Synonymy of the potter wasp genus Philippodynerus Gusenleitner (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) with Apodynerus Giordani Soika, with taxonomic notes on Apodynerus species Author Nugroho, Hari Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia Author Kojima, Jun-ichi Natural History Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University, Mito, 310 - 8512 Japan Author Ubaidillah, Rosichon Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46, Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2014 2014-02-14 36 131 151 journal article 1314-2607-36-131 FFC442199F74FFDB022D1222FF875B6C 574834 Apodynerus troglodytes troglodytes (de Saussure) Figs 25 , 30-47 Odynerus troglodytes de Saussure, 1856: 249, ♂, "le Senegal" [type locality doubtful: Yamane (1990) mentioned "Vecht (pers. comm., 1981)... doubts Saussure's statement about the type locality."], type (MRSN). Odynerus fragilis Smith, 1857: 61, ♂, "Borneo" , type (BMNH). Odynerus petulans Smith, 1861: 89, ♀, "Makassar" , type (OUM). Odynerus lybas Cameron, 1902: 114, ♀, "Sarawak" , type (BMNH). Odynerus drescheri Cameron, 1905: 77, ♀, "Tjandi near Semarang", type (BMNH). Odynerus brooksii Cameron, 1908: 561, ♂, "Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo", type depository unknown. Pachymenes fragilis var. karimonensis van der Vecht, 1937: 278, ♀♂, "Karmon Djawa Islands", holotype ♀ (MZB). Syn. n. Pachymenes troglodytes baliensis Giordani Soika, 1987: 145, ♀♂, "Bali: Samur", holotype ♀ (MVEN). Syn. n. Diagnosis. Apodynerus troglodytes is similar to Apodynerus yayeyamensis , but can be distinguished from the latter by the following characters: Ventral margin of clypeus proportionally wide ( Figs 41-47 ), about 0.3 x the maximum width of clypeus; female clypeus slightly wider than high, 1.1 x as wide as high ( Fig. 41 ); male clypeus proportionally narrower than that of female, about as wide as high ( Fig. 45 ); metasomal tergum I in lateral view with dorsal margin arising in slightly convex line from the basal slit, then broadly curved down to slight preapical convexity ( Fig. 25 ); tergum II in lateral view more or less evenly and weakly convex dorsally. Figures 30-47. Marking patterns of Apodynerus troglodytes . For the variations in Indian specimens, after Kumar et al. (2013) . 30 Java, Kangean Is., Bali 31 Kangean Is., Java, Bali, Kepulauan Seribu, Krakatau, Lesser Sunda, Moluccas 32 India, Hongkong, Vietnam, Malay peninsular, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Krakatau, Kangean Is., Borneo, Lesser Sunda 33 Sumatra, Krakatau, Java, Borneo, Lesser Sunda, Sulawesi, Moluccas 34 Karimunjawa Is. 35 Kangean Is., Krakatau, Bali 36 India, Sumatra, Krakatau, Java, Bali, Kangean Is., Borneo, Sulawesi 37 India, Hongkong, Sulawesi, Java, Bali 38 India, Vietnam, Malay peninsular, Sumatra, Krakatau, Java, Borneo, Lesser Sunda, Sulawesi 39 Sumatra, Krakatau, Lesser Sunda, Borneo, Moluccas 40 Karimunjawa Is., Sulawesi 41 Karimunjawa Is. 42 India, Hongkong, Sumatra, Java, Krakatau, Borneo, Lesser Sunda, Sulawesi 43 Sumatra, Kepulauan Seribu, Krakatau, Java, Kangean Is., Bali, Sulawesi, Lesser Sunda, Moluccas 44 Kangean, Bali 45 India, Sumatra, Karimunjawa Is., Borneo, Sulawesi 46 Krakatau, Kangean Is., Java, Bali, Lesser Sunda 47 Vietnam, Malay peninsular, Sumatra, Krakatau, Java, Kangean Is., Borneo, Sulawesi, Lesser Sunda, Moluccas 30-34 metasoma 35-40 tegula 41-44 female clypeus 45-47 male clypeus. Material examined. HONG KONG: 1 ♀, Pak Sha O, 70 m, 24 Apr.-14 May.2009, C. Barthelemy (IUNH). VIETNAM: 1 ♂, TT Mai, Chau, Hoa Binh, 3 Jun.2012, P.H. Phong (IUNH). MALAYSIA: Peninsular Malaysia: 1 ♂, Bukit Fraiser, 20 Jan.1991, T. Matsumura (IUNH); 1 ♂, Kuala Tahan, 31 Aug.1970, R. Jander (SEIHU). INDONESIA: Sumatra I.: 1 ♀, 4 ♂, Sekincau, S. Sumatra [= Lampung], 23 Jul.1982, Sk. Yamane (MZB); 1 ♂, Labuan Batu, Kec. Jabung, Lampung Tengah, 5 Nov.1975, S. Achmad (MZB); 1 ♂, West Sumatra, Kec. Limau Manis, Andalas University, 0°54.683'S , 100°28.35'E , 23. Sep.2010, H. Nugroho & J. Kojima (MZB); Sunda Strait I.: 2 ♀, P. Sebuku, S. Sumatra, 15 Jun.1955, AMR Wegner (MZB); 1 ♀, 1 ♂, P. Legundi, S. Sumatra, ♀ 19, Jun, ♂ 21 Jun.1955, AMR Wegner (MZB); 4 ♂, P. Rakata Kecil, Krakatau, 27 Jul.1982, Sk. Yamane (MZB); 1 ♂, P. Anak Krakatau, 10 Jul.1982, Sk. Yamane (MZB); Kepulauan Seribu: 6 ♀, 19 ♂, [1 ♀, Pulau Opak Besar, 05°40.23'S , 106°34.92'E , 9 Mar.2005; 1 ♀, 1 ♂, Pulau Kotok Besar, 05°41.976'S , 106°32.254'E , 10 Mar.2005; 1 ♂, Pulau Samak Daun, 05°43.778'S , 106°34.313'E , 11 Mar.2005; 1 ♀, 1 ♂, Pulau Pamagaran, 05°38.093'S , 106°34.74'E , 24 Mar.2005; 1 ♀, Pulau Dua Timur, 05°25.1'S , 106°29.4'E , 9 Apr.2005; 2 ♂, Pulau Bira Kecil, 05°37.6'S , 106°34.53'E , 12 Apr.2005; 1 ♀, 1 ♂, Pulau Bundar, 05°31.260'S , 106°31.563'E , 28 Apr.2005; 1 ♀, 1 ♂, Pulau Paniki, 05°41.726'S , 106°42.675'E , 30 Apr.2005; 4 ♂, Pulau Bokor, 05°56.744'S , 106°37.917'E , 5 May.2005; 2 ♂, Pulau Lancang Besar, 05°55.867'S , 106°35.230'E , 7 May.2005; 3 ♂, Pulau Rambut, 05°58.680'S , 106°41.569'E , 9 May.2005; 3 ♂, Pulau Untung Jawa, 05°58.611'S , 106°42.181'E , 11 May.2005], A. Spengler (MZB); Java I.: 1 ♀, 2 ♂, Carita, West Java, [1 ♀, 1 ♂, 21 Jul; 1 ♂, 13 Jul.1982], Sk. Yamane (MZB); 1 ♂, Geduwang, Baturetno, Wonogiri, Central Java, 24 Jul.2008, H. Nugroho & Giyanto (MZB); 1 ♂, 7°41.73'S , 110°28.99'E , alt. about 280 m, Manisrenggo, Klaten, Central Java, 30 Jun.2009, H. Nugroho (MZB); Kangean Is.: 4 ♀, 5 ♂, Bujutan, [3♀, 23 Aug; 1 ♀, 21 Aug; 5 ♂, 23 Aug.1954], A. Hoogerwerf (MZB); Karimunjawa Is.: 1 ♀ (MZB; holotype of Pachymenes fragilis var. karimonensis ), 1 ♂ (MZB; paratype - allotype of Pachymenes fragilis var. karimonensis ), "Karimon Djawa", 22-20 Nov.1930, M.A. Lieftinck; Kalimantan I.: 1 ♀, 1 ♂, Central Kalimantan, Hutan Gambut Kalampangan, Palangkaraya, Pemantang Kanal, 02°17.956'S , 114°01.625'E , alt. about 15 m, 31. May.2003, S Kahono (MZB); 2 ♀, 1 ♂, E. Borneo, Samarinda, Muara Kaman, alt. about 50 m, Nov.1950, AMR Wegner (MZB); 3 ♀, 4 ♂, E. Borneo, Balikpapan [2 ♀, Wain River, alt. about 50 m, Nov.1950; 1 ♀, 4 ♂, Mentawir River, alt. about 50 m, Oct.1950], AMR Wegner (MZB); Bali I.: 1 ♀, 8°08'S , 115°04'E , Singaraja, 9 Sep.2005, J. Kojima & R. Ubaidillah (IUNH); 1 ♂, Tanah Lot, 10 Sep.2005, J. Kojima & R. Ubaidillah (IUNH); Lombok I.: 1 ♂, Mataram, 4 Nov.2000, J. Kojima (IUNH); 2 ♀, 4 ♂, 8°31.903'S , 116°14.288'E , alt. about 270 m, Aiq Nyet, Lingsar, Lombok Barat, 28 Mar.2010, H. Nugroho (MZB); 1 ♀, 8°34.010'S , 116°14.009'E , alt. about 255 m, TWA Suranadi, Narmada, 27 Mar.2010, H. Nugroho (MZB); 1 ♀, 8°33.065'S , 116°25.245 '' E, alt. about 590 m, Tetebatu, Sikur, Lombok Timur, 3 Apr.2010, H. Nugroho (MZB); Sumbawa I.: 1 ♂, Batudulang, Batulanteh, Sumbawa Besar, 10 Nov.2000, J. Kojima (IUNH); 1 ♀, 1 ♂, 8°37.555'S , 117°10.71'E , alt. about 920 m, Tepal, Batu Lanteh, [♀, 14 Apr.; ♂, 16 Apr.2010], H. Nugroho & Y.R. Suhardjono (MZB); Sulawesi I.: 2 ♀, [Remboken, Tondano; Rurukan, Tomohon], Minahasa Peninsula, 27 Nov.1999, J. Kojima (IUNH); 1 ♀, 2 ♂, Tompasu, Remboken, Minahasa peninsula, 29 Nov.1999, J. Kojima (IUNH). Remarks . This species, widely distributed in southern Asia from India in the west to Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands (Lombok and Sumbawa, new records) in the east, is represented by four color forms formally recognized as subspecies, of which two are so far known respectively only from Bali ( baliensis ) and Karimunjawa Islands ( karimonensis ). As mentioned below, after examination of specimens from various localities mainly in the Indonesian Archipelago, we have reached the conclusion that Apodynerus troglodytes baliensis and Apodynerus troglodytes karimonensis are synonyms of Apodynerus troglodytes . We tentatively treat shanensis Giordani Soika, 1994 as a subspecies of Apodynerus troglodytes (see the checklist) until we have a chance to examine specimens of Apodynerus troglodytes from Myanmar including the type of Apodynerus troglodytes shanensis . Giordani Soika (1987) described Pachymenes troglodytes baliensis based on the female holotype and two males (paratypes) from Bali, and according to him this subspecies is characterized by more extensive yellow markings than typical troglodytes as follows: tegula and parategula entirely, paired sublateral bands and apical band on metasomal tergum I ( Figs 30 , 31 ), paired basal spots and apical bands both on tergum and sternum II, traces of apical band on tergum III, narrow apical band on sternum III, and narrow posteriomedian bands on terga IV-V. Our examination of the large number of specimens listed above, mainly from Java and Kangean Islands, shows that extensive variation in markings even occurs within local populations, thus baliensis would not be treated as a subspecies even if the subspecies had a position in the phylogenetic system. Van der Vecht (1937) treated the Karimunjawa Islands population of Pachymenes troglodytes as a distinct color variety and named it Pachymenes fragilis var. karimonensis . This local population is characterized by markings much reduced ( Figs 34 , 40 , 41 , 45 ). The Karimunjawa Islands population does not have any morphological characters justifying treating it as a valid species, and thus Apodynerus troglodytes karimonensis (van der Vecht, 1937) is synonymized under Apodynerus troglodytes (de Saussure, 1856).