Revision of the Mexican and Central American species of Mortoniella (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae) Author Blahnik, Roger J. Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-02-22 1711 1 1 72 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1711.1.1 1175­5334 5107583 Mortoniella stilula , new species Fig. 31 This species is most similar to Mortoniella meralda and M. caudicula , resembling them in having an elongate, asymmetrically developed apicomesal projection from the inferior appendage, elongate paramere appendages without scabrous apices, a simple phallicata without dorsolateral processes, and in lacking a ventral endophallic spine. The most diagnostic feature of M. stilula is the small preapical spine on the apicomesal projection of the inferior appendage. Although the preapical projection is slightly inflated apically, it lacks the scabrous development that characterizes M. meralda . Adult. Length of forewing: male 2.4–2.8 mm , female 2.6–2.8 mm . Forewing with forks I, II, and III, hind wing with forks II and III. Overall color (in alcohol) light brown. Wing bar at anastamosis indistinctly marked with pale, light brown setae. Ventral process of abdominal segment VI (male) short, ventrally oriented, rounded or subtruncate apically, slightly constricted basally at anterior margin. Male genitalia. Segment IX nearly evenly rounded anterolaterally, length greatest midlaterally, posterolateral margin forming rounded projection in dorsal half, narrowing ventrally; segment deeply mesally excised dorsally and ventrally, dorsal excision narrow, much less than half width of segment. Tergum X with apicomesal margin nearly linear, laterally with projecting lobes; lateral lobes with apices narrowed, acute, and mesally curved. Inferior appendage with distinctly asymmetrically developed apicomesal projection, apicomesal projection elongate, narrow, slightly widened preapically, apex acute; ventral margin of apicomesal projection with short, acute, preapical projection; appendage, basolaterally, with short, rounded projection on each side; mesal pockets of inferior appendage with apical processes short, dorsally curved. Paramere appendages elongate, narrow, bases somewhat enlarged and cupped, incurving from membranous basolateral lobes; stem of each appendage narrow, somewhat wider preapically, abruptly narrowed and acuminate apically. Dorsal phallic spine sinuous in lateral view, apex distinctly upturned; as viewed dorsally, with apex very narrowly acuminate. Phallicata relatively straight, tubular, basoventrally with microsetae, dorsolaterally without projections. Endophallic membrane without ventral spine. Holotype male: COSTA RICA : Heredia : Río Bijagual , on road to Magsasay , 10°24'29"N , 084°04'34"W , 140 m , 12.ii.1986 , Holzenthal , Morse & Fasth ( UMSP0000118892 (alcohol) ( UMSP ). Paratypes : COSTA RICA : Heredia : La Selva Field Station near Puerto Viejo , 21–28.iii.1988 , Steiner , Hill , Swearingen & Mitchell1 male , 3 females (alcohol) ( NMNH ) ; same locality, 21–24.viii.1999 , D. & M. Davis2 males , 16 females (alcohol) ( NMNH ) ; Estación Biología La Selva , Río Puerto Viejo , 10°26'24"N , 084°00'43"W , 30 m , , Holzenthal , Heyn & Armitage1 male (alcohol) ( INBIO ) ; same locality and date as holotype , Holzenthal , Morse & Fasth2 males (alcohol) ( UMSP ) ; Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo , Río Peje , Est. Magsasay , 10°24'07"N , 084°03'00"W , 130 m , 25–26.viii.1990 , Holzenthal , Blahnik & Huisman1 male , 50 females (alcohol) ( UMSP ) .