Three New Species Of The Family Oppiidae (Acari, Oribatida) From Turkey Author Toluk, A. , A, N. & and S, L. S. & Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Erciyes University 38039 Kayseri, Turkey, E-mail: atoluk @ erciyes. edu. tr, nayildiz @ erciyes. edu. tr Author Ayyildiz, N. , A, N. & and S, L. S. & Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Erciyes University 38039 Kayseri, Turkey, E-mail: atoluk @ erciyes. edu. tr, nayildiz @ erciyes. edu. tr Author Subías, L. Departamento de Zoologia, Facultad de Biologia, Universidad Complutense 28040 Madrid, Spain, E-mail: subias @ bio. ucm. es text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2009 2009-03-31 55 1 11 21 journal article 106160 10.5281/zenodo.5731906 53a536a3-81eb-47f3-8e2a-e2059603433d 2064-2474 5731906 Rhinoppia mahunkai sp. n. ( Figs 10–15 ) Diagnosis: Rostrum round; protuberance between rostral setae present; bothridial costula present; sensilli pectinate; all prodorsal setae barbed; notogaster with ten pairs of long and thick setae; genital setae five pairs. Measurements – Body length: 324–352 ( holotype : 328), body width: 163–200 ( holotype : 163). Seven specimens were measured. Prodorsum ( Fig. 10 ): Rostrum rounded, rostral setae 22 in length arising on the dorsal surface of rostrum, unilaterally barbed. There is a protuberance between rostral setae. Lamellar setae 22 in length, thick, unilaterally barbed. Distance between rostral setae shorter than that between lamellar setae. Interlamellar setae thick and unilaterally barbed. Distance between lamellar and interlamellar setae shorter than that between rostral and lamellar setae. Distance between lamellar setae shorter than between interlamellar setae. Exobothridial setae ( ex ) 30 in length, unilaterally barbed. Anterior to bothridia longitudinally situated bothridial costulae and they are short, not reaching insertion of lamellar setae. Bothridia cup shaped, with the laterally-oriented opening. Sensilli pectinate, with long stalk and their distal half being dilated, with short setae unilaterally. Ratio of the length of prodorsal setae: in < ro = le < ex. Figs 10–11. Rhinoppia mahunkai sp. n. : 10 = dorsal view, 11 = ventral view (scale for both figures = 100 µm) Figs 12–13. Rhinoppia mahunkai sp. n. : 12 = leg I, 13 = leg II (scale for both figures = 40 µm) Table 2. The characters differentiating Rhinoppia mahunkai sp. n. and R. parapectinata ( RYABININ, 1987 ) .
Characters R. mahunkai sp. n R. parapectinata
Shape of prodorsal setae barbed smooth
Presence of protuberance between rostral setae present absent
Length of lamellar and interlamellar setae long short
Shape of notogastral setae long and thick short and thin
Notogaster ( Fig. 10 ): Oval. Ten pairs of smooth, long notogastral setae; ps 1 , ps 2 and ps 3 shorter than the other setae. A number of muscle sigillae present along lateral margins of notogaster. Ventral side ( Fig. 11 ): Length of infracapitulum 74, width 48. Setae h 10 in length. Distance between h and h 22 in length. Pedotectum I ( pd 1 ) narrowed anteriorly. Epimeral borders easily visible and well sclerotized. Apodemata apo 1 , apo 2 , apo sj and apo 4 well developed. Epimeral regions with internal muscle sigilla. Epimeral setal formula 3–1–3–3. Genital plate 28 in length, 32 in width, with five pairs of setae. Anal plate 50 in length, 44 in width, with two pairs of setae. One pair of aggenital and three pairs of adanal setae. Distance between genital and anal plates 82. Lyrifissures iad situated in paraanal position. Adanal setae ad 1 in postanal, ad 2 in paraanal and ad 3 in preanal positions. Legs: All legs monodactylous. Setation of leg segments is given in Figs 12–15 . Material examined: Holotype and six paratypes , decaying debris, soil and litter under Pinus nigra , N 39°48.376’ , E 034°48.862’ , 1507 m , 31 May 2005 ; four paratypes , as for the previous sample, N 39°48.372’ , E 034°48.871’ , 1497 m , 31 May 2005 ; three paratypes , soil and litter under Pinus nigra , N 39°48.252’ , E 034°48.584’ , 1502 m , 19 Jan. 2006 ; five paratypes , soil under Pinus nigra and Quercus spp. , N 39°48.140’ , E 034°48.666’ , 1563 m , 18 Apr. 2006 ; two paratypes , soil under Pinus nigra , N 39°48.033’ , E 034°48.555’ , 1547 m , 19 June 2006 , Yozgat , Turkey . Figs 14–15. Rhinoppia mahunkai sp. n. : 14 = leg IV, 15 = leg III (scale for both figures = 40 µm) Etymology: This new species is dedicated to Dr. S. MAHUNKA, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Hungary , for his contribution to our knowledge on oribatid mites. Remarks: Rhinoppia mahunkai sp. n. is close morphologically to R. parapectinata ( RYABININ, 1987 ) in having pectinate sensilli, bothridial costulae and five pairs of genital setae. The characters differentiating these two species are listed in Table 2 .