Geographic Range Updates for the Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Northern Ontario, Canada Author Jumean, Z. Author Oldham, M. J. Author Fleming, K. J. Author Duran, D. P. Author Beresford, D. V. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2017 2017-12-01 71 4 707 720 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X-71.4.707 1938-4394 5378051 Cicindela tranquebarica Herbst – Oblique-lined tiger beetle (S5) Cicindela tranquebarica has a broad distribution across North America. Although Wallis (1961) did not map any Ontario records of C . tranquebarica from the James Bay drainage of northern Ontario, he listed the species from both Attawapiskat and Smoky Falls. Our records indicate that C. tranquebarica is quite widespread in the southern James Bay drainage ( Fig.12 ) and, unlike many other Cicindela species , occurs in a wider variety of habitats (mudflats, salt marsh, sand, and clay) ( Catling 2006 ; Pearson et al. 2015). Records from most of Ontario , including eastern areas of northern Ontario , belong to C. tranquebarica tranquebarica (Pearson et al. 2015) . Pearson et al. (2015) suggest that west of the Thunder Bay- Lake Nipigon area, northern Ontario records of this species are intergrades between C. tranquebarica tranquebarica and C. tranquebarica kirbyi LeConte. Previously , C. tranquebarica had been reported in Ontario south of a line from southern James Bay to the Ontario-Manitoba border at roughly 51° N (Pearson et al. 2015). Fleming and Beresford (2016) reported 716 THE COLEOPTERISTS BULLETIN 71(4), 2017 Fig. 10. Northern Ontario distribution map showing previous collection records for Cicindela scutellaris . the occurrence of C. tranquebarica tranquebarica on Akimiski Island , Nunavut , approximately 25 km east of Attawapiskat in James Bay (at roughly 53° N ). Our collections extend the range of the species west of the James Bay coast, between Moosonee and Attawapiskat , by approximately 250 km .