Species of the subtribes Arrenoseiina and Proprioseiopsina (Tribe Amblyseiini) and the tribe Typhlodromipsini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa Author De Moraes, Gilberto J. Depto. Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola, ESALQ-Universidade de São Paulo- 13418 - 900 Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. E-mail: gjmoraes @ carpa. ciagri. usp. br Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X 134, Queenwood, Pretoria; 0121 South Africa Biological Control Centre for Africa, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 08 B. P. 0932, Cotonou, Benin, West Africa Dept. Entomology, Smith Hall Room 100, 901 W State Street, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 - 2089; USA Author Zannou, Ignace D. Depto. Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola, ESALQ-Universidade de São Paulo- 13418 - 900 Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. E-mail: gjmoraes @ carpa. ciagri. usp. br Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X 134, Queenwood, Pretoria; 0121 South Africa Biological Control Centre for Africa, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 08 B. P. 0932, Cotonou, Benin, West Africa Dept. Entomology, Smith Hall Room 100, 901 W State Street, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 - 2089; USA Author Ueckermann, Eddie A. Author Oliveira, Anibal R. Depto. Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola, ESALQ-Universidade de São Paulo- 13418 - 900 Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. E-mail: gjmoraes @ carpa. ciagri. usp. br Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X 134, Queenwood, Pretoria; 0121 South Africa Biological Control Centre for Africa, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 08 B. P. 0932, Cotonou, Benin, West Africa Dept. Entomology, Smith Hall Room 100, 901 W State Street, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 - 2089; USA Author Hanna, Rachid Author Yaninek, John S. text Zootaxa 2007 2007-04-16 1448 1 1 39 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1448.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1448.1.1 1175­5334 5077273 10385A17-BFD2-4460-9CAC-2B11114DC576 Proprioseiopsis ovatus (Garman) ( Fig. 13 ) Amblyseiopsis ovatus Garman, 1958: 78 . Amblyseiulus ovatus , Muma, 1961: 278 . Proprioseiospsis ovatus , Moraes et al. , 2004: 184 ; Chant & McMurtry, 2005a: 15 . Proprioseiopsis ( Proprioseiopsis ) ovatus , Karg, 1989: 208 . Typhlodromus ovatus , Hirschmann, 1962: 19 . Typhlodromus ( Amblyseius ) ovatus , Chant, 1959: 90 . Amblyseius ( Amblyseius ) peltatus Van der Merwe, 1968: 119 (synonymy according to Tseng, 1983 ). Amblyseius parapeltatus Wu & Chou, 1981: 274 (synonymy according to Tseng, 1983 ) Female. ( Specimens measured. Ghana : 4; Kenya : 2; Sierra-Leone : 1; Zimbabwe : 1; South Africa : holotype and 1 paratype of P. peltatus ) Dorsum. Dorsal shield smooth, 348(324–381) long and 270(227–290) wide. Setae j1 29(28–32), j3 64(57–69), j4 6(4–8), j5 6(5–8), j6 9 (8–10), J5 8(6–10), z2 39(32–44), z4 25(19–34), z5 6(5–8), Z1 21(14– 24), Z4 108(88–120), Z5 88 (67–107), s4 99(91–106), S2 20 (14–26), S4 14 (9–16), S5 10 (9–11), r3 19(16– 21), R1 10(9–11). Setae smooth, except Z4 and Z5 which are serrate. Venter. Sternal shield reticulate along lateral margins, posterior margin concave; distances between St1- St3 53(50–56), St2-St2 70(63–77). Genital shield mostly smooth, with lateral striae; distance between St5-St5 89(82–96). Ventrianal shield pentagonal, reticulate, anterior margin straight, 109(98–122) long, 108(104–115) wide at level of Zv2 and 90(84–104) wide at level of anus, preanal pores mesad and slightly posterior to Jv2. Ventral setae smooth. Chelicera. Movable digit 33(32–34) long, with 1 tooth; fixed digit 30(28–32) long, with 5 teeth and a pilus dentilis . Spermatheca. Calyx saccular, 16(13–19) long; atrium small, nodular. Legs. Sharp-tipped macrosetae; Sge III 28(25–32), Sge IV 58(46–66), Sti IV 41(34–47), St IV 84(77–91). Chaetotaxy: Sge II: 2-2/0, 2/0- 1; Sge III: 1–2/1, 2/0–1. Specimens examined. Ghana : 10 km E Obuasi, Ashanti Region , on unknown plant, 10-XI-1989 , J.S. Yaninek; 1 km W River Pora, Beposo, Central Region , on unknown plant, 12-XI-1989 , J.S. Yaninek; Atimpoku, Adomi Bridge, Eastern Region , on unknown plant, 13-XI-1989 , G.J. de Moraes; 23 km N Otumi, Chromolaena odorata , 28-III-1990 , J. Gyemenah. Kenya : 27.9 km S Mombasa , Coastal Province on Zea mays , 28- XI-1989 ; J.S. Yaninek; 17 km N Lunga Lunga, Coastal Province on Physalis angula , 28-XI-1989 , J.S. Yaninek. Mozambique : 5.5 km SE Mitili, Zambezia Province , on Tridax procumbens , 25-IV-01, B. Agboton. Sierra-Leone: Njala University, on Lantana camara , 12-XII-1991 , J.S. Yaninek. USA : Holotype female from Winter Haven, Florida , on Canna sp .. South Africa : Tzaneen, Limpopo Province , from Vernonia stipulacea , 19-II-1965 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer ( holotype and paratype of P. peltatus ); Machadodorp, Mpumalanga Province , from Pennisetum clandestinum , 17-I-1977 , E.A. Ueckermann; Zimbabwe : Triangle, from Cynodon dactylon , 03-XI-1969 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer. Remarks. Proprioseiopsis peltatus was synonymized with P. ovatus by Tseng (1983) . The measurements of specimens from South Africa and other sub-Saharan African countries examined in this study are intermediate to those given by Moraes & McMurtry (1983) for the holotypes of Proprioseiopsis cannaensis ( Muma, 1962 ) and P. ovatus . The spermathecae of the specimens considered in this study also seem intermediate to those shown by Moraes & McMurtry (1983) for the holotypes of those species. It seems that P. ovatus could also be a senior synonym of P. cannaensis as admitted by Muma & Denmark (1969) . World distribution. Brazil , Costa Rica , Cuba , Ecuador , Egypt , Ghana , Hawaii, Honduras , Kenya , Philippines , Puerto Rico , Sierra Leone , South Africa , Taiwan , USA and Zimbabwe .