Pelagic tunicates (Appendicularia and Thaliacea) of Sri Lanka: two first records with an annotated checklist
Karunarathne, Krishan D.
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, 60170, Sri Lanka. & krishankarunarathne @ gmail. com; krishan. dk @ wyb. ac. lk; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1780 - 9749
Croos, M. D. S. T. De
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, 60170, Sri Lanka. & dileepa _ dc @ yahoo. com; dileepad @ wyb. ac. lk; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4449 - 6573
journal article
Key to the
species of
Sri Lanka
(based on
et al.
Van Soest 1973
, b, 1981, 1998;
Madin & Harbison 1978
Godeaux 1998
et al
. 2011
et al
. 2014
et al
. 2017
Adam & Ishak 2018
et al
. 2018
1 Colonial or solitary; zooids not embedded in a common, tube-shaped matrix...................................... 6
- Colonial; zooids embedded in a common, tube-shaped matrix: Family
............................... 2
2 Colony entirely smooth..............................................................
Pyrosomella verticillata
- Colony with longer or shorter projections or denticulations.................................................... 3
3 Colony with longer or shorter truncate processes comprising oral siphons......................................... 5
- Colony with short triangular denticulations lying dorsal to the opening of the oral siphon............................ 4
4 Test thick and opaque; ascidiozooids longer than high, with angular endostyle...................
Pyrostremma spinosum
- Test thin and transparent; ascidiozooids as high as long, with a curved endostyle...................
Pyrostremma agassizi
5 Colony small (about
20 mm
); oral siphon of ascidiozooids as broad as the branchial basket..........
Pyrosoma aherniosum
- Colony larger (about
50 mm
); oral siphon much narrower than the branchial basket.................
Pyrosoma atlanticum
6 Smallish; body muscles in complete parallel rings around the body; intestine forming an arch in gonozooid and oozooid / nurse: Family
Doliolum denticulatum
- Largish; body muscles often incomplete and nearing or fusing: Family
.................................... 7
7 Without stolon; bearing gonads, one or more eggs or embryos (blastozooid / aggregate form)........................ 24
- With a stolon ventrally or posteriorly; gonads absent (oozooid / solitary form)..................................... 8
8 Gut usually bent into a more or less compact loop posteriorly and not accompanying the branchial bar; luminous organs always absent............................................................................................. 11
- Gut straight overlying the branchial bar; luminous organs present or absent; seven annular body muscles generally interrupted ventrally............................................................................................ 9
9 Dorsal longitudinal muscles present...................................................
Cyclosalpa quadriluminis
- Dorsal longitudinal muscles absent...................................................................... 10
10 Luminous organs absent...................................................................
Cyclosalpa affinis
- Luminous organs present...............................................................
Cyclosalpa floridana
11 Less than eight body muscles........................................................................... 19
- Eight or more body muscles............................................................................ 12
12 Without two posterior processes / tails.................................................................... 14
- With two posterior processes / tails...................................................................... 13
13 Nine to 12 body muscles, widely interrupted ventrally; test firm, with finely denticulated longitudinal ridges.................................................................................................
Metcalfina hexagona
- Sixteen to 22 body muscles, all interrupted dorsally and ventrally; test firm, thick and papillated.............
Thetys vagina
14 Eight or 9 body muscles, M I to M IV fused or closely approaching dorsally; test soft, smooth, elongated cylindrical...............................................................................................
Iasis cylindrica
- Nine or more body muscles parallel to each other, or M I to M III fused or approaching dorsally...................... 15
15 Nine body muscles, with ventral interruptions not widening toward the posterior end............................... 17
- Nearly parallel body muscles, with ventral interruptions widening toward the posterior end.......................... 16
16 Nine to 18 body muscles.................................................................
Ritteriella retracta
- Nineteen to 31 body muscles................................................................
Ritteriella picteti
17 All body muscles parallel to each other; test smooth................................................
Salpa maxima
- Muscles I to M III fused or nearing dorsally............................................................... 18
18 Muscles VIII and M IX parallel or converging but not fusing, test ridges longitudinal and serrated............
Salpa aspera
- Muscles VIII and M IX strongly fused dorsally; test entirely smooth.................................
Salpa fusiformis
19 Five broad body muscles interrupted dorsally and ventrally.........................................
Soestia zonaria
- Four or five narrow body muscles, continuous dorsally...................................................... 20
20 Five body muscles; test bearing projections................................................................ 22
- Four body muscles firmly fused dorsally in two groups (M I–II and M III–IV); test barrel-shaped without projections..... 21
21 Atrial musculature reduced...............................................................
Pegea confoederata
- Atrial musculature complicate...............................................................
Pegea bicaudata
22 Body globular; several projections bulging into the test, some of them beyond it.............
Traustedtia multitentaculata
- Body cylindrical, with two posterior projections............................................................ 23
23 Atrial palps simple and straight...........................................................
Thalia democratica
- Atrial palps bifurcate.......................................................................
Thalia sibogae
24 With a compact nucleus; four or more body muscles; luminous organs always absent............................... 27
- Without a compact nucleus; four body muscles; one pair of luminous organs may be present......................... 25
25 Luminous organs present...........................................................
Cyclosalpa quadriluminis
- Luminous organs absent............................................................................... 26
26 All body muscles free dorsally..............................................................
Cyclosalpa affinis
- Muscles (M I–II and M III–IV) strongly fused dorsally, both groups nearing or touching in the mid-dorsal line...............................................................................................
Cyclosalpa floridana
27 Five or six body muscles.............................................................................. 30
- Four body muscles................................................................................... 28
28 Posterior projections absent..............................................................
Pegea confoederata
- Posterior projections present........................................................................... 29
29 Test firm and cylindrical, with two short posterior projections......................................
Pegea bicaudata
- Test soft and globular, with three long posterior projections..............................
Traustedtia multitentaculata
30 Six body muscles.................................................................................... 35
- Five body muscles................................................................................... 31
31 Two groups of body muscles continuous, fussing or touching dorsally........................................... 33
- Body muscles parallel or approaching dorsally............................................................. 32
32 Broad and parallel body muscles, interrupted ventrally, M I interrupted dorsally; test very firm, with a posterior projection...........................................................................................
Soestia zonaria
- Narrow and short body muscles, interrupted dorsally and ventrally; test firm, with longitudinal rows of spines..
Thetys vagina
33 Muscles I–III and M IV–V fusing or touching dorsally; body fusiform................................
Iasis cylindrica
- Muscles I–III and M IV–V separately dorsally, the total number of muscle fibers (M I–V) 15 to 17 (usually 16); body oval 34
34 Test smooth...........................................................................
Thalia democratica
- Test papillated.............................................................................
Thalia sibogae
35 Body muscles asymmetrically arranged....................................................
Metcalfina hexagona
- Body muscles symmetrically arranged into three dorsal groups, M I–II, M III–IV and M V–VI; test thick and firm; body fusiform.............................................................................................. 36
36 Muscles I–II and M III–IV equally fused dorsally, both groups touching or approaching dorsally..................... 38
- Muscles I and M II more strongly fused than M III–IV....................................................... 37
37 Number of muscle fibers 60–109...........................................................
Ritteriella retracta
- Number of muscle fibers 110–169............................................................
Ritteriella picteti
38 Both anterior and posterior projections echinated, posterior projection with a bifid appearance...............
Salpa aspera
- Test completely smooth............................................................................... 39
39 Muscle groups I–II and M III–IV closely approaching dorsally, M IV and M V not approaching laterally......
Salpa maxima
- Muscle groups I–IV fused dorsally, M IV and M V fused laterally...................................
Salpa fusiformis