The genus Leucodellus Reuter, 1906 in China (Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae) Author Li, Xiao-Ming Author Liu, Guo-Qing text Zootaxa 2007 1478 33 40 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.176797 373b2741-3b42-4218-8fe8-39f91f23359c 1175-5326 176797 Leucodellus xizangensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 5–6 , 9 , 18–21 , 24 ) Type specimens: Holotype : male, CHINA : Gyitang ( 30°44'N , 97°20'E ), Xizang Autonomous Region, alt. 3600m , 13.ix.1976 , Yin-heng Han leg.. Paratypes : 2 males , 4 females , same data as holotype . Diagnosis: Relatively large, elongate ovoid, total length 4.19–4.22 (male) 3.71–3.76 (female); vestiture with pale simple setae only; general coloration pale; membrane large; tibial spines black, base portion of hind tibia pale; vesica strongly twisted with serrations on dorsal surface, posterior spine hooked ( Fig.18 ). Similar in body size and coloration to L. albidus , separated from L. albidus by the structure of vesica. Description: Male ( Fig. 5 ): Relatively large, elongate-ovoid. Coloration: General coloration pale; vestiture with pale simple setae only; apex of labium infuscate; all femora with numerous small dark spots ( Fig. 9 ); tibiae entirely pale, tibial spines with dark spots at bases; tarsal segment III and claws darkened. Structure: Body relatively broad, dorsum moderately shining, smooth; vestiture composed of recumbent, pale, weakly shining, simple setae; head almost vertical, clypeus not very distinctly visible from above; frons and vertex broad and flattened in dorsal view; posterior margin of vertex weakly rounded; antenna inserted below ventral margin of eye; antennal segments III and IV slender than segment II, total length shorter than segment II; labium reaching to posterior margin of hind trochanters; hemelytra nearly parallel-sided, lateral corial margin slightly convex; membrane large relative to total size of wing; pygophore large. Male genitalia ( Figs. 18–21 ): Vesica relatively stout, strongly twisted, with serrations on dorsal surface, anterior apical spine much longer than posterior and decurved apically, posterior spine hooked; phallotheca heavily sclerotized; left paramere boat-shaped; right paramere lanceolate. Female ( Fig. 6 ): Body shape and coloration are very similar to male’s, but smaller than in male. Distribution: China (Xizang). Etymology: Named for the area (Xizang Autonomous Region of China ) where the type material was found.