Biogeographical and evolutionary aspects of a Guineo-Congolian bushcricket tribe: Revision of the genera Cestromoecha Karsch, 1893 and Poreuomena Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878, with the description of new species (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae) Author Hemp, Claudia Dept Plant Systematics, Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany Author Massa, Bruno Dept of Agriculture, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Italy text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2021 2021-01-05 68 1 45 79 journal article 1860-1324-1-45 227B739469C5447FB984250DF1ADFBE1 EE57E5591FE3500892459D0CF4FBB496 4435456 Poreuomena crassipes Karsch, 1890 stat. rev. Figs 36-40 Poreuomena crassipes Karsch, 1890. Entom. Nachricht. 16: 364; Type locality: Cameroon (MfN). Material examined. Central African Republic , Dzanga-Ndoki National Park , Ndoki, Lake 1, UV trap 1, 31.I.-2.II.2012 ( ) ; 11-12.II.2012 ( ) ; 20-23.II.2012 ( ); Central African Republic , Dzanga-Ndoki NP , Lake 1, camp 1, 15-16.II.2012 ( ) ; Central African Republic , Dzanga-Ndoki NP , Lake 1, UV trap 2, 15-16.II.2012 ( ) ; Central African Republic , Dzanga-Ndoki NP , Lake 1, 11-12.II.2012 (light) ( 3♂ ) ; Lake 3, 25-26.II.2012 (light) ( 1♂ ) (BMPC); Central African Republic , Dzanga-Ndoki NP , Lake 1, 29-30.XI.2010 ( 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; 30.XI-1.XII. 2010 (light) ( 1♂ ) (PAPC). Diagnosis. Morphologically closely related to P. biaculeata sp. nov. and P. wilverthi . All three species share a similar 10th abdominal tergite that is flap-like, deeply divided into two lobes in P. biaculeata sp. nov. (Figs 33 , 34 ), with an indentation only at its posterior margin and a central furrow in P. wilverthi (Fig. 107 ) and with only a shallow groove medially in P. crassipes (Fig. 40 ). The cerci of the three species are also similar, stout at their bases, narrowed halfway into a sclerotised tip in P. biaculeata sp. nov. (Figs 33 , 34 ), evenly tapering into a tiny sclerotised tip in P. wilverthi (Figs 104 , 106 ) and stout in P. crassipes with two sclerotised dents at their apices (Figs 39 , 40 ). Description. Karsch (1890 , p. 364, note 1) described very briefly only the female of C. crassipes from Cameroon. Massa (2013) described the male. The 10th tergite is apically rounded with a clear bilobate incision (Fig. 40 ); the cerci are robust, up- and incurved, their apex is sharply narrowed and pointed (Figs 39 , 40 ). The subgenital plate is not long, but clearly bilobate (Fig. 40 ). The stridulatory area of the left tegmen is black, short and straight (Fig. 37 ) and the stridulatory file has ca. 40 teeth, apically upcurved (Fig. 38 ). Measurements (mm). Males. Body length: 17.3-19.6; pronotum length: 3.8-4.1; pronotum height: 3.3-3.6; length of hind femora: 19.3-20.2; length of tegmina: 27.3-30.6. Distribution. P. crassipes is known from Cameroon ( Karsch 1890 ; Ragge 1968 ), the Central African Republic ( Massa 2013 ; Massa et al. 2020 ), the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Ivory Coast ( Ragge 1967 ; 1968 ). Figures 36-40. Morphological details of male Poreuomena crassipes . Habitus ( 36 ), stridulatory area ( 37 ), stridulatory file on the underside of the left tegminal flap ( 38 ), lateral ( 39 ) and rear view ( 40 ) on apex.