A new species of Clinocera Meigen (Diptera: Empididae) from China
Yang, Ding
Grootaert, Patrick
Horvat, Bogdan
journal article
Clinocera guangdongensis
sp. nov.
Fig. 1
Diagnosis. Belonging to
Clinocera lineata
group. Thorax dark brownish yellow with blackish dorsum; laterotergite and lateral margin of mesonotum dark yellow. Fore femur with only one row of v.
Male. Body length
3.4 mm
, wing length
2.7 mm
Head black, graybrown dusted; upper occiput with a pale pollinose median band extending to ocellar tubercle; face pale pollinose except lateral margin dark and graybrown pollinose. Hairs and bristles on head black; uppermost 3 postocular bristles long; 2 vt long and strong; ocellar tubercle weak with 2 long oc and 2 very short posterior hairs. Antenna black; scape indistinct in lateral view with black dorsal bristles, pedicel with circlet of black apical hairs; first flagellomere short and conical (1.1 times longer than wide), indistinctly pubescent; arista slightly thickened, 5.5 times as long as first flagellomere, dark brown, indistinctly pubescent. Proboscis dark brown with black and pale hairs; palpus dark brown with black hairs and 1 black thin apical bristle.
Thorax dark brownish yellow with blackish dorsum, pale gray dusted; laterotergite and lateral margin of mesonotum dark yellow. Hairs and bristles on thorax black; 1 h, 1 ph, acr absent, 5 uniformly long dc, 2 npl (outer one very short and hairlike), 1 short psa shorter than dc; scutellum with pair of long sc as long as dc; laterotergite with hairs on outer portion. Legs dark brown; coxae and trochanters brownish yellow. Hairs and bristles on legs black. Femora each with 1 av and 1 pv at tip; fore femur with row of short av; fore tibia with row of ad, hind tibia with row of 8 pd, 3–4 av and 5–6 pv on apical half. Wing hyaline, tinged with grayish; veins dark brown. Squama dark brown with black hairs. Halter dark brown.
Abdomen distinctly longer than head and thorax together, black, pale gray dusted; tergum 7 divided into 2 lateral sclerites connected by the membrane; tergum 8 linear, but sternum 8 large. Hairs on abdomen short, sparse, blackish. Male genitalia (
Fig. 1
): Cercal plate with long bristles, clasping cercus distinctly sclerotized, long, spinelike; epandrium large and broad with rounded apex, its surstylus curved inward with narrow base and very wide apex bearing dorsal ridge; hypandrium narrow apically; phallus with hooklike apex.
Clinocera guangdongensis
sp. n.
, male genitalia, lateral view.
Female: unknown.
: Guangdong, Fugang, Guanyinshan Mountain,
15. V. 2004
(in 75% ethanol, leg. Ding Yang, in CAU).
Etymology: This specific name refers to the
locality Guangdong.
Remarks. The new species is very similar to
C. sinensis
Yang et Yang, 1995
from Zhejiang in having the spinelike clasping cercus and surstylus with a dorsal ridge, but can be distinguished from the latter by the thorax mainly dark brownish yellow, clasping cercus slightly curved backward apically and phallus distinctly swollen subapically. In
C. sinensis
, the thorax is entirely black, the clasping cercus is slightly curved forward apically, and the phallus is not distinctly swollen subapically (
Yang & Yang, 1995
Up to now four species of the genus
are known to occur in
. Two species,
C. sinensis
Yang et Yang
C. wui
Yang et Yang
, are distributed in the Central
Region. One species,
C. guizhouensis
Yang, Zhu et An
is distributed in the Southwest
region while one species,
C. guangdongensis
sp. n.
, is distributed in the South
Region. It is highly possible that more species will be found in