Bats of the Sangkulirang limestone karst formations, East Kalimantan - a priority region for Bornean bat conservation Author Suyanto, Agustinus Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Widyasatwaloka Building, Jl. Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia Author Struebig, Matthew J. School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, London, E 1 4 NS, United Kingdom & Corresponding author: E-mail: m. struebig @ qmul. ac. uk text Acta Chiropterologica 2007 2007-04-01 9 1 67 95 journal article 21493 10.3161/1733-5329(2007)9[67:botslk];2 d40d94a8-75f5-486c-a377-6c1c7ba067dc 1733-5329 3944605 Hipposideros dyacorum Thomas, 1902 Dayak roundleaf bat New material 5♂♂ ( MZB M26792 / 26799 / 26812 / 26831 / 26834 ) . Records from Borneo Brunei : Batu Apoi NP ( Kofron, 2002 ). Sabah : Batu Ponggul, Bukit Kretam, Da- num Valley, Maruda Bay, Pulau Balam- bangan, Sepilok (Yasuma and Andau, 2000). Sarawak : Hose mountains, Mulu NP ( Payne et al ., 2000 ); Bau limestone area (Mohd-Azlan et al ., 2005). WestKal: Sungai Landak ( Payne et al ., 2000 ). CentKal: Ba- rito Ulu Research Area (D. Pio, unpublished data). EastKal: Bantol cave, Gunung Kom- beng ( Yasuma, 1994 ). Comments Individuals were captured in harp-traps set in the forest at Baai, Marang and Tintang formations. It was also captured in Gua Kelelawar at the Tintang formation. Its dis- tribution is limited to scattered localities in Sabah , Sarawak and Brunei and Peninsular Malaysia . Records from Sangkulirang are amongst only three for Kalimantan . It is known to roost in caves, rocky outcrops and hollow trees and to forage in little-disturbed forest ( Payne et al. , 2000 ). Our captures in the burnt vegetation around Baai suggest that it may also utilise secondary forests if roost resources are still available. Hipposideros galeritus Cantor, 1846