Some hydrozoans (Cnidaria) from Central Chile and the Strait of Magellan
Galea, Horia R.
Schories, Dirk
journal article
Campanularia hartlaubi
El Beshbeeshy, 2011
(fig. 9A–C, E, F, table 10)
Orthopyxis hartlaubi
El Beshbeeshy, 1991
: 100
, fig. 23B, C (
nomen nudum
). —
El Beshbeeshy, 2011
: 83
, fig. 24.
Campanularia tincta
Hartlaub, 1905
: 557
, figs D1a, E1. —
Jäderholm, 1917
: 6
, pl. 1 fig. 3.
Campanularia (Orthopyxis) everta
Blanco, 1976
: 36
, pl. 3 fig. 4.
Orthopyxis everta
Blanco, 1967a
: 258, pl. 2 figs 1–9, 14. (=
Campanularia lennoxensis
Jäderholm, 1903
). not
Campanularia (Orthopyxis) everta
Vervoort, 1972
, 87, figs 26A, B (=
Campanularia lennoxensis
Jäderholm, 1903
13. The gonotheca illustrated by
Stepanjants (1979)
may not belong to the present species. Indeed, in the description of the species it is stated "Gonozooids unknown" (Половые зооиды неизвестны).
Material examined
Stn. FSI
, PTA019 (
20 m
): numerous hydrothecae and a couple of female gonothecae, epizoic on
Symplectoscyphus filiformis
, S01 (
35 m
): a few hydrothecae on
Synthecium protectum
, S10 (
40 m
): a few hydrothecae, but no gonothecae, epizoic on
Parascyphus repens
; S29 (
40 m
): a colony detached from its substrate, gonthecae present (MHNG-INVE-79647); S32 (
40 m
): numerous hydrothecae on unidentifiable athecate hydroid; S38 (
25 m
): numerous hydrothecae, but no gonothecae, on
Symplectoscyphus magellanicus
S. filiformis
, S16 (
30 m
): hydrothecae, but no gonothecae, on
S. filiformis
S. protectum
. A–C, E, F:
Campanularia hartlaubi
(El Beshbeeshy, 2011)
—hydrotheca atop its pedicel (A); three hydrothecae (B, C) and size comparison with
Campanularia lennoxensis
Jäderholm, 1903
(D), all drawn at the same scale; details of two gonothecae, that on left showing eggs (E); various shapes of the gonotheca (F). G–J:
Clytia reloncavia
sp. nov.
—lateral (G) and apical (H) views of the hydrotheca; detail of the hydrothecal rim (I); gonotheca (J). K–Q:
sp.—various hydrothecae atop their pedicels (K–M); apical view of a hydrotheca showing scalloped margin (N); stem branching (O, P); three gonothecae (Q); material from Stn. LYN, DS205 (K), Stn. TIB, DS207 (Q), Stn. CHN, S08 (M, N), Stn. YBU, S23 (L) and DS090 (P), Stn. REL, S05 (O). R, S:
Obelia longissima
(Pallas, 1766)
—hydrotheca (R); gonotheca (S). Scale bars: 100 µm (I), 300 µm (H), 400 µm (M, N), 500 µm (A–G, J–L, O–S).
. Creeping, branching stolons, giving rise irregularly to unbranched hydrothecate pedicels, 2–3 times longer than the hydrothecae; basally with 2–3 oblique twists, elsewhere nearly smooth to irregularly wrinkled; a subhydrothecal spherule present. Hydrotheca long, tubular, tapering basally over 1/3rd of its length; margin scalloped in apical view, provided with 11–13 triangular cusps with rounded tips, separated by deep and rather narrow embayments. Gonothecae pyriform, slightly eccentric with respect to their pedicel (fig. 9E, left), rounded in cross section, perisarc markedly thickened. Six ovoid eggs, with large spherical nuclei embedded in an ovoid mass of tissue attached to blastostyle, are visible in both gonothecae from sample PTA019.
. Comparative measurements of
Campanularia hartlaubi
El Beshbeeshy, 2011
, in µm.
Present study, FSI, PTA019
Present study, FSI, S29
Blanco (1976), as
Campanularia (Orthopyxis) crenata
El Beshbeeshy (2011)
– length |
710–1320 |
675–1120 |
598 |
232–1461 |
– diameter |
60–80 |
55–80 |
63 |
58–92 |
– length |
715–865 |
655–675 |
703 |
394–649 |
– width |
225–305 |
225–265 |
– |
– |
– diameter at rim |
265–350 |
235–300 |
231 |
162–324 |
– length/width |
2.74–3.36 |
2.50–3.00 |
– |
– |
– pedicel, length |
75–100 |
80–140 |
– |
– |
– gonotheca, length |
980–1155 |
1000–1175 |
– |
– |
– gonothecae, width |
470–480 |
445–515 |
– |
– |
. At first glance, the trophosome of this species shows a striking resemblance to that of
Campanularia lennoxensis
Jäderholm, 1903
. However, a more careful examination reveals that its hydrothecae are comparatively bigger and longer, their ratio length/width (L/W) varying in the range 2.74–3.36. Reinspection of
C. lennoxensis
from sample A515 (see
et al
. 2009
) indicates a L/W ratio of 1.83–2.33, thus significantly inferior to that of
. hartlaubi
El Beshbeeshy (2011)
included in the synonymy of
C. hartlaubi
specimens assigned by both
Blanco (1967a)
Vervoort (1972)
C. everta
Clarke, 1876
, and explained the morphological differences from the latter species. However, our present data do not support El Beshbeeshy's view. In the first case, the thickened perisarc of both hydro- and gonothecae, their dimensions, as well as the sexual dimorphism of the gonothecae, strongly point towards Jäderholm's species. In addition, the L/W ratio of the hydrothecae calculated from Blanco's plate 2 (figs 1, 2, 6–8) ranges between 1.56–2.40. In the case of Vervoort's material, the dimensions of the hydrothecae fall also in the range given by
et al
. (2009)
C. lennoxensis
, and the ratio L/W deduced from his fig. 26A, B is 2.00– 2.40.
Based on the present observations and comparison with
C. lennoxensis
, it is concluded that the former inclusion (by
et al
., 2009
) of Blanco's (1976)
C. (Orthopyxis) everta
in the synonymy of Jäderholm's species is equally unfounded. Her specimens are morphologically identical to, and have a similar size, as the material before us.
In addition, we suspect that part of El Beshbeeshy's material (that with the smallest hydrothecae and the lowest number of cusps, see his table 25) could belong instead to
C. lennoxensis
, rather than to the present species. Indeed, our specimens from Stn. FSI, S29 have smaller hydrothecae compared to those from sample PTA019 (table 10), and these are the lowest dimensions for the present species recorded among our specimens.
El Beshbeeshy originally included his species in the genus
L. Agassiz, 1862
, but there is no obvious indication on the production of a medusoid, and the species is moved to
Lamarck, 1816
, pending additional observations on further fertile material.
Distribution in
. Smyth Channel (
Hartlaub 1905
), Strait of Magellan (present study).
World records
. Entrance to the Beagle Channel, south of Sloggett Bay (
Jäderholm 1917
), off Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego provinces of
Blanco 1976
El Beshbeeshy 2011