Three new species of bat-parasitic gamasid mites of the genera Spinturnix, Macronyssus and Steatonyssus (Acari: Mesostigmata: Spinturnicidae, Macronyssidae) from Siberia and Mongolia, with keys to species of Russia and adjacent countries Author Orlova, Maria V. . Tyumen State Medical University, Odesskaya str. 54, Tyumen, 625023 Russia; E-mail: masha _ orlova @ mail. ru 2. National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina str. 36, Tomsk, 634050 Russia. masha_orlova@mail.ru2.NationalResearchTomskStateUniversity,Leninastr.36,Tomsk,634050Russia. Author Anisimov, Nikolay V. . Tyumen State University, Volodarskogo str. 6, Tyumen, 625004, Russia; E-mail: bioanv @ gmail. com text Persian Journal of Acarology 2023 2023-04-15 12 2 211 239 journal article 10.22073/pja.v12i2.76740 2251-8169 85ECC57C-CD02-4348-8560-9D4F845EE850 Spinturnix plecotina (C.L. Koch, 1839) Distribution – Russia ( Stanyukovich 1997 ), Europe ( Stanyukovich 1997 ; Beron 2020 ), Asia ( Turkey , Afghanistan , China , Mongolia , Japan , Taiwan) ( Beron 2020 ), Africa ( Morocco ) ( Beron 2020 ). Hosts – Plecotus auritus ( Stanyukovich 1990 ) , Pl. ognevi (as Pl. auritus ; Medvedev et al. 1991 ), Pl. sacrimontis ( Beron 2020 ) , Pl. austriacus ( Stanyukovich 1997 ) ,? Pl. kozlovi Bobrinskoj, 1826 ( Beron 2020 ), Pl. tenerifae ( Beron 2020 ) , Barbastella barbastellus ( Beron 2020 ) , Ba. leucomelas ( Stanyukovich 1997 ) , Eptesicus nilssonii ( Stanyukovich 1997 ) , Ep. serotinus ( Beron 2020 ) , Myotis brandtii ( Stanyukovich 1990 ) , My. dasycneme ( Orlova et al. 2014a ) , My. sibiricus (as My. brandtii ; Medvedev et al. 1991 ), My. daubentonii ( Stanyukovich 1997 ) , My. nattereri ( Stanyukovich 1997 ) , Nyctalus noctula ( Rudnick 1960 ) , Rhinolophus euryale ( Beron 2020 ) , Rh. ferrumequinum ( Stanyukovich 1997 ) , Rh. lepidus ( Beron 2020 ) .