Taxonomy and distribution of Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma (Asteraceae) in Poland Author Wolanin, Mateusz Institute of Biology, University of Rzeszow, Zelwerowicza 4, 35 - 601, Rzeszow, Poland Author Klichowska, Ewelina Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 3, 30 - 387, Krakow, Poland Author Jedrzejczyk, Iwona Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Cytometry, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Kaliskiego 7, 85 - 796, Bydgoszcz, Poland Author Rewers, Monika Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Cytometry, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Kaliskiego 7, 85 - 796, Bydgoszcz, Poland Author Nobis, Marcin Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 3, 30 - 387, Krakow, Poland text PhytoKeys 2023 2023-04-05 224 1 88 journal article 1314-2003-224-1 026C9306DB885DC4BE018A8ED6921203 5. Taraxacum disseminatum G.E.Haglund, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 41: 85. 1947. Type . Sweden , Goeteborg , 9 May 1943 , T. A. Borgvall ( holotype in S) . Description. Plants middle to quite large-sized, 5-15(-20) cm tall. Leaves greyish-green, sparsely hairy on the upper side, approximately (5-)7-12(-15) cm long and (1.5)2-3(-4.0) cm wide, usually 3-4 times longer than wide, blades elliptical to oblanceolate, with 3-4(-6) pairs of lateral lobes; lateral lobes opposite to remote; lateral lobes of the inner leaves triangular, broad at the base, with a convex, strongly dentate and often incised distal margin, proximal margin usually entire or with a few teeth; lateral lobes of the outer leaves triangular, uniform, broad and short, with strong teeth at often incised and convex distal margin, proximal margin usually entire and slightly concave; interlobes narrow; terminal lobe of the inner leaves triangular, somewhat elongate, sometimes lingulate, denticulate on the upper margins; terminal lobe of the outer leaves triangular, subacute, entire or with a large tooth on the upper margins; petioles unwinged, purple. Scapes as long as or longer than leaves, sparsely hairy, especially under the capitulum, their lower parts usually purple in colour. Capitulum convex, 2.5-4.0 cm in diameter, yellow, medium dense, outer strips grey-purple; inner bracts dark grey-green, pruinose; outer bracts usually 9-12, lanceolate, usually 6-10 mm long, 2-3.5 mm broad, grey-green, with a distinct white hyaline margin (0.1-0.3 mm broad), arcuate-reflexed, without or with a small corniculum; stigmas dark, greyish-green, pollen present. Achenes red-brown, with thin and long spinules in the upper part, 3.5-4.2 mm long (incl. the 1.0-1.4 mm long, cylindrical pyramid), rostrum 7-9 mm long, pappus white. Flowering period. April-May. Habitat. Mostly sunny, termophilic-ruderal places such as roadsides, pastures, forest edges and paths. In Wielkopolska Lowland ( Chwalkowo Koscielne ) we noted this species at the edge of a pine-oak grove accompanied by Adoxa moschatellina , Capsella bursa - Capsella pastoris , Geranium pusillum , Stellaria media , Taraxacum proximum , Veronica hederifolia s.l. In Podlachia ( Piatnica ) we found this species in a pastured dry sandy grassland together with Achillea millefolium , Artemisia campestris , Cerastium semidecandrum , Echium vulgare , Festuca rubra , Galium mollugo , Pimpinella saxifraga , Plantago media , Potentilla arenaria , P. argentea , Salvia verticillata , Sedum acre , Taraxacum bellicum , Trifolium repens . Somatic chromosome number. 24 ( Wolanin and Musial 2017 ). General distribution. Central, Western and Northern Europe species, reported from France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Hungary ( Van Soest 1967 , 1969 ; Doll 1973b ; Tacik 1980 ; Kerguelen 1993 ; Lundevall and Ollgaard 1999 ; Uhlemann 2003 ; Glowacki et al. 2004 ; Travnicek et al. 2010 ; Wendt and Ollgaard 2015 ). This species is probably not native to Great Britain ( Sell and Murrell 2006 ; EURO+MED 2006 -onwards). Distribution in Poland. Scattered localities, rare (Fig. 10E ). Specimens examined. AB23 - Miedzyzdroje , lawn, 53°56'10"N , 14°27'24"E , 30 April 2017 , M. Wolanin (003261 UR), BD43 - Keblowo , ruderal area near cemetery fence, 52°03'06"N , 16°06'34"E , 19 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003326 UR); CD41 - Chwalkowo Koscielne , roadside in forest, 51°59'41"N , 17°18'12"E , 16 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003327 UR); CF11 - Nysa ( Ślask ), May 1849 , M. Winkler (WRSL); DA81 - Gdansk (Stogi), roadside in forest, 54°22'15"N , 18°43'06"E , 7 May 2016 , M. Wolanin (003313 UR); DC41 - Sasieczno , pine forest edge, 52°57'03"N , 18°50'38"E ; 29 April 2018 , M. Wolanin (003471 UR); DC52 - between Wakole and Dabrowka , roadside in pine forest, 52°51'40"N , 18°58'09"E , 29 April 2018 , M. Wolanin (003450 UR); DF06 - Czarny Kamien near Moczydlo , distr. Zarki , 29 May 1976 , A. Sendek (12513 KTU); DF45 - Sosnowiec Maczki, roadside at pine forest edge, 50°15'34"N , 19°17'07"E , 2 May 2016 , M. Wolanin (003300 UR); DF58 - Bolechowice, below calcareous rock, 21 May 1976 , T. Tacik (575895 KRAM); FC13 - Piatnica ( Fort Lomza ), pastured grassland, 53°11'50"N , 22°06'53"E , 25 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003274, 003287, 003567 UR) . Notes. Plant quite large with a medium dense capitulum (particularly visible in the peripheral part of the inflorescence) up to 4 cm in diameter. Leaves broad with a rather large triangular terminal lobe. The terminal lobe edge is strongly lobed and serrated in the base part. Outer bracts with significant wide hyaline margin. Species distinct and easy to recognise, although not very common, and usually populations are not numerous (Figs 19 , 20 ). Figure 19. Variation in leaf shape in T. disseminatum ; locality - Chwalkowo Koscielne ( M. Wolanin 2016 UR). Scale bar: 5 cm. Figure 20. Taraxacum disseminatum ; locality - Chwalkowo Koscielne , 2016, photo by M. Wolanin.