Description of eleven new species of the goblin spider genus Neoxyphinus Birabén, 1953 (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Moss, Daniella F. Author Feitosa, Níthomas M. Author Bonaldo, Alexandre B. Author Ruiz, Gustavo R. S. text Zootaxa 2016 4098 1 95 133 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4098.1.4 c2b356fc-8818-46bc-8e3c-929627b7ff85 1175-5326 255215 579B810B-0B07-44B0-B252-ADF72EAD2396 Neoxyphinus coca Moss & Feitosa , sp. nov. Figs 8 , 48–70 ; Map 1 Type material: Holotype : male from Parque Nacional Yasuní, Orellana, Ecuador ( 0°40’16”S , 76°24’18”W ), 228 m , 01–05 December 2009 , B. Baehr leg. ( AMNH , PBI _OON 44332). Paratype : one female, same data as holotype ( AMNH , PBI _OON 44364). Etymology . The specific name is a noun in apposition, referring to the early name of Francisco de Orellana city, La Coca , in Orellana Province, Ecuador . FIGURES 48–55. Neoxyphinus coca sp . nov . , male: 48–49 habitus (48 dorsal, 49 lateral); 50–52 cephalothorax (50 dorsal, arrow on carapace posterior tubercles, 51 anterior, 52 posterior); 53–55 abdomen (53 anterior, 54 dorsal, 55 ventral). FIGURES 56–61. Neoxyphinus coca sp . nov . , female: 56 cephalothorax, dorsal; male: 57 mouth parts, ventral; 58–61 left bulb (58 ventral, arrow on prolateral embolar lamella, 59 ventral, 60 prolateral, 61 retrolateral). Diagnosis . Males resemble those of N. amazonicus sp . nov . ( Fig. 32 ) by the squared embolar apical projection and by the presence of a prolateral, distal, embolar lamella ( Fig. 58 ), differing by the smoother carapace surface, bearing only one pair of posterior enlarged setal sockets ( Fig. 52 ) and smaller ejaculatory opening. Females resemble those of N . furtivus (Chickering) (see Abrahim et al . 2012 , fig. 309), N . yekuana ( Fig. 163 ) and N. trujillo ( Fig. 179 ) by the texturized surface of dorsal abdominal scutum ( Fig. 68 ). Differ from those of N. yekuana ( Fig. 162 ) by the low clypeus, less than one AME diameter in height ( Fig. 66 ) and from those of N. trujillo ( Fig. 186 ) by the shallow lateral pockets on the groove connecting the posterior spiracles ( Fig. 70 ). Differ from those of N. furtivus (see Abrahim et al . 2012 , figs 305, 308) by the presence of modified setal sockets on posterior surface of carapace ( Figs 62, 63 ). Description . Male (PBI_OON 30583): total length 2.16. Cephalothorax: carapace orange-brown, broadly oval, pars cephalica slightly elevated, posterolateral surface without spikes, surface and sides smooth ( Figs 50– 52 ); lateral margin without denticles; posterior part with one pair of small tubercles ( Fig. 52 ); recurved set of setae on posterior surface with four small tubercles ( Fig. 50 ). Clypeus margin slightly reborded, straight in frontal view, high ( Fig. 51 ). Sternum as long as wide, orange-brown, surface smooth, without pits. Chelicerae, endites and labium orange-brown. Abdomen: book lung covers large and round. Dorsal scutum orange-brown, surface and sides smooth, anterior half without projecting denticles ( Fig. 54 ). Epigastric and postepigastric scutum orangebrown. Legs: pale orange. Leg spination: tibiae: I v4-4 -0; metatarsi: I: v2-2 -2. Genitalia: epigastric region with sperm pore small and oval. Palp proximal articles, cymbium and bulb pale orange. Embolus rounded, with prolateral lamella, without prolateral prong, apical projection not expanded in retrolateral view ( Fig. 61 ). Female (PBI_OON 30583): total length 2.46. Cephalothorax: carapace surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica finely reticulate and sides strongly reticulate; posterior part with three or more pairs of tubercles ( Fig. 56); recurved set of setae on posterior surface with six or more small tubercles ( Figs 62 , 56 ). Abdomen: dorsal scutum middle surface and sides finely reticulate; groove connecting the posterior spiracles bearing pockets ( Fig. 70 ). Legs: leg spination: femur I, II v0-1-0; tibia I v6-4 -0; II v4-4 -2; metatarsus I v4-2 -0; II v2-2 -0. Genitalia: with conspicuous apodemes ( Fig 70 ); genital median element oblong ( Fig. 70 ). FIGURES 62–70. Neoxyphinus coca sp . nov . , female: 62–64 habitus (62 dorsal, 63 lateral, 64 ventral); 65 66 cephalothorax (65 ventral, 66 anterior); 67–69 abdomen (67 lateral, 68 dorsal, 69 ventral); 70 epigastric area, ventral, arrow on groove pocket. Other material examined. ECUADOR : Orellana : 1♂ , Parque Nacional Yasuní ( 1°06’12.56”S , 75°48’15.16”W ), 01–05 December 2009 , litter, 228 m , B. Baehr leg. ( AMNH , PBI _OON 44367); 1♀ ( AMNH , PBI _OON 44365); 1♀, Estación Biológica Yasuní ( 0°40'12"S 76°24'0"W ), 0 2 December 2008 , Canopy Tower, leaf litter, 200 m ( AMNH , PBI _OON 44366); 1♀, Cantón Francisco de Orellana, Río Tiputini, Estación Biológica Yasuní ( 0°40'27.4"S , 76°23'51.5"W ), 01–05 December 2009 , rain forest, 295 m , M. Ramírez leg. ( MACN , PBI _OON 30601); 1♀ 1♂ ( MACN , PBI _OON 15090); 1♀ 1♂ , berlese ( MACN , PBI _OON 30583); 1♀ 1♂ , leaf litter ( MACN , PBI _OON 15104). Napo : 1♀, Cantón Tena, Parroquia Puerto Napo, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha ( 01°03’57.5”S , 77°37’00.2”W ), 01–05 December 2009 , rain forest, leaf litter, 410 m , C. Grismado & F. Labarque leg. ( MACN , PBI _OON 30586); 1♀ ( MACN , PBI _OON 30592). Distribution . Known from Orellana and Napo Provinces, Ecuador .