A taxonomic monograph of the genus Solariola Flach, 1908 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) Author Bello’, Cesare Author Osella, Giuseppe Author Baviera, Cosimo text Zootaxa 2019 2019-09-30 4676 1 1 261 journal article 25339 10.11646/zootaxa.4676.1.1 4ea5bf04-d609-4607-921f-701cdc5a2fd8 1175-5326 3468945 773A5C38-EDED-4C2F-9252-FE181C232E5A Solariola paulimagrinii Bellò, Osella & Baviera sp.n. ( Figs 11, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e , 44k , 143 , 186 ) http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 9E2AD16E-65CA-4B7A-8FE9-9A60AD8BCAA8 Type locality. Sicily , Catania , Erei Mountains , Caltagirone , San Cono , 450m . ( Fig. 237 ) . Diagnosis. A large size Solariola (TL: 3.00–4.00 mm; BL: 2.55–3.40 mm ) belonging to the doderoi group with quite slender body shape. Within the species group, it is easily recognisable by brownish cuticle and for the less slender body shape. Rostrum quite elongate (RL: 0.50–0.55 mm , RW: 0.35–0.40 mm , RL/RW: 1.38–1.43). Mesorostrum carinae divergent to sides. Forehead convex (FW/MW: ratio 2.20–2.42). Mesorostrum and submentum covered by yellowish, compact and elongate pappolepida. Antennae elongate and thin (SL: 0.65–0.75 mm , FL: 0.85–1.00 mm, SL/FL: 0.75–0.76). Pronotum slightly elongate (PL: 0.75–0.90 mm , PW: 0.70–0.85 mm , PL/PW: 1.06–1.07) with many echinopappolepida at base. Elytra sub-parallel to sides, dorsally vaulted (EL: 1.91–2.40 mm , EW: 1.05–1.30 mm , EL/EW: 1.82–1.85). Type series. Holotype female with following labels: [genitalia in DHMF] [transparent label] / [w, p] / Italy , Sicily , CT[Catania], San Cono , 450m , N37°15.679’ E14°22.832’ , vaglio arbusti vari, 21. IV. 2015 , Baviera leg. [w, p] / collezione Cesare Bellò [g, p] / esemplare fotografato by Francesco Sacco [y, p] / Solariola paulimagrinii Holotype det. Bellò , Osella & Baviera, 2018 [r, p] ( MCIZ ) . Paratypes . All females. 1 female : Sicilia : Enna, Piazza Armerina, vaglio Quercus , ENPA1.1, 19. III. 2010 , Leg. Baviera C. ( CBE ); 2 females : Sicilia : Enna, Piazza Armerina, vaglio Quercus , 19. III. 2010 , Leg. Baviera C. ( CBA , CBE ); 2 females : San Cono, 02. III. ‘13 ( CBA ); 1 female : Sicilia : Catania, Caltagirone, San Cono, 450m , 04. IV. 2014 , Leg. Baviera C. / N37°15.679’ E14°22.832’ ( CBA , CBE ); 1 female : Italy , Sicilia , Catania, Caltagirone, San Cono, vaglio, 21. IV. 2015 , leg. Baviera C. ( CBE ); 2 females : Italy , Sicily , CT, San Cono, 450m , N37°15.679’ E14°22.832’ , vaglio arbusti vari, 21. IV. 2015 , Baviera leg. ( CBA , CBE ); 1 female : Sicilia : Enna, Piazza Armerina, 690m , 21. 3. 2015 , leg. P. Magrini ( PMA ); 1 female : I, Sicily , CT, Erei, San Cono, 450m , vaglio Quercus & Smilax , 37°15.680’N 14°22.834’E 17.XI.2018 Bellò & Baviera leg. ( CBE ). All with label: Solariola paulimagrinii paratype det. Bellò, Osella & Baviera, 2018 [r, p]. Holotype description. Female. See Figs 11, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e . Body shape more robust but with subcylindrical elytra ( TL : 3.00 mm and BL: 2.55 mm ). Red-brownish cuticle. Rostrum long (RL: 0.50 mm , RW: 0.35 mm , RL/RW: 1.43), conical to sides with expanded pterygium. Epistome absent. Mesorostrum carinae divergent to sides. Submentum covered by yellowish pappolepida, also around mesorostrum. Interocular pit not visible. Forehead convex (FW/MW: ratio 2.20). Vestigial eyes flat and just visible. Antennae thin and elongate (SL: 0.65 mm , FL: 0.85 mm , SL/FL: 0.76); AS ratio: 3.3.11 . Scape clubbed, slightly more robust than funicle, curved at proximal third and progressively thickening towards apex. Funicle long and quite thin; all antennal segments with short and thin setae. Club three-segmented, compact-oval, in length twice the width, densely covered by thin setae. Pronotum slightly elongate (PL: 0.75 mm , PW: 0.70 mm , PL/PW: 1.07), wider at the basal part and with many echinopappolepida at base. Scutellum visible. Elytra elongate, sub–cylindrical to sides, dorsally little vaulted (EL: 1.91 mm , EW: 1.05 mm , EL/EW: 1.82), wider in the middle with convex suture. Humeri rounded. Striae with 12–13 punctures, catenulate, quite wide and deep. Interstriae convex with short and raised setae. Elytral declivity>60 degrees. Legs quite slim and elongate with femora clubbed. Protibia with nine spines on inner edge and an evident mucro on inner apical angle. Protibia sinuous on inner edge and slightly curved in side view. Metatibia and mesotibia straight in side view. All tibia with noticeable apical comb. Tarsal segment 1 short, conical; segment 2 short and transverse; segment 3 very bilobed; all segments with thin golden setae. Onychium curved, robust and short with one short claw. Male genitalia . Unknown. Female genitalia. See Figs: spermatheca Fig. 143 ; VIII sternite Fig. 186 . Sexual dimorphism. Male unknown. Paratypes variability. Paratypes are similar to the holotype but differ in size. Distribution. See Figs. 221, 221a. Sicilian endemic. Known from Erei Mountains near San Cono locality at 450–650 meters of elevation. FIGURES 11–11e . Solariola paulimagrinii Bellò, Baviera & Osella , sp.n. holotype ♀ from “San Cono”: 11—habitus dorsal view (scale bar: 1 mm); 11a—habitus, lateral view; 11b—rostrum, lateral view; 11c—base of the elytra; 11d—elytral declivity; 11e—details rostrum, pronotum, funicle and club. FIGURE 11. (Continued) FIGURE 11. (Continued) Etymology. This species is named after our friend and colleague Paolo Magrini coleoptera epigean-endogeanhypogean (sensu Giachino & Vailati, 2010 ) specialist, in appreciation and gratitude of his cooperation in our study on Peritelini . Ecology and Phenology. Collected S. paulimagrinii by Winkler or Berlese extractors from soil obtained sifting the leaf litter on clay soil of Quercus ilex and Chamaeropsis humilis , in spring or winter. Main soil type . Calcaro Eutric Cambisol ( European Soil Data Centre ; Panagos et al . 2012 ) . Reproduction. This species is known from eleven females andcould be parthenogenetic. Associated species. Sympatric with Heteromeira pacei Bellò & Pierotti, 1992 .