The genus Alaolacon Candeze, a senior synonym of the genus Eumoeus Candeze (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Agrypninae) Author Arimoto, Koichi Author Arimoto, Hisayuki text ZooKeys 2017 656 85 110 journal article 1313-2970-656-85 89234B7B2F01446EB8C077C29CE106AE 89234B7B2F01446EB8C077C29CE106AE Genus Alaolacon Candeze , 1865 Alaolacon Candeze , 1865: 13 (original description; type species: Alaolacon cyanipennis Candeze , 1865; by monotypy; in Melanactides ); Gemminger and Harold 1869 : 1498 (catalogue of Coleoptera ); Candeze 1874 : 114 (in tribe Alaites); Candeze 1891 : 29 (short description; in tribe Alaites), 241 (index); Schwarz 1906 : 316 (cat alogue ); Hyslop 1921 : 625 (type species of genera of Elateridae ); Schenkling 1925 : 40 (catalogue); Fleutiaux 1926 : 102 (catalogue); Fleutiaux 1928 : 177 (description); Casari-Chen 1993 : 227 (description; removed from Hemirhipini ); Casari 2008 : 166 (key to genera of Hemirhipini ; replaced in Hemirhipini ). Eumoeus Candeze , 1874: 113 (original description; type species: Eumoeus murrayi Candeze , 1874; by monotypy; in tribe Alaites), 214 (as " Eumaeus "; index); Candeze 1891 : 29 (short description; in tribe Alaites), 243 (index); Schwarz 1906 : 32 (key to genera of Hemirhipini ), 40 (catalogue); Hyslop 1921 : 645 (type species); Schenkling 1925 : 51 (as " Eumaeus "; catalogue); Fleutiaux 1928 : 178 (as " Eumaeus "; comments); Fleutiaux 1947 : 306 (as junior homomym of Eumaeus Huebner , 1816 ( Lepidoptera )); Casari-Chen 1993 : 241 (description; removed from Hemirhipini ); Casari 2008 : 164 (key to genera of Hemirhipini ; replaced in Hemirhipini ) Syn. n. Luzonicus Fleutiaux, 1916: 232 (original description; type species: Luzonicus bakeri Fleutiaux, 1916; by monotypy; in Corymbitinae ); Schenkling 1927 : 405 (catalogue); Fleutiaux 1947 : 306 (key to genera of Oxynopterinae ; description); Tarnawski 2001 : 306 (catalogue of Ctenicerini , Athoinae ). Tharopsides Fleutiaux, 1918: 235 (original description; type species: Tharopsides harmandi Fleutiaux, 1918); Hyslop 1921 : 671 (type species); Fleutiaux 1924 : 176 (reprinting of original description); Fleutiaux 1928 : 178 (taxonomic comments); Schenkling 1927 : 509 (catalogue); Fleutiaux 1940 : 40 (as replacement name for Eumoeus Candeze , 1874; in Hemirhipinae ); Fleutiaux 1947 : 306 (as synonym of Luzonicus Fleutiaux, 1916). Diagnosis. Setae flat, wider at midlength than base, with longitudinal micro carinae (Figs 36, 37); interspaces between punctures greater than puncture diameter except for narrower interspaces on head and pronotum; supra-antennal carinae not continuous across frons; frontoclypeal region gradually sloping to base of labrum; antennae 12-segmented and biflabellate in male (Figs 23, 42) or 11-segmented and subpectinate in females (Fig. 5); mandibles bidentate; hypomeron with mesal edge with impunctate ridge next to prosternal suture and carinate anterolaterad (Figs 8, 26, 45: arrow), posterior edge with two angles near mid-length (Figs 9, 27, 46: arrows); scutellum widest posteriorly or with parallel sides; elytral intervals convex; hind wings with vein r4 translucent (Figs 11, 29, 48); parameres of male aedeagus not fused and without acute lateral subapical barb (Figs 34, 35, 53, 54). Redescription. Adult. Body (Figs 1, 17, 20, 38, 55) 11-24 mm; surface smooth, with or without metallic luster on elytra; interspaces between punctures greater than puncture diameter except for narrower interspaces on head and pronotum. Vestiture. Setae flat, wider at midlength than base, with longitudinal micro carinae (Fig. 36); carinae converge at apex, apices acute or transverse (Fig. 37). Male. Antennomeres III-XII with setae filiform ventrally. Figures 1-3. Alaolacon candezei Fleutiaux, 1928, female, holotype. 1 habitus, dorsal view 2 ditto, ventral view 3 data labels. Head (Figs 4, 22, 41) depressed longitudinal medially, depression becoming narrow and shallow posteriorly. Frontal depression moderate (Figs 4, 41) to deep ( Figs 22, 56). Eyes small to very large (OI: 44-74). Supra-antennal carina not continuous across frons. Frontoclypeal region gradually sloping to base of labrum. Labrum subtrapezoidal; anterior angles rounded. Antennae not reaching pronotum posterior lateral apices; antennomere I cylindrical; antennomere II shortest. Male (Figs 23, 42). 12-segmented; antennomeres III-XI biflabellate; antennomere XII blade-like. Female (Fig. 5). 11-segmented; antennomere III subpectinate to trapezoidal, longer than wide (1.2-1.4 x as long as wide); antennomeres IV-X pectinate, shorter than wide (less than 0.6 x as long as wide); antennomere XI elliptical. Mandibles bidentate (Fig. 6). Labium (Figs 6, 24, 43); mentum membranous in anterior part; prementum widest anteriorly, with anterior margin fringed with short setae. Apical maxillary palpomere 1.3-1.8 x as long as wide. Figures 4-11. Alaolacon candezei Fleutiaux, 1928, female, holotype. 4 head and pronotum, anterolateral view 5 right antenna, anterior side (dotted line: apical half part of antennomere XI thinner than its basal half part) 6 mouth-parts 7 prosternal process, lateral view 8 anterior angle of hypomeron (arrow: mesal edge carinate anterolaterad) 9 posterior part of hypomeron and mesothorax, ventral view (arrows: posterior margin with two angles) 10 scutellum 11 right hind wing (arrow: cross vein between veins MP4 and CuA2 located at contact point between veins MP3 and MP4). Prothorax shorter to longer than wide, widest posteriorly or at mid-length. Pronotum with anterior angle bisinuate (Figs 1, 17, 20, 56) or rounded (Fig. 38); hind angles unicarinate; median longitudinal depression present extending at almost all pronotal length (Figs 4, 22, 56) or at pronotal anterior half (Fig. 41). Hypomeron concave; impunctate posterad; anterior angles rounded (Fig. 8) to acute (Figs 26, 45); external margins of depressions for reception of forelegs not carinate; mesal edge with elevated impunctate ridge next to prosternal suture, carinate anterolaterad (Figs 8, 26, 45: arrow); posterior edge with two angles near midlength (Figs 9, 27, 46: arrows). Prosternum produced forwards, exceeding anterior angles of pronotum; prosternal spine inclined dorsally behind procoxae weakly (at less than 10 degrees, Fig. 7) to strongly (more than 10 degrees, Figs 25, 44). Mesothorax. Scutellum longer than wide; anterior margin straight, well defined by wrinkled band; sides concave or straight, widest posteriorly (Figs 10, 28, 56) or parallel (Fig. 47); rounded posterad. Mesosternum and metasternum not fused. Mesosternal cavity with median shiny band formed by dense yellow setae (Fig. 2, 21, 39). Mesepisternum centrally impunctate. Mesepisternum and mesepimeron reaching mesocoxal cavity. Metasternum with shallow median longitudinal groove. Elytra with striae impressed and with punctures; apex rounded. Hind wings with vein r4 translucent; bear or lack wedge cell; cross vein between veins MP4 and CuA2, located at contact point between veins MP3 and MP4 (Figs 11, 18), or anterad to the contact point (Figs 29, 48). Legs with simple tarsomeres and tarsal claws. Tibial spurs present. Tarsomeres II-IV short, tarsomere V longest. Abdomen. Male. Terigite VIII shorter than wide (Fig. 30) or longer than wide (Fig. 49). Sternite VIII (Figs 31, 50) wide-rectangular. Tergite IX (Figs 32, 51) wide; posterior margin notched medially. Tergite x (Figs 32, 51) semicircular. Sternite x attached to sternite IX (Figs 33, 52). Female. Tergite VIII (Fig. 12) truncate apically. Sternite VIII (Fig. 13) with spiculum ventrale robust, with apex concave or rounded. Figures 12-16. Alaolacon candezei Fleutiaux, 1928, female, holotype. 12 tergite VIII 13 sternite VIII, ventral view and tergite VIII, dorsal view 14 genitalia, dorsal view 15 coxites, dorsal view 16 vagina and bursa copulatrix, dorsal view (arrow: bursa copulatrix with three short sacs). Genitalia. Male. Aedeagus (Figs 34, 35, 53, 54, 57) with parameres unfused, without acute lateral subapical barb, with apical parts expanded elliptically. Female. Ovipositor (Fig. 14) stout. Coxites (Figs 15) without styli. Vagina and bursa copulatrix without sclerotized structures (Figs 16). Larvae and pupae. Unknown. Distribution . Oriental Region: India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo), the Philippines (Mindanao Is., Luzon Is.). Bionomics. Nothing is known of the life history and ecology.