Redescription of Chone americana Day, 1973 (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) and description of five new species from the Grand Caribbean Region Author Tovar-Hernández, María Ana text Zootaxa 2005 1070 1 30 journal article 50834 10.5281/zenodo.170270 cecaf21d-eff4-4704-b31e-914b755ab1ed 1175­5326 170270 Chone perkinsi sp. nov. Figures 10 A–P, 11A –G Material examined Type material : Holotype [ FSBC I 66735], Paratypes [ FSBC I 43705] EJ82215 (7, 1 mounted in gold for SEM), [ECOSUR 0053] (1): Dade County, Dumfounding Bay, 75’ W of ICW marker 50, 1.98 m, 25° 56’ 48’’ N , 80° 07’ 47’’ W . Non­type materials : Eastern Florida [ FSBC EJ78136] Canaveral, December 1978 (4). Dade County, South Biscayne Bay: [ FSBC EJ81143] Cat. 43699, E side of Chicken Key aligned with Shoal Point, 25° 36’ 52’’ N , 80° 17’ 29’’ W , 2.23 m (1). [ FSBC E J82186 ] Cat. 43701, off former Turkey Pt. Power station effluent canal, 25° 25’ 11’’ N , 80° 19’ 28’’ W , 1.21 m (2). [ FSBC EJ82191] Cat. 43702, Southwest of Black Ledge, 25° 33’ 59’’ N , 80° 16’ 52’’ W , 1.37 m (2). [ FSBC EJ82204] Cat. 43703, E side of Chicken Key aligned with Sola Point, 25° 36’ 52’’ N , 80° 17’ 29’’ W , 1.67 m (1). [ FSBC EJ82221] Cat. 43704, 60’off lighted dock on W shore WNW of ICW marker 39, 25 ° 49’ N, 80° 10’ 55’’ W , 1.67 m (6). Western Florida [ FSBC EJ81106] Indian River, 1–BC–E, April 14, 1981 (6). [ FSBC EJ81106] CR–1–BC–E, April 14, 1981 (3). [ FSBC EJ73540] Cat. 17315. Pinellas County, Tarpon Springs, Anclote Anchorage, 28° 12.7’ N , 82° 46.4’ W , 1 m (3). [ FSBC EJ97019] Cat. 66314, Florida Keys, off Stock Island , Monroe Co, sample 187383, June 16, 1997 (1). Description (inside parentheses variation observed in paratypes ) Color, body shape and size : Body pale in preserved material, radioles with 5–6 dark brown bands ( Figure 10 A), each band constituted by a variable number of bright brownish spots (2–15 pairs) surrounding the cells of the branchial skeleton ( Figure 10 G), pinnular skeleton purple­brownish; body cylindrical in thorax and anterior part of abdomen ( Figures 10 A, 11A), depressed in posterior part of abdomen ( Figure 11 B); BoL= 5 mm (2.5–5.5), W= 0.75 mm (0.5–1). FIGURE 10. Chone perkinsi sp. nov. A) Whole worm, ventro­lateral view, B, E–F) radiolar tip, lateral radiole, C) anterior end, dorso­lateral view, D) pygidium, ventral view, G) radiolar spots, H) thoracic chaetiger, I–J) bayonet chaetae, K–L) paleate chaetae, M–N) uncini, posterior abdominal segments, O) elongate, narrowly hooded thoracic chaeta, P) elongate, narrowly hooded chaeta, collar. A–G) Holotype FSBC I 66735, H–P) Paratype FSBC I 43705. FIGURE 11. Chone perkinsi sp. nov. A) Whole worm, lateral view, B) posterior end, ventral view, C) thoracic uncini, frontal view, D) tori, anterior abdominal segment, E) thoracic chaetiger, F) uncini, posterior abdominal segment, G) uncini, anterior abdominal segment. A–G) FSBC I 43705. Scale bars (A) 500 µm, (B) 200 µm, (C, F–G) 5 µm, (D–E) 10 µm. Branchial crown : BrCL= 3 mm (1–2.5), RML/BrCL= 0.75/1. Radioles: 5 (5–6) pairs, narrow flanges ( Figure 10 D, F), pinnules long with similar length throughout radiole, RT= medium­sized [8 pinnules] ( Figures 10 D–F). BrL= small, not exposed beyond collar ( Figures 10 A–B). DL= 4 times longer than wide, without a discernable longitudinal ridge. VL= rounded, as long as wide, about one half of the DL length. VRA= 1 pair, about one half of the BrCL. Peristomium : APRL= not exposed beyond collar, ventral margin distally entire, long, triangular. PPRC= antero­dorsal, lateral and ventral collar margins entire ( Figures 10 A–B), ventral slightly higher. VSC= swollen, horseshoe­shaped, 2 times wider than long ( Figure 10 A). PPRCL/ Ch 1L= 1.5/1. Thorax : Chaetiger 1= Notopodia: two groups of 6 elongate, narrowly hooded chaetae. Chaetigers 2 to 8= Notopodia: SG= 2 rows of 6 elongate, narrowly hooded chaetae ( Figures 10 O , 11E); IG= 1 anterior row with 3 short bayonet chaetae ( Figures 10 I–J), 2 posterior rows of 6 symmetrical, paleate chaetae with long mucro ( Figures 10 K–L, 11E). Neuropodia: one row of acicular uncini, MF= 4, covering one half of the MF length ( Figure 11 C), teeth above MF unequal in size, basal tooth bigger than teeth in distal rows, hood present, handles long. GR2= broad dorsally ( Figure 10 B). Abdomen : AS = 18 (17–20). Anterior segments: 2 transverse rows of 6 elongate, narrowly hooded chaetae ( Figure 10 H), chaetae from the upper row 50% shorter than chaetae in lower row; uncini with MF= 5, covering one half of the MF length ( Figures 11 D, G), teeth above MF equal in size, breast rectangular, well developed, main fang not extending beyond breast, handles absent. Posterior segments: 3 modified, elongate, narrowly hooded chaetae, 25% longer than in anterior segments; 5–7 orange, modified uncini per torus, MF= 7–8, covering three quarters of the MF length ( Figure 11 F), teeth above MF equal in size, breast rectangular, poorly developed, main fang not extending beyond breast, handles absent ( Figures 10 M–N). Pygidium rounded, depressed, without cirrus ( Figures 10 C, 11B). Gametes : Females with oocytes in thorax. MGS : Solid color in the basal half of the ventral shield of the collar. Color only in the lateral sides dorsally. Last 7 abdominal segments not colored ventrally. Remarks : Chone perkinsi sp. nov. is unique among the species herein described by having a glandular ridge on segment 2 that is broader dorsally (in other species, the ridge is of the same width around the segment); and radioles with 5–6 dark brown bands, each band constituted by a variable number of bright brownish spots (2–15 pairs) surrounding the cells of the branchial skeleton. Giangrande (1992) recorded specimens of Chone arenicola Langerhans, 1880 , from the Mediterranean Sea with double eye spots, formed by epithelial cells, without lenses, surrounding the radiolar cartilaginous cells. Chone perkinsi sp. nov. , and C. eniwetokensis have paleate chaetae with long mucro, they differ by having branchial lobes not exposed beyond the collar in C. perkinsi , while they are exposed in C. eniwetokensis . Etymology : This species is named after Thomas Perkins (Florida Department of Enviromental Protection, Marine Research Institute) in recognition of his important contributions to the knowledge of polychaetes, and especially because of his publications on sabellids.