Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 1. Tribes Clypeodromini, Listrodromini, Goedartini, Compsophorini, and Platylabini Author Riedel, M. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2011 2011-12-19 43 2 1549 1572 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5325739 0253-116X 5325739 Maraces rufothoracica nov.sp. H o l o t y u s (): N Vietnam : Viet Try nr Thanh Son, Thuong Cuu 20°59`N 105°8`N (recte: E) 350-400 m , 11-16.x.1999 Malaise traps, R. de Vries RMNH`99" (Leiden). P a r a t y p e s (4): N Vietnam : Viet Try nr Thanh Son, Thuong Cuu 20°59`N 105°8`N (recte: E) 350-400 m , 11-16.x.1999 Malaise traps, R. de Vries RMNH`99" (Leiden, coll. Riedel). D e s c r i p t i o n: Body length 14-15 mm . Flagellum long, with 34 flagellomeres. Apical margin of clypeus slightly bilobed. Distance of lateral ocelli from eyes 1.9 times their diameter. Hind femur somewhat club-shaped, 4.9 times as long as high. Structure otherwise as described for Maraces (HEINRICH 1974: 500-502) . Colour: Scape and basal 7-9 flagellomeres yellowish-red, flagellum otherwise black, without ivory stripes or rings. Face, clypeus, mandibles, palps, genae and wide frontal orbits ivory, temples and occiput reddish-brown, frons centrally and ocellar area dark brown to black ( fig. 4 ). Mesosoma reddish-brown, black are mesosternum and apical parts of the propodeum. Ivory are spots on propleura, collare, anterior border and upper margin of pronotum, subalar ridge, complete longitudinal band of lower mesopleurum, two indistinct spots on mesoscutum (sometimes lacking), metapleural part above the coxal carina. hind margin of scutellum, small marks on dentiparal area of propodeum. Legs brownish-black. Ivory are front and middle coxae, trochanters and trochantelli, anterior side of front and middle legs, hind coxa below on the apex, hind trochantellus, hind tibia in the subbasal 2/3. Pterostigme black. unknown.