reticulate, tomentose, conical at the apex; wings 2.5–4.5 × 1–1.5(–2.3) cm, reddish purple, generally narrowly obovate-oblong to spathulate. Illustrations:Figs. 3Q , 4P , 7C,D , 8D . Distribution in D.R. Congo : —Very common in Upper Katanga . Distribution elsewhere:Mozambique , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe . Habitat and ecology: —Miombo woodlands often on compact, clayey or lateritic gravelly soil; characteristic of the Brachystegieto spiciformis—Monotetum katangense vegetation on gravelly soil; scrub savannahs, dambos. Vernacular names: —Kassolo, kazongo (Kitschokwe), kimpampa, kimpanya, kipapa (Kibemba), musanga, mutenta (Kiluba), saya. Uses: —Timber. Wood hard and heavy, difficult to work; the species has ornamental value due to its bright red showy infrutescences. Other representative specimens examined:—D.R. CONGO . Upper Katanga : Lubumbashi, 25 April 1912 , Bequaert 360 (BR!); Near Elisabethville [Lubumbashi], July–August 1919 , Burtt-Davy 17984 (BM!); Mulumbi, June 1953 , Desenfans 3456 (BRLU!); Près de Kasongo Mwana, forêt claire, 14 July 1954 , Desenfans 5764 (BRLU!); Gare de Shilatembo, 31 July 1948 , Duvigneaud 1276M (BRLU!); Grottes de Jadotville, crête rocheuse d’une colline schisteuse, forêt claire à Brachystegia microphylla , 1 August 1948 , Duvigneaud 1282M (BRLU!); Dembo Atashyo, 10 km W de Mindingi, forêt dembo riche en Uapaca , 21 July 1956 , Duvigneaud & Timperman 2067 (BRLU!); 15 km E de Menda, forêt claire à Uapaca , Monotes , sur latérite, 23 July 1956 , Duvigneaud & Timperman 2104 (BRLU!); Kasompi, pente nue semi-désertique à petites termitières, sur grand conglomérat, à l’est de Kasompi Est, 2 September 1956 , Duvigneaud & Timperman 2600 (BRLU!); Sakania, forêt claire sur terre ocre caillouteuse à Brachystegia boehmii et B. spiciformis , 31 January 1960 , Duvigneaud 5361 (BRLU!); Kasompi, forêt sur terre rouge, 8 February 1960 , Duvigneaud 5474Mo (BRLU!); Lubumbashi, brousse, 15 May 1912 , Homblé 325 (BR!); Près de la gare de Munama, forêt claire, 1220 m , 8 June 1959 , Lukuesa 649 (BRVU!); Montagne au N de Mitwaba, savane arbustive, 30 June 1988 , Pauwels 7138 (BR!); Lubumbashi, 2 November 1917 , Ringoet 58 (K!); Route Lubumbashi-Likasi, km 62, forêt claire, 30 June 1962 , Schaijes 1441 (BR!); Lubumbashi, 1937, Salésiens 80 (WAG!); Bangu, poste de chemin de fer entre Dilolo et Malonga, forêt claire sur sol sablonneux, August 1956 , Schmitz 5351 (BR!); Lukafu, April 1900 , Verdick 486 ( syntype : BR!). Discussion:— The protologue cites two syntypes ( Verdick 486 , Verdick 548 ); the latter is here chosen as a lectotype because it clearly shows the typical inflorescence shape of the species. M. katangensis is more variable in Katanga than in other parts of the Zambezian Region; leaves in particular are often larger than further south in the Zambezian Region. A number of collections have leaves up to 14 × 9 cm , with the apex emarginate, and a mixture of simple and fasciculate hairs on the upper surface. Such forms were designated as “ M. katangensis var. mitwabaensis ” by Duvigneaud in schedis (unpublished name). These forms, which are not rare in Katanga , especially in the region of Mitwaba, are possibly introgressed by M. autennei ( e.g. Mitwaba, savane à Protea et Tephrosia manikensis sur sable sur latérite, 9 September 1956 , Duvigneaud & Timperman 2694 (BRLU!); Colline Bange, forêt claire, 6 June, 1954, Desenfans 6035 (BRLU!); Lubala près de Kibanda, 28 June 1954 , Desenfans 6528 (BRLU!); Bifurcation route Elisabethville et Luba, 6 August 1954 , Desenfans s.n. (BRLU!)). Some forms have short hairs on the reticulum and almost no stellate hairs in the areoles (e.g. Duvigneaud & Timperman 2927M (BRLU!)). In some specimens, young leaves have a mixed indumentum of simple and stellate hairs on the upper surface of the leaf (e.g. Duvigneaud 3548 (BRLU!), Desenfans 5649 (BRLU!)); such indulentum is apparently always present on inflorescence leaves, which no previous author had noticed. Glands are sometimes present in the axils of secondary nerves. References:— Bancroft (1939a: 343 , 372); Coates Palgrave (2005: 740) ; De Wildeman (1921: 134 ; 1926: 175 ; 1927a: 177 , 1927b: 56 ); De Wildeman & Staner (1932: 66) ; Delevoy (1930: 17) ; Duvigneaud (1949: 60 , t. 14 fig. C.; 1961: 411); Lebrun & Stork (1991: 144) ; Meerts (2016: 223); Meerts & Hasson (2016) ; Smith & Allen (2004: 64) ; Verdcourt (1989: 5) ; White (1962: 262 ; fig. 46F).