Red List of liverworts and hornworts for Réunion (Mascarene archipelago) Author Ah-Peng, Claudine Author Bardat, Jacques Author Pócs, Tamás Author Söderström, Lars Author Staménoff, Pierre UMR PVBMT, Université de La Réunion, 15 Avenue René Cassin, 97715 Messag Cedex 9, France Author Strasberg, Dominique UMR PVBMT, Université de La Réunion, 15 Avenue René Cassin, 97715 Messag Cedex 9, France text Phytotaxa 2012 2012-10-05 68 1 1 23 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.68.1.1 1179-3163 5066080 6. Calypogeia mascarenensis Bischler (1970: 89) Family:— Calypogeiaceae . Distribution:— Comoros , Madagascar , Mauritius and Réunion . Habitat:— Corticolous and terricolous. Threat:— Few localities. Known from only three localities on the island, two of them are recreational areas. IUCN threat category:— VU[D2] Specimens:— Saint-Philippe , Sentier du Tremblet au sud de La Fournaise , 1900 m , 04.02.1971 , Gimalac 71.R.8034; Plaine des Cafres , Source Samary , 1000 m , Gimalac 71.R.8034 ; idem Gimalac 74.R.8316 ; idem Gimalac 74.R.8329 ; idem Gimalac 74.R.8318 ; Plaine des Palmistes , Premier village , 900 m , on peaty ground Kis 9435/S ( EGR ) .