Two new species of subgenus Tripodura Towns (Diptera, Chironomidae, Polypedilum) from Oriental China Author Chen, Jinxian 0000-0001-5039-9273 National Demonstration Center for Experimental Fisheries, Science Education, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, P. R. China & Shanghai Universities Key Laboratory of Marine Animal Taxonomy and Evolution, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, P. R. China & aquachenjx @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5039 - 9273 Author Zhang, Ruilei National Demonstration Center for Experimental Fisheries, Science Education, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, P. R. China & Shanghai Universities Key Laboratory of Marine Animal Taxonomy and Evolution, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, P. R. China text Zootaxa 2021 2021-11-29 5072 2 191 199 journal article 3176 10.11646/zootaxa.5072.2.8 f9c3e725-4781-463e-9045-9b357bdd3174 1175-5326 5733786 9A778801-F5E9-4B2D-9262-BECBD6A744DE Polypedilum (Tripodura) anningense sp. n. ( Figure 1 , GenBank accession Number MZ364752 , BIN number AEE6529) 237EF6BC-8AC6-4438-ACB8-2FA330ADD8BD Type material: Holotype : male ( JNU170812017 = VT06), China , Yunnan Province , Anning city, Qinglongxia scenic area, 27.IV.2017 , light trap , H. Tang . Paratypes : 2 males as the holotype . Etymology: Named after the type locality, Anning City. Diagnostic characters. Wing with one spot on cell r 4+5 distal to cross vein RM, the above opposite partial sections of R veins pigmented. AR small (0.53–0.54), broad anal point without lateral projections, superior volsella pediform. Male imago (n =3) Total length 2.17–2.18, 2.18 mm . Wing length 1.43–1.56, 1.50 mm . Total length/ wing length 1.39–1.52, 1.46. Wing length/ length of profemur 2.35–2.49, 2.42. Coloration . Head brown with yellow palpomeres. Thorax ( Figure 1A ) dark brown except pale yellow scutellum. Abdominal segments yellow to yellowish brown. Fore leg ( Figure 1B ): femur brown except apical 1/3 yellow, remaining segments yellowish brown. Mid and hind leg ( Figure 1B ): femur brown except apical 1/2 yellow, remaining segments yellowish brown. Wing ( Figure 1C ) yellow with brown spots, one spot on cell r 4+5 distal to cross vein RM, one spot on cell m 1+2 , one spot near to fork of M 3+4 and Cu 1 crossing Cu 1 , one spot on anal vein. Middle sections of R 1 , R 2+3 and R 4+5 brown. FIGURES 1A–F . Polypedilum ( Tripodura ) anningense sp. n. , male. A , thorax. B , legs. C , wing. D , spur of front tibia. E , superior volsella. F , hypopygium. Head . AR 0.53–0.54, 0.54. Ultimate flagellomere 265–281, 273 µm long. Temporal setae 8–10, 9 including 3–3 inner verticals, 4–5, 4 outer verticals and 3–4, 3 postorbitals. Clypeus with 13–16, 15 setae. Tentorium 76–95, 86 µm long; 10–15, 13 µm wide. Palpomere lengths (in µm): 45–50, 48; 24–28, 26; 55–67, 61; 77–87, 82; 138–144, 141. Wing ( Figure 1C ). VR 1.04–1.27, 1.16. Brachiolum with 1 seta. R with 15–16, 15 setae; R 1 with 10–12, 11 setae; R 4+5 with 15–18, 16 setae. Squama with 5–6, 6 setae. Thorax ( Figure 1A ). Dorsocentrals 14–15, 15 including 1–2 humerals; acrostichals 11–12, 11; prealars 4–4, 4. Scutellum with 5–6, 5 setae. Legs ( Figure 1B ). Terminal scale ( Figure 1D ) of fore tibia 30–37, 34 µm long, triangular and apically pointed. Spur of mid tibia 43–56, 48 um long including 16–23, 18 µm long comb, un-spurred comb 10–16, 14 µm long, spur of hind tibia 45–56, 50 µm long including 16–25, 21 µm long comb, un-spurred comb 13–18, 15 µm long. Width at apex of fore tibia 30–37, 34 µm, of mid tibia 30–40, 34 µm, of hind tibia 41–50, 45 µm. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of legs ( Table 1 ). TABLE 1. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of legs of P. (T. ) anningense sp. n.
fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta 5 LR
p 1 586–665, 316–380, 718–809, 438–460, 335–341, 220–261, 100–134, 2.13–2.27,
622 347 757 447 338 241 116 2.18
p2 691–700, 430–475, 267–291, 142–157, 95–108, 55–77, 40–57, 0.56–0.63,
695 472 282 149 101 64 51 0.6
p3 714–718, 585–623, 391–403, 209–224, 172–188, 105–114, 70–73, 0.63–0.68,
716 600 395 218 180 111 72 0.66
Hypopygium ( Figur 1F ). Posterior margin of tergite IX subrectangular, with 7–9 median setae. Anal tergite bands developed and fused basal to median setae. Laterosternite IX with 2–3, 2 setae. Anal point broad, 17–31, 24 µm long, without lateral projections. Phallapodeme 34–49, 40 µm long; transverse sternapodeme 33–43, 35 µm long. Gonocoxite 79–99, 89 µm long. Superior volsella ( Figure 1E ) pediform, 35–45, 40 µm long, 13–20, 17 µm wide, with 3–5 strong setae, parallel-sided basal 1/2, slightly curved distal 1/2. Inferior volsella 60–103, 78 µm long, with 5–7, 6 oral setae and one apical seta. Gonostylus 107–127, 117 µm long, with 5–8 long setae along inner margin. HR 0.69–0.80, 0.75. HV 1.91–2.03, 197.
Distribution: The species is only known from the type locality, Yunnan Province (Oriental China ). Remarks : The new species belongs to the scalaenum or the unifascum group regarding the similar wing spots pattern, however, in the new species, anal point without obvious lateral projections and superior volsella pad-like, covered with microtrichiae and several strong setae. The new species is closely related to P . ( T .) asoprimum Sasa & Suzuki from Japan but it is separated from the latter by following characters: superior volsella roughly quadrangular in asoprimum , slender and slightly curved in present new species; the spot on cell r 4+5 near to vein RM in asoprimum , distal to vein RM in present new species. The new species resembles P . ( T .) japonicum (Tokunaga) , the differences see the following key.