Review of the Lispe tentaculata-group (Diptera: Muscidae) in China, with one new synonym Author Ge, Yingqiang Author Gao, Yunyun Author Yan, Liping Author Liu, Xianhui Author Zhang, Dong text Zoosystema 2016 2016-09-30 38 3 339 352 journal article 10.5252/z2016n3a4 1638-9387 5154805 Lispe tentaculata DeGeer, 1776 ( Figs 1D ; 2D ; 4B, D, F ; 5D, E, F ; 11C, D ) Lispe tentaculata DeGeer, 1776: 86 . MATERIAL EXAMINED . — 3 ♂ , Beijing : Mt. Song , 31. V .2009 , Coll. D. Zhang ; 1 ♀ , Beijing : Mt. Song , 1. VI .2009 , Coll. D. Zhang ; 47 ♂ and 35 ♀ , Xinjiang : Kalamaili Nature Reserve , 11-14.VIII.2009 , Coll. D. Zhang ; 6♂ and 7♀ , Xinjiang : Tekesi , 24.VIII.2013 , Coll. M. Zhang ; 85 ♂ and 62 ♀ , Xinjiang : Kalamaili Nature Reserve , 18.V-23. VI . 2014 , Coll. M. Zhang. DISTRIBUTION IN CHINA . — Beijing , Hebei , Heilongjiang , Jilin , Liaoning , Shandong , Shanxi , Xinjiang . B REMARKS Hennig’s drawing (1960: 408, fig. 131, with a bended distal part) of the phallus of L. tentaculata is not the same as in our dissection ( Fig. 11D , specimen from Xinjiang ). In our dissection, the phallus of L. tentaculata is straight and without a bended distal part, identical to Snyder’s drawing (1954: 15, fig. 53) of the phallus of L. sociabilis , about which he stated “might serve equally well for patellata and Nearctic specimens of tentaculata ” ( Snyder 1954: 38 ). Snyder’s statement was confirmed by Vikhrev (2014: 154) . These images are placed in one plate for comparison. We speculate that Hennig’s drawing was based on either an aberrant L. tentaculata or an underlying species that curiously have both modified first fore tarsomere and bended phallus, an intermediate taxon between L. tentaculata -subgroup and L. orientalis -subgroup (more information in Discussion below).