Order Chiroptera - Family Pteropodidae Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1 313 350 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316519 Pteropus cognatus K. Andersen 1908 Pteropus cognatus K. Andersen 1908 , Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 2: 365 . Type Locality: Solomon Isl, Makira ("San Cristoval" = San Cristobal Isl). Vernacular Names: Makira Flying Fox . Distribution: Makira and Uki Ni Masi Isls (Solomon Isls). Conservation: CITES – Appendix II. IUCN / SSC Action Plan (1992) – No Data: Limited Distribution as P. rayneri cognatus . IUCN 2003 – Not listed. Discussion: Often considered a subspecies of rayneri (e.g., Hill, 1962 a ), but apparently distinct; see Flannery (1995 b ). May be conspecific with rennelli (K. Helgen, pers. comm.).