Taxonomic Survey on Macrocentrinae and Orgilinae fauna (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) from North-eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey Author Beyarslan, Ahmet text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2015 2015-12-30 47 2 1311 1319 journal article 4975 10.5281/zenodo.5193659 eeaf3ce5-baff-4449-8452-5fcbf43c646d 0253-116X 5193659 Macrocentrus bicolor CURTIS , 1833 Material examined: Erzurum , Uzundere , Art yaylası, ( 39°54'5''N , 41°15'35''E ), 1871m , 18.06.2012 , 1 , leg. Ö. KELEŞ . Distribution: Palaearctic, Oriental. Hosts: Lepidoptera , Chimabachidae : Diurnea lipsiella (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775). Drepanidae : Drepanula applana (FABRICIUS, 1777). Gelechiidae : Anacampsis populella (CLERCK, 1759) . Gracillariidae : Phyllonorycter scopariella (ZELLER, 1846) . Lyonetiidae : Leucoptera lustratella (HERRICH- SCHÄFFER, 1855). Oecophoridae : Agonopterix ferulae (ZELLER, 1847) . Pyralidae : Acrobasis consociella (HÜBNER, 1813) . Tineidae : Morophaga choragella DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775 ); Nemapogon cloacella (HAWORTH, 1828) ; Nemaxera betulinella (PAYKULL, 1785) ; Triaxomera parasitella (HÜBNER, 1796) . Tortricidae : Archips rosana (LINNAEUS, 1758) ; A. xylosteana (LINNAEUS, 1758) ; Pandemis cinnamomeana (TREITSCHKE, 1830) ; Tortricodes alternella (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) . This species is new to Turkey .