Seven new species of the genus Epitrimerus Nalepa (Acari: Eriophyidae: Phyllocoptinae) from China Author Xue, Xiao-Feng Author Song, Zi-Wei Author Hong, Xiao-Yue text Zootaxa 2007 1406 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175502 84f74a9c-bc82-484a-9719-bbb1f41ca145 1175-5326 175502 Epitrimerus dendranthemae sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 ) Description. FEMALE: (n = 8) Body fusiform, 203 (200–205) long, 59 (56–63) wide, 61 (58–62) thick; light yellow. Gnathosoma 16 (15–17), projecting obliquely down, pedipalp coxal setae ( ep ) 2 (1–2), dorsal pedipalp genual setae ( d ) 6 (5–6), chelicerae 17 (16–18), oral stylets 14 (13–14). Prodorsal shield 47 (47–48), 50 (48–52) wide; sub quadrangular; frontal lobe broad; submedian lines incomplete, prodorsal shield with granules. Dorsal tubercles ahead of rear margin, 18 (18–19) apart, scapular setae ( sc ) 4 (4–5) projecting centrad. Coxal area with short lines; anterolateral setae on coxisternum І ( 1b ) 7 (7–8), proximal setae on coxisternum І ( 1a ) 16 (15–17), proximal setae on coxisternum І ( 2a ) 38 (36–40). Prosternal apodeme present. Legs with usual series of setae. Legs І 27 (25–29), femur 9 (8–9), basiventral femoral setae ( bv ) 9 (8–10); genu 5 (5–6), antaxial genual setae ( l'' ) 19 (18–20); tibia 6 (6–7), paraxial tibial setae ( l' ) 5 (5–6), setae located at center; tarsus 5 (5–6); tarsal empodium simple, 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion knobbed. Legs І 23 (21–25), femur 6 (6–7), basiventral femoral setae ( bv ) 10 (10–11); genu 4 (4–5), antaxial genual setae ( l'' ) 6 (5–6); tibia 5 (5–6); tarsus 6 (5–6); tarsal empodium simple, 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion knobbed. Opisthosoma : dorsal opisthosoma with 46 (44–47) annuli, with elliptical microtubercles, ventrally with 73 (72–75) annuli, with round microtubercles. Setae c2 17 (17–18) on ventral annulus 13 (12–13); setae d 44 (43–45) on ventral annulus 24 (22–24); setae e 14 (13–15) on ventral annulus 41 (39–42), setae f 17 (16–17) on 6th ventral annulus from rear. Setae h1 3 (3–4). Female genitalia 14 (14–15) long, 24 (23–24) wide, coverflap with 8 longitudinal ridges and 3 transverse lines at base, proximal setae on coxisternum ІІ ( 3a ) 17 (17–18). MALE: Unknown. Types . Holotype , female, China : Henan Province, Song County, Baiyun Mountain, 33°39.86’N , 111°49.58’E . July 18, 2004 , from Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul. (Compositae), coll. Xue, Xiao- Feng. Paratypes , 7 females , with the same data as holotype . Relation to host. Vagrant on leaf surface. No damage to the host was observed. Etymology. The specific designation dendranthemae is from the generic name of the host plant, Dendranthema . Remarks. This species is similar to Epitrimerus amygdali Xue & Hong, 2005 , but can be differentiated by the absence of admedian lines (admedian lines present in E. amygdali ), paraxial tibial setae ( l' ) located at center (paraxial tibial setae ( l' ) located 1/3 at dorsal base in E. amygdali ).