Amphi-Indian Ocean Disjunction in the Trans-Pacific Genus Archaeoglenes Brown (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Phrenapatinae): New Taxonomic and Distributional Data Author Iwan, Dariusz Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences Wilcza 64, 00 - 679 Warszawa, POLAND Author Kamiński, Marcin Jan Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences Wilcza 64, 00 - 679 Warszawa, POLAND Author Raś, Marcin Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences Wilcza 64, 00 - 679 Warszawa, POLAND text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2015 mo 14 2015-12-18 69 152 166 journal article 108689 10.1649/0010-065X-69.mo4.152 3574f6e2-f633-43f4-8079-53cc3eee22eb 1938-4394 4908278 Archaeoglenes gomyi Iwan and Kamiński , new species ( Figs. 1 , 2A–G ) Diagnosis. T h i s s p e c i e s i s s i m i l a r t o Archaeoglenes australis Lawrence by having an elongated mentum and submentum ( Fig. 2D ), a characteristic elytral structure (presence of at least three rounded costae and 14 puncture rows), and an elongated abdominal process (length/width ratio ca. 2.0). Archaeoglenes gomyi differs from A.australis by reduced eyes (10–12 facets, Fig. 2E ; ca. 80 facets in A. australis , Fig. 2H ), a lack of hindwings (welldeveloped in A. australis ), a shortened metasternum (ca. 1.7X as long as metacoxae; 2.9X in A. australis ), and pronotal shape (compare Fig. 2A and Fig. 2I ). Description. Body length 1.7–2.1 mm . Color yellowish brown, surface very coarsely and densely punctate, shiny. Head slightly retracted into prothorax (as in Archaeoglenes loebli new species , Fig. 5A, E ), length ratio pronotum/head ca. 1.8. Lateral antennal grooves open (as in A. loebli ). Eyes reduced, well-pigmented, situated at lateral sides of head, each eye with 10–12 facets ( Fig. 2E ). Mentum subquadrate, as long as wide; submentum pentagonal,cordate ( Fig. 2D ). Antenna 10-segmented. Pronotum about 0.65X as long as wide, moderately convex, without posterior prominence, sides slightly converging anteriorly, widest at 1/3 from base; anterior angles distinctly produced and narrowly rounded, lower margin of antennal cavity short, lateral edges weakly crenulated; disc with lateral grooves, each continuous with a moderately transverse posterior groove, which is crossed by 2 paramedian bridges and another weaker pair laterad of these. Scutellum transverse. Elytra about 1.2-1.3X as long as wide and 2.4X as long as pronotum; sides weakly rounded, widest at anterior 2/5, broadly rounded posteriorly, disc slightly convex, each elytron with 14 rows of punctures at its widest point and 4 rounded costae, which are especially prominent posteriorly; 3 puncture rows between elevated elytral suture (1 st costa, 1 st interval) and 2 nd costa (4 th interval), 3 puncture rows between 2 nd and 3 rd costa (7 th interval), 3 puncture rows between 3 rd and 4 th costa (10 th interval), and 5 puncture rows between 4 th costa and lateral edge (epipleural carina). Epipleuron moderately wide from humerus to level of 1 st abdominal ventrite, then evenly narrowing posteriad ( Fig. 2C ). Procoxal cavity closed behind by extension of inner process of hypomeron. Procoxae separated by about 1.1X coxal width, prosterum with apex at intercoxal process truncate; mesocoxae separated by about 1.0X coxal width; metaventrite at midline about 0.4X as long as greatest width and about 1.7X as long as metacoxae, moderately convex, slightly flattened in middle. Metacoxae about 0.5 as long as wide and separated by about 0.5X coxal width. Abdominal process rounded, length/width ratio about 2.0. Hindwings absent. Male and female tarsi all 4-segmented (apical tarsomere short). Ovipositor as in Fig. 2G . Type Material. Holotype , male ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Hts de Ste-Rose / 25-10-70 . / tamisage / Y. Gomy ( Fig. 2F ). Paratypes : 11 specimens ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Hts de Ste-Rose / 25-10- 70 . / tamisage / Y. Gomy ”; 10 specimens ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / S t . Denis. 1120m / 2-12-71 . tamisage / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Pl. des Chicots / 1500m . 3-12-67 / S/écorces / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Notre-Dame de la Paix / 31-XII-70 – 1500m. / tamisage / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Rte du Maïdo PK9 / 29-V- 69 – 1500m. tronc / mort de Tamarinier / Y. Gomy ”; 50 specimens ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Pl. des Makes 1400m / 15-XI-70 - tamisage / bois de couleur / Y. Gomy ”; 10 specimens ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Pl des Makes / 1400m 15-XI-70/ tamisage bois de couleur / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Pl des Makes / 1400m 15-XI-70/ tamisage de terreau infra-corticole et d’ humus / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Plaine d’ Affouches / PK2.28.XI.71. tamisage / feuilles goyaviers / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Gite Forestier / de Belouve . 22.4.72 / tamisage d’ humus / Y. Gomy ”; 2 specimens ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Forêt du Tevelave / 1600m . 6.11.66. / s/écorces / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Takamaka 26.I.72 / chemin du barrage / tamisage d’ une souche très humide / Y. Gomy ”; 1 specimen ( MHNG ): “ La Réunion / Roche Ecrite / 2200m . 8.X.65 / sous écorces / Y. Gomy ”. Etymology. This species is named in honor of Yves Gomy, an outstanding histeridologist and collector of the type material. Distribution. This species has been collected in the Mascarene forests of Réunion in the Afrotropical ecoregion ( Fig. 1 ).