Revision of Australian Meranoplus: the Meranoplus diversus group. Author Schoedl, text Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute Editor Snelling, R. R. Editor Fisher, B. L. Editor Ward, P. S. 2007 Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Homage to E. O. Wilson - 50 years of contributions. 80 370 424 journal article 21287 Meranoplus crassispina Schoedl sp. n. (Figs. 24, 25, 64, 85) HOLOTYPE WORKER. TL 5.60, HL 1.30, HW 1.48, FC 1.23, CS 1.39, SL 0.78, SI 1 53, SI 2 56, PML 1.13, PW 1.33, PMD 1.50, PMI 2 113, ML 1.50, PTLL 0.43, PTLH 0.60, PTDW 0.50, PPLL 0.35, PPLH 0.65, PPI 54, PPDW 0.48, PT / PP 105.26. Mandible with four teeth. Clypeus carinulate, in full face view bluntly bidentate, scarcely surpassing anterolateral frontal projections. Frontal carinae broad and distinctly sinuately narrowed towards clypeus (FI 120). Head wider than long (CI 113), preoccipital margin very shallowly concave only. Antennal scrobe distinctly surpassing middle of lateral sides of head, glossy with additional distinct transverse carinulae at rear, merging very weakly defined into posterior section of head. Genae and ventrolateral sides of head carinate, preoccipital corners reticulate. Eyes moderately sized (EL 0.28, REL 0.21, with 16. ommatidia in the longest row), situated slightly in front of lateral sides of head, dorsal ocular margin touching ventral scrobal margin. Frons rather evenly longitudinally costulate, head only posteriorly reticulate. Promesonotal shield vaulted, with evenly convex profile, moderately wider than long (PMI 118), lateral sides narrowly translucently margined. Pronotal margins almost parallel-sided, with distinct indentation at level of promesonotal suture, with the anterior mesonotal projections distinctly defined. Promesonotal shield coarsely rugose, with occasional cross meshes only. Propodeal declivity partly overhung by posterior mesonotal margin. Propodeal spines in relation to body size very long (PSL 0.63), situated high above middle of length of declivity, massively developed, straight, apically acute and distinctly diverging when seen from above. Petiole in lateral view broadly triangular (PTI 71), with anterior face straight, meeting convex posterior face in a crest. Postpetiole elongately nodiform with a rather large anteroventral tooth. Gaster entirely microreticulate. Surface covered with evenly distributed pilosity exsiting of short decumbent and long, more or less erect outstanding stiff hairs. WORKERS (n = 4). TL 5.20 - 5.60, HL 1.28 - 1.32, HW 1.48 - 1.50, FC 1.21 - 1.23, FI 120 - 122, CI 113 - 118, CS 1.39 - 1.40, SL 0.78 - 0.80, SI 1 53, SI 2 55 - 58, PML 1.05 - 1.25, PW 1.25 - 1.38, PMI 110 - 119, PMD 1.43 - 1.53, PMI 2 111 - 114, ML 1.30 - 1.50, PSL 0.58 - 0.65, PTLL 0.38 - 0.43, PTLH 0.55 - 0.60, PTI 63 - 71, PTDW 0.46 - 0.60, PPLL 0.34 - 0.43, PPLH 0.6 - 0.7, PPI 54 - 61, PPDW 0.45 - 0.58, PT / PP 103 - 105, EL 0.27 - 0.31, REL 0.21 - 0.24, with 15 - 18 ommatidia in the longest row. ETYMOLOGY The name refers to the shape of the propodeal spines. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype worker, South Australia : ' S. AUST ., 5.6 km SSE Mosquito Camp Dam , Crown Point Stn 26 ° 09 ' 28 " S 134 ° 30 ' 49 " E \ pitfalls 20. - 23. Nov 1995 Stony Desert Survey LC 05 ' ( SAMA ). Paratypes . 12 workers, same data as holotype ; 1 worker, ' 6.8 km WSW Mosquito Camp Dam 26 ° 08 ' 44 " S 134 ° 25 ' 56 " E \ pitfalls 20. - 23. Nov 1995 Stony Desert Survey LC 02 ' ( ANIC , SAMA , NHMW ) . ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED Western Australia : Kimberley district , N. W. Austr ( Mjoeberg ) (1 worker in NHRS ) . DISCUSSION This taxon in many respects resembles deserticola and obviously is a sibling. However, the broader frontal carinae, the outline of the dorsal shield and, in particular the distinctly differently structured propodeal spines separate crassispina well from the former. Between the known localities in Central and north-western Australia a wide gap is present, which most likely is due to insufficient collecting.