Revision of the species of Lytopylus from Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) Author Kang, Ilgoo Author Chapman, Eric G. Author Janzen, Daniel H. Author Hallwachs, Winnie Author Tanya Dapkey, Author Alex, Smith M. Author Sharkey, Michael J. text ZooKeys 2017 721 93 158 journal article 1313-2970-721-93 0F0BAB1C66954B2DAF6461B4EDE05FD9 0F0BAB1C66954B2DAF6461B4EDE05FD9 Lytopylus miguelviquezi Kang sp. n. Fig. 24, 25 Diagnosis. Apical flagellomeres brown not distinctly paler than subapical flagellomeres; fore wing mostly infuscated with a triangular second submarginal cell; fore tibia mostly melanic, yellow basally; hind tibia black basally and distally, yellow at mid-length; pronotum entirely pale (yellow to orange); mesoscutum entirely pale (yellow to orange); median areola of propodeum kite-shaped; anterior transverse carina of propodeum not reaching the lateral margin; median tergites mostly pale with posterior terga black; median syntergite 2+3 1.1 times longer than wide. Description. Holotype: female. Body length 5.1 mm. Fore wing length 4.9 mm. Fore wing mostly infuscated. Scutellar sulcus with one median longitudinal carina. Median areola of propodeum with well-defined margins. Anterior transverse carina of propodeum not reaching the lateral margin. Lateral longitudinal carinae of median tergite 1 well-defined. Median syntergite 2+3 1.1 times longer than wide. Ovipositor longer than metasoma, but shorter than body. Males. Body length usually shorter than holotype. Median tergites mostly melanic. Variation. Female anterior head varies from mostly pale to mostly melanic. Etymology. Lytopylus miguelviquezi is named in honor of Miguel Viquez in recognition of his participation in the collaborative development of the ICE-ACG geothermal project of Pailas II, northwestern Costa Rica. Biology. Reared 58 times from the Dichomeris designatella complex (21), gelJanzen01 Janzen179 (13), and gelJanzen01 Janzen485 (16), all leaf tying dichomeridine Gelechiidae feeding on mature leaves of two species of Erythroxylum ( Erythroxylaceae ) and two species of Rinorea ( Violaceae ) in ACG rain forest-dry forest ecotone, and rain forest at 109 to 540 m elevation. Figure 24. Lytopylus miguelviquezi holotype: A lateral habitus B anterior head C propodeum D dorsal habitus E fore wing F hind wing. Type material. Holotype ♀: Costa Rica, Alajuela, Sector San Cristobal, Tajo Angeles, Area de Conservaciόn Guanacaste 10.86472N - 85.41531W 540m., Carolina Cano coll., food plant: Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum macrophyllum , host caterpillar: Gelechiidae , Dichomeridinae , Dichomeris designatellaDHJ02, coll. date: 8/19/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 9/8/2010, DHJPAR0041589. Paratypes: [the following have the same data as the holotype except as indicated] ♂, host caterpillar: Dichomeris designatellaDHJ03, coll. date: 1/25/2011, parasitoid eclosion date: 2/17/2011, DHJPAR0043147. ♀, coll. date: 7/8/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 7/24/2010, DHJPAR0040341. ♀, coll. date: 7/8/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 7/26/2010, DHJPAR0040347. ♀, food plant: Violaceae Rinorea squamata , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen485, coll. date: 6/10/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/26/2010, DHJPAR0040336. [same as previous except coll. date and eclosion date] ♀, coll. date: 10/15/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/2/2010, DHJPAR0041566. ♂, coll. date: 10/15/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 10/30/2010, DHJPAR0041570. ♂, coll. date: 10/15/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 10/27/2010, DHJPAR0041565. ♂, coll. date: 10/20/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/7/2010, DHJPAR0041567. ♂, coll. date: 11/7/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/25/2010, DHJPAR0041555. ♂, coll. date: 11/7/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/24/2010, DHJPAR0041553. ♀, Elda Araya coll., coll. date: 3/4/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 4/6/2010, DHJPAR0038911. [ same as previous except coll. date and eclosion date] ♀, coll. date: 3/4/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/21/2010, DHJPAR0038920. ♀, coll. date: 3/4/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/26/2010, DHJPAR0038918. ♀, coll. date: 3/4/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/25/2010, DHJPAR0038906. ♀, coll. date: 3/4/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/26/2010, DHJPAR0038912. ♀, coll. date: 3/4/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/26/2010, DHJPAR0038916. ♀, coll. date: 6/25/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 7/11/2010, DHJPAR0040340. ♀, coll. date: 10/25/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/14/2010, DHJPAR0041575. ♀, food plant: Violaceae Rinorea squamata , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen485, coll. date: 3/7/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/24/2010, DHJPAR0038909. [same as previous except coll. date and eclosion date] ♀, coll. date: 6/10/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/30/2010, DHJPAR0040502. ♀, coll. date: 10/19/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/10/2010, DHJPAR0041563. ♀, host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen179, 5/6/2011 6/23/2011, DHJPAR0045296. [same as previous except and eclosion date] ♂, 5/6/2011 6/22/2011, DHJPAR0045305. ♀, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/20/2011, DHJPAR0045373. ♀, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/22/2011, DHJPAR0045371. ♀, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/20/2011, DHJPAR0045276. ♀, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/19/2011, DHJPAR0045372. ♀, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/25/2011, DHJPAR0045369. ♀, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/22/2011, DHJPAR0045368. [same as previous except food plant and eclosion date] ♂, food plant: Rinorea deflexiflora , coll. date: 6/4/2014, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/17/2014, DHJPAR0055506. ♀, Gloria Sihezar coll., coll. date: 6/25/2010, parasi toid eclosion date: 7/20/2010, DHJPAR0040327. [same as previous except coll. date and eclosion date] ♀, coll. date: 7/8/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 7/30/2010, DHJPAR0040332. ♀, coll. date: 11/1/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/25/2010, DHJPAR0041561. ♂, host caterpillar: Dichomeris designatellaDHJ03, coll date: 7/26/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 8/8/2010, DHJPAR0040330. [same as previous except eclosion date] ♂, parasitoid eclosion date: 8/13/2010, DHJPAR0040474. ♂, parasitoid eclosion date: 8/12/2010, DHJPAR0040459. ♂, parasitoid eclosion date: 8/11/2010, DHJPAR0040348. ♀, parasitoid eclosion date: 8/13/2010, DHJPAR0040342. ♂, parasitoid eclosion date: 8/13/2010, DHJPAR0040483. ♂, parasitoid eclosion date: 8/17/2010, DHJPAR0041588. ♀, host caterpillar: Dichomeris designatellaDHJ02, coll. date: 9/28/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 10/25/2010, DHJPAR0041592. [same as previous except coll. date and eclosion date] ♀, coll. date: 3/14/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/29/2010, DHJPAR0038917. [same as previous except as indicated] ♂, food plant: Violaceae Rinorea squamata , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen485, coll. date: 5/24/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/7/2010, DHJPAR0039509. [same as previous except coll. date and eclosion date] ♂, coll. date: 5/24/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/7/2010, DHJPAR0039516. ♂, coll. date: 5/24/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/8/2010, DHJPAR0039508. ♀, coll. date: 10/30/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 11/27/2010, DHJPAR0041574. ♀, Gloria Sihezar coll., food plant: Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum havanense , coll. date: 6/25/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 7/10/2010, DHJPAR0040326. [same as previous except as indicated] ♀, food plant: Erythroxylum macrophyllum , host caterpillar: Dichomeris designatellaDHJ02, coll. date: 2/9/2011, parasitoid eclosion date: 3/1/2011, DHJPAR0042843. ♀, Osvaldo Espinoza coll., food plant: Violaceae Rinorea squamata , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen179, coll. date: 2/9/2011, parasitoid eclosion date: 2/26/2011, DHJPAR0042842. ♂, Osvaldo Espinoza coll., coll. date: 8/29/2010, parasitoid eclosion date: 9/12/2010, DHJPAR0041597. ♀, Rio Blanco Abajo, 10.90037N - 85.37254W 500m., Gloria Sihezar coll., food plant: Violaceae Rinorea squamata , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen179, coll. date: 6/9/2011, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/24/2011, DHJPAR0045374. ♂, Sector Rincon Rain Forest, Sendero Anonas, 10.90528N - 85.27882W 405m., Anabelle Cordoba coll., food plant: Violaceae Rinorea hummelii , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen485, coll. date: 5/20/2014, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/10/2014, DHJPAR0055484. ♀, Sector Rincon Rain Forest, Quebrada Bambu, 10.9301N - 85.25205W 109m., Cirilo Umana coll., food plant: Violaceae Rinorea deflexiflora , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen179, coll. date: 5/29/2014, parasitoid eclosion date: 6/10/2014, DHJPAR0055562. ♀, Guanacaste, Sector Del Oro, Quebrada Raiz, 11.02865N - 85.48669W 280m., Roster Moraga coll., food plant: Violaceae Rinorea deflexiflora , host caterpillar: gelJanzen01 Janzen485, coll. date 6/3/2005, parasitoid eclosion date: 5/21/2005, DHJPAR0015528. ♀, Guanacaste, Sector Del Oro, Canyon Rio Mena, 10.99616N - 85.45562W 560m., Lucia Rios coll., coll. date: 3/26/2009, parasitoid eclosion date: 5/3/2009, DHJPAR0037860. ♂, Guanacaste, Sector Del Oro, Meteorologico, 11.00199N - 85.46166W 590m., Lucia Rios coll., coll. date: 9/3/2010, parasitoid closion date: 9/21/2010, DHJPAR0041949. Figure 25. Lytopylus miguelviquezi male: A lateral habitus B anterior head C propodeum D dorsal habitus E fore wing F hind wing.