A new species of Palpita Hübner from Laos (Lepidoptera, Crambidae Spilomelinae) Author Ko, Jae-Ho DASARI Research Institute of BioResources, Dunsan-daero, 117 beon-gil, Seo-gu, Daejeon 35203, South Korea. & Bio-Resource and Environmental Center, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, South Korea. Author Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal Bio-Resource and Environmental Center, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, South Korea. & Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012, South Korea. Author Lee, Tak-Gi Bio-Resource and Environmental Center, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, South Korea. & Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012, South Korea. Author Cha, Yeong-Bin Bio-Resource and Environmental Center, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, South Korea. & Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012, South Korea. Author Lee, Jong Koo Bio-Resource and Environmental Center, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, South Korea. & Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012, South Korea. & jklee @ inu. ac. kr; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5118 - 6156 jklee@inu.ac.kr Author Bae, Yang-Seop Bio-Resource and Environmental Center, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, South Korea. & Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Bioengineering, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012, South Korea. & baeys @ inu. ac. kr; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7356 - 5633 baeys@inu.ac.kr text Zootaxa 2021 2021-06-22 4990 3 577 582 journal article 5479 10.11646/zootaxa.4990.3.9 5ed5de30-c724-4152-a146-0ca638d7ad46 1175-5326 5098734 9240D14C-F9D2-4BE2-83A2-72F74A929FED Palpita incesta Ko & Bae , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 , 3 , 5 ) Type materials. Holotype : 1 m #, Laos , Xieng Khouang Province , Ban Tha (N19˚43′31.40″, E103˚35′25.73″ Alt. 1212 m ), 26.VII.2018 ( Bae Y.S. , Lee D.J. , Ko J.H. , Lee T .G., Jang C.M. , U. Bayarsaikhan), Gen. Slide No. INU–7015L( NIBR ) . Paratypes ( 10 m #, 1 fm#): LAOS ; 1 m #, Xieng Khouang Province , Ban Tha (N19˚43′0.70″, E103˚35′24.20″ Alt. 1204 m ), 30. VI .2017 ( Bae Y.S. , Na S.M. , Lee D.J. , Ko J.H. , Lee T .G.), Gen. Slide No. INU- 6682L( NIBR ) ; 4 m #, Xieng Khouang Province , Ban Tha (N19˚44′55.46″, E103˚35′5.46″ Alt. 1158 m ), 24.VII.2018 (BaeY.S., Lee D.J. , Ko J.H. , Lee T .G., Jang C.M. ,U. Bayarsaikhan ), Gen.Slide No. INU-6679L( NIBR ) , 6680L( NIBR ), 6681L( NIBR ), 6683L( NIBR ); 4 m #, Xieng Khouang Province , Ban Tha (N19˚43′28.92″, E103˚35′26.02″ Alt. 1245 m ), 25.VII.2018 ( Bae Y.S. , Lee D.J. , Ko J.H. , Lee T .G., Jang C.M. , U. Bayarsaikhan ), Gen. Slide No. INU- 7011L( INU ) , 7012L( INU ), 7013L( INU ), 7014L( INU ); 1 m #, Xieng Khouang Province , Ban Tha (N19˚43′31.40″, E103˚35′25.73″ Alt. 1212 m ), 26.VII.2018 ( Bae Y.S. , Lee D.J. , Ko J.H. , Lee T .G., Jang C.M. , U. Bayarsaikhan ), Gen. Slide No. INU-7016L( INU ) ; 1 fm#, Xieng Khouang Province , Ban Tha (N19˚43′31.40″, E103˚35′25.73″ Alt. 1212 m ), 02.IX.2018 ( Bae Y.S. , Na S.M. , Lee D.J. , Ko J.H. , Lee T .G., Cha Y.B. , Jang C.M. ), Gen. Slide No. INU- 7020L( INU ) . Diagnosis. Palpita incesta sp. nov. is morphologically similar to P. inusitata (Butler) , but can be distinguished by the following characters: ground color of wings grayish white ( Fig. 1 ); in male genitalia, sacculus not projected at distal 1/3 ( Fig. 3 ); in female genitalia, ductus bursae entirely sclerotized, except for partly membranous laterally and folded at middle ( Fig. 5 ). In P . inusitata , ground color of wings white ( Fig. 2 ); in male genitalia, sacculus projected at distal 1/3 ( Fig. 4 ); in female genitalia, ductus bursae membranous overall, except for partly sclerotized near antrum and not folded at middle ( Fig. 6 ). Description . Adult ( Figs. 1–4 ). Length of forewing 10–11 mm in both sexes. Vertex covered with grayish white scales; frons flat, covered with grayish white scales; antenna filiform; chaetosema absent; labial palpus upturned, brown, mixed with grayish-white scales; proboscis brown, mixed with grayish-white scales. Patagium and tegula grayish white. Ground color of forewing grayish white; costal margin brownish orange; basicellular dot brownish orange; midcellular mark brownish orange, semicircular, edged with brown line; infracellular mark brownish orange, edged with brown line; discal mark brownish orange, reniform, edged with brown line; subterminal fascia brown, irregularly undulate; terminal area with two brown dots at R 5 and M 1 ; fringe grayish white. Ground color of hindwing grayish white; basal area with a brown dot; posterior discal dot brownish orange, irregularly ovoid, edged with brown line, with black dot at 1/3 of M 2 ; subterminal fascia brown, irregularly undulate; terminal area with three brown dots at Rs, M 1 , CuP; tornal dot brown; fringe grayish white ( Fig. 1 ). Abdomen slender, grayish white ( Fig. 1 ). Male genitalia ( Fig. 3 ). Uncus rod–shaped, widened at base; valva ovoid, weakly sclerotized from basal to postmedian area, sparsely setose at apex; costa arched, strongly sclerotized; sacculus strongly sclerotized, expanded near apex of valva, tip of sacculus pointed; juxta lobate, strongly sclerotized; saccus small, U-shaped; phallus cylindrical, sclerotized ventrally, almost same length as valva, with one long and two short, thorn-like cornuti ( Fig. 3 ). Female genitalia . Papilla anales simple, setose; posterior apophyses about half length of anterior apophyses; antrum broad, sclerotized; ductus bursae about 3 times length of corpus bursae, sclerotized overall, except partly membranous at laterally, swollen near antrum and strongly curved, folded at middle; corpus bursae ovate, with a pair of spine-shaped signa ( Fig. 5 ). FIGURES 1–2. Palpita incesta sp. nov. and compared species P . inusitata from Laos . 1a. Palpita incesta sp. nov . , male (holotype, INU-7015L). 1b. ditto , male (paratype, INU-7013L). 1c. ditto , female (paratype, INU-7020L). 2. P. inusitata , male (Korea, INU-7922K). Scale bar = 5.0 mm. FIGURES 3–4. Male genitalia of Palpita incesta sp. nov. and compared species P . inusitata from Laos . 3a. Palpita incesta sp. nov. (holotype, INU-7015L). 3b. ditto (paratype, INU-7013L). 4. P . inusitata (Korea, INU-7922K). Scale bar = 1.0 mm. FIGURES 5–6. Female genitalia of Palpita incesta sp. nov. and compared species P . inusitata from Laos . 5. Palpita incesta sp. nov. (paratype, INU-7020L). 6. P . inusitata (Korea, INU-7917). Scale bar = 2.0 mm. Distribution. Laos (Ban Tha). Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin incesta , referring to the cloudy wings of the adults.